Degree and Study Plan College: Department: Cohorts: Degree: Major: Specialization: College of Education Curriculum and Teaching 2010 and after Bachelor of Education English Language Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) Intensive English levels Arabic Contemporary Omani Society Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture University Electives (UE) 6 +NC 3 1 2 6 See List A College Requirements (CR) 0 See List B College Electives (CE) 0 See List C Departmental Requirements (DR) 0 See List D Departmental Electives (DE) 0 See List E Major Requirements (AR) 106 See List F Major Electives (AE) 4 See List G Specialization Requirements (SR) 0 See List H Specialization Electives (SE) 0 See List I Minor Requirements (IR) 0 See List J Minor Electives (IE) See List K TOTAL For reference contact: 0 125 HOD Ext. 1617 HoD Date Dean’s Office Date Admission and Registration Date page 1 of 6 Department of Curriculum and Teaching English Language Plan Study Plan for 2010 Cohort and after Semester 1 Fall Course Code Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Semester 2 Spring Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Foundation Program Course Code ARAB 1001 Course Title Arabic Language 3 ****** University Elective I 2 SOCY 1001 Modern Omani Society 1 LANC 1113 Language Skills I 3 FPEL0604 LANC 1115 Reading & Vocab I 3 FPEL0604 LANC 1117 Writing I 3 FPEL0604 UR UE UR Basics of scientific Research 2 University Elective II 2 Oman & Islamic Civilization OR Islamic Culture 2 LANC 1118 Language Skills II 3 LANC1113 LANC 1119 Reading & Vocabulary II 3 LANC1115 LANC 1120 Writing II 3 LANC1117 PSYC 1011 ****** HIST1010 OR ISLM1010 Total AR AR AR 15 Total Semester 4 Spring Cr. Foundation Program Course Code Semester 3 Fall Course Title AR UE UR AR AR AR 15 page 2 of 6 Semester 5 Fall EDUC 2003 Foundations of Education Educational Psychology 3 ENGL 2108 Modern English Grammar 3 ENGL 2320 ENGL 2225 Introduction to the Study of Language & Phonetics Introduction to Literature I Critical Reading 3 3 3 PSYC1011 AR LANC1118,LANC1119, LANC1120 LANC1118,LANC1119, LANC1120 LANC1118,LANC1119, LANC1120 LANC1118,LANC1119, LANC1120 or ENGL2109 AR AR AR AR 18 Total Course Code Semester 6 Spring AR PSYC 2011 ENGL 2134 Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* PSYC 3011 Counseling Psychology 3 PSYC2011 ENGL 3217 Children’s Literature 3 ENGL2225 ENGL 2327 Phonology & Morphology 3 ENGL2320 ENGL 2226 Introduction to Literature II 3 ENGL2225 CUTM 3007 Educational Curriculum for 3 Engl. ENGL 3128 Speaking 3 Cat. AR AR AR AR AR ENGL2134, ENGL2135 or ENGL2108 AR AR AR 18 Total Semester 7 Fall 3 TECH 3008 Introduction to Educational Technology 3 ENGL 3324 Techniques in Translation 3 ENGL3217 AR AR ENGL 3127 Academic Writing 3 TRAN2220 or ENGL2217 or ENGL2226 or ENGL2135 ENGL 3329 Syntax and Semantics 3 ENGL2327 or TRAN2220 ****** University Elective III 2 Studies in Longer Fiction 3 ENGL 3417 Total UE ENGL3217 or ENGL2226 AR 17 page 3 of 6 Semester 8 Spring CUTM 3012 Methods of Teaching English 1 3 TECH3008, CUTM 3007 ENGL 3129 Research Project 3 ENGL3127 or ARTS1001 AR AR ENGL 3328 Language in Society 3 ENGL3329 AR ENGL**** Dept Elective I 2 PSYC 4011 EDUC 3217 Educational Measurement and Evaluation Edu. Sys. in Oman & the Gulf States Semester 9 fall Total 3 PSYC3011 3 EDUC2003 AR AR 17 CUTM 4012 Methods of Teaching English 2 3 CUTM3012 ENGL4421 Language Acquisition 3 ENGL3329, ENGL3129, CUTM3012 3 ENGL3129 or TRAN3223 2 EDUC3217 ENGL3129, ENGL3328 ENGL4329 EDUC3201 Discourse Analysis & Programs Introduction to School Administration ENGL4235 World Literature in English 3 ENGL**** Dept. Elective II 2 Total Semester 10 Spring AE AR AR AR AR AE 16 Course Code Course Title CUTM 4500 Teaching Practice Total AR Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. 