President Pierce called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.... members of the faculty were present. Faculty Meeting Minutes

Faculty Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2000
President Pierce called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. in McIntyre 103. Thirty-two voting
members of the faculty were present.
Minutes of the October 4 faculty meeting were approved as distributed.
There were no announcements.
We turned to the main agenda item, selecting faculty representatives to the faculty/trustee Faculty
Code revision conference committee. Faculty Senate Chair Bill Haltom reported the
recommendation of the Faculty Senate, that the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) be the
standing committee from which members are selected. He reported that the chair of PSC, Bruce
Mann, polled PSC members and determined that three members could serve on the conference
committee with no hardship, three could serve with some hardship, and one asked not to serve.
The three who could serve with no hardship were Bill Beardsley, Sarah Moore, and Bruce Mann.
Walter Lowrie asked how many conference committee representatives the trustees would have.
Haltom responded that he didn’t know, but that each side only has one vote regardless of the
number of representatives.
Lowrie M/S/P “that we elect three representatives of the faculty from the Professional
Standards Committee to the conference committee.” The motion passed on a unanimous
voice vote with no discussion.
George Tomlin M/S/P “that we select Bill Beardsley, Sarah Moore, and Bruce Mann to
serve on the conference committee.” The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote with
no discussion.
Bill Beardsley asked if there was any news about the Thompson fountain fire. President Pierce
responded that there was not, and that the Tacoma police were pursuing the case energetically.
David Balaam asked if we should discuss the increase in medical benefits premiums. President
Pierce responded that a forum was being scheduled to discuss this. Secretary John Finney
announced that the forum would be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7 in McIntyre 003.
The consensus of the faculty was that staff as well as faculty should be invited to the forum.
We adjourned at 4:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
John M. Finney
Secretary of the Faculty