Institutional Review Board Minutes November 6, 2000 Members Present: Allen, Ferrari-Comeau, Kay, Lamb, Preiss, Stewart, Wadsworth, Woodward. This IRB meeting was opened at 2:06 PM AM in room 326 of Wyatt Hall. 1) Ray Preiss announced that Dr. Jane Moore has expressed her intent to continue to serve as the Board's community representative. 2) Upon reviewing minutes of the 10/9/00 meeting, Board members identified two errors in word choice. Those errors will be corrected by the Board secretary and revised minutes forwarded to Allen Bagwell for posting on the University web site. 3) New business - Protocols reviewed #0000-002 - revised Roger Allen reported having visited the proposed research site and viewed the LBNP device under construction. No concerns were expressed for patient safety using this device with the proposed protocol. The following additional issues were discussed: • In page 3 of the protocol, change reference to a "medical clearance form" to the actual title of the instrument, which is "Physical Activity Testing Readiness Questionnaire." • On the Physical Activity Testing Readiness Questionnaire, the Board requests that the text of item 1 be changed to read "Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition or that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor." Project approved by voice vote 8-0-0 (8 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining) #0000-003 The following issues were discussed: • Given that this is a sibling study, it requires the originally contacted subject to recruit participation of his or her siblings. • The subject recruitment poster does not indicate that family members would be required to participate in the study. • The recruitment poster must specify that the researcher is investigating sibling pairs. • The recruitment poster may be visually misleading, by illustrating young children, yet subjects must be 18 - 26 years of age. • The poster presents an opportunity to "discuss" family relationships, possibly misleading potential subjects into thinking that they may be receiving some form of counseling, as opposed to being participants in a research project. • The Board requests that the researcher identify options for psychological referral in the event of experimentally induced emotional trauma and provide a listing of those resources to all participants. Project approved by voice vote 8-0-0 Ray Preiss will communicate the above issues to the investigator. 4) New business - Charge from the Senate The board addressed the faculty Senate charge of 10/23/00. Regarding Charge #2 - Katherine Wadsworth checked all download links on the website this semester and found them to be in good working order. Regarding Charge #3 - Ray Preiss proposes to survey departments who routinely submit IRB protocols regarding IRB operations, and to inform other departments about the IRB's charge and functions. Regarding Charge #3 - The IRB will provide to the Senate a report documenting changes to Thompson Hall related to animal care. Ray Preiss suggested an IRB subcommittee be established to work with Alyce DeMarais (Biology) for the purpose of determining the composition and details of an Animal Care Committee, which would then be created and exist under the IRB, yet report directly and independently to the Dean and Senate. Recommendations will be forwarded to John Finney. Subcommittee volunteers included IRB members Preiss, Lamb, and Allen. 5) The meeting was adjourned at 2:53. Respectfully submitted, Roger Allen, IRB secretary