General Education Committee December 7, 2009 Howell Hall 107 3:15 PM

General Education Committee
December 7, 2009 Howell Hall 107 3:15 PM
Approved Minutes
Members present:
Abdulhamid Sukar – Business
Mary Penick – Computing and Technology
Greg Treadwell – Business
Christopher Keller - Communication
John Hodgson – English
Jason Smith - Library
John Geiger- Psychology
David Fennema – Theatre Arts
(Chair) Kirsten Underwood - Music
Benson Warren and Tom Sutherlin were also present.
Agenda Items/Discussions
1. The meeting was called to order at 3:15 PM.
2. Penick made a motion to approve November 20 minutes. Hodgson seconded.
3. Old Business: Underwood passed out the November 4 Pilot Sub-Committee for
Objective 2.d. minutes. This led to some discussion about reliability. Also included was
the draft of a rubric made for the Fine Arts area about Objective 2.d. Hodgson made a
motion to change the word “proofreading” to “editing” under section seven
“communicates effectively.” Treadwell asked if this rubric will be common for all of the
general education learning objectives. Underwood said the rubric has been designed
specifically for fine arts objectives; however, the final goal for general education will be
to have common rubrics for all of the objectives. Warren said that this rubric deals with
aesthetics and making informed judgments that measures critical thinking. Sutherlin
suggested running this pilot project twice before moving on to another objective. A
discussion was also led about different methods being accessed, such as conducting
research, doing writing assignments, and presentations. Sutherlin said that it would be
difficult to have a viable correlation because two different processes are being
measured due to one process involving research and writing, and the other process
involving giving a presentation. Underwood said that this will be left for discussion with
the pilot sub-committee.
4. New Business: Underwood passed out a draft calling for a reduction in the number of
general education hours to be handed to the department chairs and deans. Hodgson
suggested that the word “requirements” be added in the 1st paragraph of this draft.
Discussion by the committee on whether this number should be 42 or 44 hours. Geiger
commented on the last paragraph about the term “colleagues.” It was agreed to leave
the names and departments on this draft. Treadwell said that Dr. McArthur told him
that the orientation class will be included in the general education requirements that
will not be included in the 44 hours. Discussion led to what directives this committee
was given in terms of eliminating 6 hours of general education requirements. Fennema
suggested waiting to hear from Dr. McArthur about what he wants the committee to do.
Underwood made a motion to approve this draft. Hodgson moved with changes.
Penick seconded.
5. Next item for business was a draft for the department chairs that requests data from
their general education classes. This draft includes a timeline of when this information
is needed, and the specific courses of action by the General Education Committee and
its PQIR for objectives 1.d, 2.d, and 2.e. Underwood also included a table that can assist
in collecting this data. Sutherlin said he wanted this information to help identify
performance, then use it as a way to improve student learning. Underwood also
handed out a table that can assist in collecting this data, including an area where
departments can outline an action plan. This information could also be helpful to the
Institutional Assessment Committee. Treadwell asked if the committee should forward
any suggestions to departments about multiple faculty teaching the same courses, as
well as provide mentors for each adjunct. Discussion led to courses being taught in
different formats, such as online, ITV, and face-to-face classes. Sutherlin said regardless
of the format, each class has to be taught the same way, with students learning the
same information. Warren suggested reminding the chairs to include common syllabi,
textbooks, and other information that demonstrate that courses in different formats are
being taught similarly. Underwood said she will add the suggestions to this draft, except
for the common textbooks. Underwood made a motion for the changes. Penick moved
the motion, and Fennema seconded.
6. Next item on the agenda was to assign committee members and chairs to a specific
objective for the PQIR Preparation Assignment. The chairs for each committee are John
Hodgson for objective 1.d, Mary Penick for objective 2.d, and David Fennema for
objective 2.e.
7. Last item on the agenda: the committee agreed to meet on the last Friday of each
month at 3:00 PM.
8. The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 29th at 3:00 PM.
9. Meeting adjourned at 4:14 PM.