General Education Committee Meeting Minutes

General Education Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: February 11, 2015
Committee Members Present: Kirsten Underwood, Edris Montalvo, Yingqin Liu, Yanjun
Zhao, Karla Oty, Abdulhamid Sukar, Marge Kingsley, Jenel Cavazos, Mandi Smith, Matthew
Van Sant, Syed Ahmed, Amanda Husak, Kerri Stephens, and Loree Gaines
Meeting was called to order at 4:02 PM in CETES Conference Room B
1. Minutes from the January 14, 2015 meeting were read and approved with minor corrections.
2. February General Education/PQIR Roundtables. General Education Roundtable discussions
this month will focus on Ethics, Information Literacy, and Critical Thinking. Each General
Education Learning Outcome will have Roundtable discussions on a rotating basis from year
to year. Each person on the General Education Committee (GEC) is encouraged to attend as
many Roundtable discussions as possible. If the GEC member is an advisor for a disciplinary
group (see Assignments for Working with Departments on General Education Assessment
below) which has one of the three learning outcomes listed above, they should attend the
Roundtable discussion for that learning outcome. Tentative dates and locations for the
Roundtable Discussions are:
a. Ethics
Feb 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM MCC Executive Boardroom
b. Information Literacy
Feb 20, 2015 at 9:30 AM
CETES Conference Room B
c. Critical Thinking
Feb 27, 2015 at 11:00 AM CETES Conference Room B
3. Grant Money Spending. In the past the IAC committee determined how grant money was
spent for assessment. This year the Deans of the schools were given the grant money to
disperse among the departments for assessment. The GEC has $2,000 to spend on
assessment. We will choose 10 different General Education rubrics to send to reviewers for
validity. Reviewer will be paid $200 for their review. Each member of the GEC was asked to
locate available and willing reviewers at institutions similar to Cameron University before
the March 11, 2015 GEC meeting.
4. Dr. Cavazos, Dr. Oty, and Dr. Underwood met and developed a survey covering General
Education. The plan is to have all the departments administer the survey to their students in
Capstone classes. With some minor modification, the survey could also be used by the
Alumni Association for recent graduates.
5. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) item 4.B.4. There was discussion on what is meant by
“substantial participation of faculty” in General Education Assessments. The GEC
acknowledged the need for proper documentation of General Education assessment
participation. One method of documentation will be to add a question to the Achievement
Summary / Analysis section of WEAVE. The Institutional Assessment Committee will need
to decide if they want the departments to add General Education Assessment (IAC) meeting
minutes to WEAVE. Dr. Underwood will contact the IAC.
6. There was no other new business.
7. Next GEC meeting will be Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 4:00 PM in CETES room 207.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 4:52 PM.
Submitted by Loree Gaines
General Education Committee
Assignments for Working with Departments on General Education Assessment
Disciplinary Group
GEC Member
Learning Outcome
American History
Behavioral Science
Physical Education Activity
Political Science
Science – Biology
Science – Physical Sciences
Humanities – Diversity
Humanities – Aesthetics
Loree Gaines
Edris Montalvo
Matthew Van Sant
Mandi Smith
Kirsten Underwood
Ann Nalley
Yingqin Liu
Yanjun Zhao
Kerri Stephens
Jenel Cavazos
Syed Ahmed
Abdulhamid Sukar
Communication and Ethics
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
Communication, Ethics, and
Information Literacy