Library and Graduate School Postgraduate Ambassador Scheme Charter

Library and Graduate School Postgraduate Ambassador Scheme Charter
Purpose of the scheme
As a Postgraduate Ambassador, you will represent postgraduate students and the University. You will have exciting
new experiences and add to your CV, as well as communicating what you love about your Warwick experience. Your
role will involve giving prospective students invaluable peer-to-peer advice, liaising with academic departments and
supporting University events.
Requirements of the role
You should be enthusiastic, responsible and reliable, and currently enrolled as a University of Warwick postgraduate.
We encourage all postgraduate students, whether taught or research, full- or part-time, and of all nationalities, to
What we expect from you
- To engage with your department on particular tasks when asked by the scheme’s leaders;
- Respond to all communications from the scheme’s leaders;
- We expect you to submit a profile for the forthcoming Ask an Ambassador profile page and to respond to
queries submitted by prospective students;
- We expect you to participate in activities when invited, where possible;
You must commit to the Postgraduate Open Day if you are invited to participate (27 November 2013);
- We expect you to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times.
What you can expect for us
- Every opportunity you take up with the Postgraduate Ambassador scheme will help you to develop key
transferable skills such as communication, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork and practical skills. You'll
also be able to build your confidence and ability to adapt your academic skills to other areas. Being an
Ambassador is a great thing to put on your CV;
- We will provide training where necessary;
- We will keep you up-to-date with the latest in postgraduate news, giving you privileged access to event
booking (e.g. the Dissertation Station pilates sessions;
- If you participate in a minimum of four activities in one academic year, the Ambassador Team will produce a
personalised reference confirming your involvement in the scheme. You’ll also receive a certificate which
recognises the skills you have developed, and is signed by Professor Jan Palmowski, Chair of the Graduate
School and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education ;
- The selection process is competitive. Therefore, if you are selected we would like to offer a reward in the
form of a set amount of Warwick Learning Account vouchers and free access to a skills analysis package
(kindly offered by Student Careers and Skills) (please note that both of these items are TBC, but there will be
a significant reward for your dedication and commitment);
- As an Ambassador you will also have the opportunity to pitch for a blog post. Our blogs reach hundreds of
people, giving you the chance to communicate your research to a wide audience. You will also earn 1.5 hours
of pay for this activity.
Professor Jan Palmowski, Chair of the Warwick Graduate School and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education
Scheme leaders:
Dr Rebecca MC Fisher
Peter Murphy