General Education Committee October 26, 2010 McMahon Centennial Center 8:00 AM Special Meeting – Approved Minutes Members present: (Chair) James Heflin - Communications Mary Penick – Computing and Technology John Geiger – Psychology Kirsten Underwood – Music Ramona Hall – Education Jason Smith – Library Mohammad Tabatabai – Mathematical Sciences David Fennema – Theatre Arts Nicole Bucher – Student member Karla Oty – IRAA Marge Kingsley was also present. Discussions: 1. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 AM. 2. Kingsley started the meeting by stating that everyone should be given at least a weeks’ notice prior to meeting with the HLC. Kingsley also stated that the last assessment Cameron needed to focus on four major areas of improvement: Assessment, Affirmative Action, Evaluation, and Strategic Planning. Strengthening the General Education Assessment was also a minor issue. 3. Kingsley also highlighted that Cameron is making progress towards improving general education assessment, including having a General Education PQIR last spring. Kingsley referred to the handout about various criteria and focused on Criterion 4C, and how Cameron has made good progress towards building more diversity and technology. 4. Kingsley passed out a copy of chapter four of the self-study that emphasized many activities that Cameron has done over the past decade to promote globalization. 5. Next item of discussion was about highlighting the progress that the General Education Committee has made over the past couple of years. Oty emphasized not to make things up, but also do not focus only on the negative things, such as gaps in the general education committee. Underwood said when the General Education Committee did not meet it was because they were under the impression that the Institutional Assessment Committee was supposed to be doing general education assessment. Kingsley pointed out that the really impressive part of the General Education PQIR was that multiple departments worked together to accomplish the goal. 6. Kingsley said that Cameron has at least addressed concerns from the last HLC visit. Heflin pointed out that Cameron cannot do anything about past failures, but can move forward with good plans. Geiger expressed concerns that perhaps this shows weakness that there has only been one PQIR conducted, and the committee does not have all of the results yet. Oty said what is good about the General Education PQIR is that it is sustainable and can keep moving forward. 7. New Business: Oty gave out an updated handout of the General Education Matrix with Master Course Outlines. Oty addressed some gaps, such as HUM 2513, which may be removed. Oty also said every department except for Psychology has dropped learning outcome 2.B. 8. Oty gave out the National Survey of Student Engagement 2010 questionnaire. Oty said this survey will be given out in Spring 2011. Oty said the results are national and benchmarked. 9. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd at 8:00 AM in the McMahon Centennial Center. Agenda for this meeting will include a report on Sub-Committee 2.D., action plans from focus groups, and removing HUM 2513 course. 10. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM.