General Education Committee Minutes for Meeting dated Friday, November 14, 2013 Present:

General Education Committee
Minutes for Meeting dated Friday, November 14, 2013
Meeting called to order at 3:30
Dennis Frisby (Chair), Karla Oty, Margery Kingsley, Mandy Husak,
Mathew Van Sant, Edna McMillan, Judy Neal, Abdulhamid Sukar, and
Edris Montalvo.
Handouts: Revised Common Syllabus and Problem Solving Rubric for Economics.
No quorum could be made; no votes were taken.
1. Meeting called to order at 3:30 am in CETES 207
2. Minutes from October 11, 2013 were tabled for approval at the next meeting.
3. Department of Physical Sciences request to modify the General Physical
Science course: McGuire explained the rationale for requesting to decrease the
credit hours of the General Physical Science from its current 5 credit hours to 4
credit hours. The main reason as he explained was to align the course with that
of other regional universities and make a course transfer easier. The GEC
committee discussed the proposal but postponed the decision until next meeting.
4. Course Additions-Hum 2113 and HUM 2223: Janda explained the reasons for
requesting to add these two new courses in the curriculum of the Department of
History and Government. He explained in great detail how these two courses
would benefit teacher education majors and those in social studies education
program. Oty asked why Rogers State University syllabus was included in the
proposal and not locally developed syllabus. Janda said the main reason was
lack of time to write one. If approved, he said a person who is teaching the
course will develop a syllabus. Montalvo volunteered to help on the assessment
aspect of these courses during the transition. Oty asked the committee to look
into the effect of the proposed changes on other courses that assess aesthetics
and diversity learning objectives.
5. Department of History and Government-Request to block enrollment of students
with English Deficiency in selected courses: Janda presented the merits of his
department’s proposal and answered questions regarding the number of
students affected by the change and the impact on enrollment. The main
concerns were the effects on the number of courses students with academic
deficiencies could take, enrollment, and retention. Frisby said this issue is very
critical and the committee will further discuss and make a decision in the next
6. Committee assignments for GEC assessment:- GEC members reported about
their meetings with their assigned departments.
7. Rubric Review:- Oty passed a copy of problem solving rubric for economics. The
committee agreed to discuss the rubrics when they are all completed.
8. Discuss common syllabus language for Gen Ed Assessment:- Frisby distributed
a revised copy of common syllabus. The committee discussed the wordings of
the common syllabus and agreed to finalize it in the next meeting.
9. December meeting date: To be announced
10. Other business:- None
11. The meeting adjourned at 4:30.