Student Life Committee Minutes November 30, 2000 Present:

Student Life Committee Minutes
November 30, 2000
Present: M. Babin, K. Bartanen (late), B. Broek, J. Jasinski (chair), T. Jones, D. Kelley, G. Proehl, A. Tullis, C.
The meeting came to order a few minutes after 8 am. We reviewed the minutes from 10/26/00 and 11/9/00 and
approved them.
The first topic on the table concerned what the SLC should do regarding the issues surrounding the Student
Integrity Code
Jasinski asked Bartanen to ask her staff if they want to undertake a rigorous revision of the implementation
portion of the Student Integrity Code. Bartanen stated that there is still no real answer from the Dean of Students
staff but suggested that the SLC invite Jim Hoppe and Houston Dougharty to discuss directly with the committee
what to do, especially with regards to Standard V. This meeting may take place at the start of next semester.
Kelley stated that she thought that the Ad Hoc Senate Committee was still in limbo because a second faculty
member has not been appointed. Bartanen stated that she thought Terry Cooney and Bill Haltom had, in fact,
appointed a second faculty member.
The second topic for the SLC concerned its charge related to campus information and communication.
M. Babin brought back RA questionnaires that had been filled out. We have some additional questionnaires from
freshmen advisees. We now have data. The questionnaires have been divided up (approximately eight each for
Kelley, Proehl, Jasinski, Bartanen, and Washburn) for SLC members to summarize and report back during the
first meeting of next semester (see below for date and time).
The topic turned to the following question: How can we solicit information from upper-classmen regarding the
dissemination of campus information? This topic encompassed (a) the issue of questionnaire substance, and (b)
the mechanics of questionnaire distribution and recovery.
Ideas regarding distribution included: inserting a questionnaire in the off campus newsletter/ASUPS calendar;
have the ASUPS off-campus committee facilitate distribution; target the "greek" houses; have an on-line form
through the campus Web page.
It was agreed that residents of off-campus houses would be most difficult to target. It was stated that a table in
the SUB might be a good way to target this group.
In the end, the SLC seemed to agree on a three pronged approach proposed by Proehl: Distributing the
questionnaire through the (a) ASUPS off campus committee members, (b) greek house coordinators, and (c) a
table in the SUB. ASUPS off campus committee members and greek house coordinators would be asked to fill
out the questionnaires and give them to 3 - 4 of their peers.
There was then some discussion about the nature of the nature of the questions. Proehl suggested constructing
4 - 6 scenario-based questions. There was a suggestion that questions 1, 2, and 7 from the freshman
questionnaire plus a few scenario-based questions might suffice. It was stressed that the questions should focus
on campus services and campus life. Jasinski requested questions be sent to him via e-mail.
The meeting ended with some discussion about how to perform ongoing, follow-up assessment.
Meeting time next semester: Same time, same place (Wyatt XXX, 8 AM every other Thursday). The first meeting
will be January 25 , 2001.
Respectfully submitted,
Alexa Tullis