9 CUTM4012 AR 9 page 4 of 6 Department of Curriculum and Teaching - Degree Plan for 2010 and after LIST F – MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (109 credits) Course Code LANC1113 LANC1115 LANC1117 LANC1118 LANC1119 LANC1120 ENGL2108 Course Title CR. Pre-req./Co-req.* FPEL0604 FPEL0604 FPEL0604 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 LANC1113 LANC1115 LANC1117 LANC1118, LANC1119, LANC1120 3 LANC1118, LANC1119, LANC1120 ENGL2225 ENGL2134 ENGL2327 ENGL2226 Language Skills I Reading & Vocabulary I Writing I Language Skills II Reading & Vocabulary II Writing II Modern English Grammar Introduction to the Study of Language & Phonetics Introduction to Literature I Critical Reading Phonology & Morphology Introduction to Literature II 3 3 3 3 ENGL3127 Academic Writing 3 ENGL3128 ENGL3217 ENGL3329 ENGL3129 ENGL3324 ENGL3328 Speaking Children’s Literature Syntax and Semantics Research Project Techniques in Translation Language in Society 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENGL4421 Language Acquisition 3 ENGL3417 ENGL4329 ENGL4235 PSYC1011 PSYC2011 PSYC3011 PSYC4011 EDUC2003 EDUC3201 EDUC3217 TECH3008 CUTM3007 CUTM3012 CUTM4012 CUTM4500 Studies in Longer Fiction Discourse Analysis & Programs World Literature in English Basics of scientific Research Educational Psychology Counseling Psychology Educational Measurement. & Evaluation Foundation of Education Introduction to School Administration Edu. Sys. in Oman & the Gulf States Intro to Educational Technology Educational Curriculum for English Method of Teach English 1 Method of Teac. English 2 Teaching Practice 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 9 LANC1118, LANC1119, LANC1120 ENGL2109 ENGL2320 ENGL2225 TRAN2220 or ENGL2217 or ENGL2226 or ENGL2135 ENGL2134 or ENGL2135 or ENGL2108 ENGL2225 ENGL2327orTRAN2220 ENGL3127 or TRAN1001 ENGL3217 ENGL3329 ENGL3329, ENGL3129, CUTM4012 or ENGL3325+ ENGL3124+ CUTM3012 ENGL3217 and ENGL2226 ENGL3129 or TRAN3223 ENGL3129 or ENGL3328 ENGL2320 PSYC1011 PSYC2011 PSYC3011 EDUC3217 EDUC2003 TECH3008, CUTM3007 CUTM3012 CUTM4012 page 5 of 6 Department of Curriculum and Teaching - Degree Plan for 2010 and after LIST G – MAJOR ELECTIVES (4 credits) Course Code ENGL4560 ENGL4561 ENGL4562 ENGL4563 ENGL4564 ENGL4565 ENGL4566 ENGL4567 ENGL4568 ENGL4569 ENGL4570 ENGL4571 ENGL4572 ENGL4573 ENGL4574 ENGL4575 ENGL4576 ENGL4577 ENGL4578 ENGL4579 ENGL4580 ENGL4581 ENGL4582 ENGL4590 ENGL4591 ENGL4592 ENGL 4593 ENGL4595 Course Title CR. Pre-req./Co-req.* Period Study Genre Study Special Topic in Literature (To be Offered Only in the Summer) Major Author Eighteenth C Litt 19th C Litt. 20th C Litt. Comp. Litt. World Litt. Mod. Litt. Crit. Aspects of Sociolinguistics Aspects of Psycholing. Aspects of Trans Special Topic in Literature (To be Offered Only in the Summer) Aspects of Synt. & Sem. Advanced Language Proficiency (To be Offered Only in the Summer) Aspects of Language Proficiency (To be Offered Only in the Summer) Lang. & Culture Word Formation Adv. Oral Prof Spec. Topic in Ling. Reading in Applied Linguistics Lang. in Use Anthropological Ling. Literary Crit. Classical Background to Engl. Litt. Studies in the Essay Creative Writing 2 2 2 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR TRAN 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 2 2 ENGL 3329 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ARTS1001 or ENGL3127 ARTS1001 or ENGL3127 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3128 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3329 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran 3123 ENGL 3214 OR ENGL 3217 OR Tran. 3123 page 6 of 6