Estimating Achievement Gaps from Test Scores Reported in Ordinal "Proficiency" Categories
Andrew D. Ho
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Sean F. Reardon
Stanford University
Author Note
This paper was supported in part by a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences
(#R305A070377) and a fellowship from the National Academy of Education and the Spencer
Foundation. The authors benefited from the research assistance of Demetra Kalogrides and Erica
Greenberg of Stanford University and Katherine Furgol of the University of Iowa.
Test scores are commonly reported in a small number of ordered categories. These contexts
include state accountability testing, Advanced Placement tests, and English proficiency tests.
This paper introduces and evaluates methods for estimating achievement gaps on a familiar
standard-deviation-unit metric using data from these ordered categories alone. These methods
hold two practical advantages over alternative achievement gap metrics. First, they require only
categorical proficiency data, which are often available where means and standard deviations are
not. Second, they result in gap estimates that are invariant to score scale transformations,
providing a stronger basis for achievement gap comparisons over time and across jurisdictions.
We find three candidate estimation methods that recover full-distribution gap estimates well
when only censored data are available.
Keywords: achievement gaps, proficiency, nonparametric statistics, ordinal statistics
Estimating Achievement Gaps from Test Scores Reported in Ordinal "Proficiency" Categories
Achievement gaps are among the most visible large-scale educational statistics. Closing
achievement gaps among traditionally advantaged and disadvantaged groups is an explicit goal
of state and federal education policies, including current and proposed authorizations of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Miller & McKeon, 2007). Gaps and gap trends are
thus a commonplace topic of national and state report cards, newspaper articles, scholarly
articles, and major research reports (e.g., Education Week, 2010; Jencks & Phillips, 1998;
Magnuson & Waldfogel, 2008; Vanneman, Hamilton, Baldwin Anderson, & Rahman, 2009).
Researchers selecting an achievement gap metric face three issues. First, average-based
gaps—effect sizes or simple differences in averages—are variable under plausible
transformations of the test score scale (Ho, 2007; Reardon, 2008a; Seltzer, Frank, & Bryk, 1994;
Spencer, 1983). Second, gaps based on percentages above a cut score, such as differences in
“proficiency” or passing rates, vary substantially under alternative cut scores (Ho, 2008;
Holland, 2002). Third, researchers often face a practical challenge: Although they may wish to
use an average-based gap metric, the necessary data may be unavailable.
This last situation has become common even as the reporting requirements of the No
Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) have led to large amounts of easily accessible test score data.
The emphasis of NCLB on measuring proficiency rates over average achievement has led states
and districts to report “censored data”: test score results in terms of categorical achievement
levels, typically given labels like “below basic,” “basic,” “proficient,” and “advanced.” These
censored data are often reported in lieu of traditional distributional statistics like means and
standard deviations. A recent Center on Education Policy (2007) report noted that state-level
black and white means and standard deviations required for estimating black-white achievement
gaps were available in only 24 states for reading and 25 states for mathematics. Moreover, many
of these states only made these statistics available upon formal request. Without access to basic
distributional statistics, much less full distributional information, research linking changes in
policies and practices to changes in achievement gaps becomes substantially compromised in the
absence of alternative methodological approaches.
This paper develops and evaluates a set of methods for estimating achievement gaps
when standard distributional statistics are unavailable. The first half of this paper reviews
traditional gap measures and their shortcomings and then presents alternative gap measures in an
ordinal, or nonparametric framework. Links to a large literature in nonparametric statistics and
signal detection theory are emphasized. This nonparametric approach generally assumes full
information about the test score distributions of both groups. The second half of the paper
introduces and evaluates methods for estimating achievement gaps using censored, unanchored
data. This describes most readily available state testing data under NCLB, where only a small
number of categories are defined, and the cut scores delineating categories are either unknown or
not locatable on an interval scale. The contribution of the paper is a toolbox of transformationinvariant gap estimation methods that either overcomes or circumvents the aforementioned
theoretical and practical challenges: transformation-dependence, cut-score-dependence, and the
scarcity of standard distributional statistics.
Traditional Achievement Gap Measures and Their Shortcomings
A test score gap is a comparative statistic describing the difference between two
distributions. Typically, the target of inference is the difference between central tendencies.
Three “traditional” gap metrics dominate this practice of gap reporting. The first is the test’s
score scale, where gaps are most often expressed as a difference in group averages. For a student
test score, , a typically higher scoring reference group, , and a typically lower scoring focal
group, , the difference in averages,
, follows:
The second traditional metric expresses the gap in terms of standard deviation units. This
metric allows for standardized interpretations when the test score scale is not well established
and affords aggregation and comparison across tests with differing score scales (Hedges &
Olkin, 1985). Sometimes described as Cohen’s , this effect size expresses
quadratic average of both groups’ standard deviations,
in terms of a
, as follows:
The third traditional metric, the percentage-above-cut (PAC) metric, has become
particularly widespread under NCLB, which mandates state selection of cut scores delineating
“proficiency.” Schools with insufficient percentages of proficient students face the threat of
sanctions. The relevance of the cut score and the mandated reporting of disaggregated
proficiency percentages lead to a readily available gap statistic: the difference in percentages of
proficient students. If
are the percentages of groups
above a given cut
score, the PAC-based gap is
The PAC-based gap in Equation 3 is known to be dependent upon the location of the cut
score (Ho, 2008; Holland, 2002). If the two distributions are normal and share a common
variance, however, this cut-score dependence can be eliminated by a transformation of PACs
onto the standard-deviation-unit metric using an inverse normal transformation. The resulting
gap estimate, denoted
, for the “difference in transformed percentages-above-cut”
(DTPAC), is written:
This method implicitly assumes the test scores in groups
are both normally distributed
with equal variance. The resulting gap can be interpreted in terms of standard deviation units. If
the distributions meet this strict normal, equal-variance assumption, Equation 4 returns the same
effect size regardless of cut-score location. Moreover, this common effect size will be equal to
Cohen’s . More formal demonstrations of the logic of this transformation are widespread (e.g.,
Hedges and Olkin, 1985; Ho, 2009).
Table 1 displays these four gap measures as they describe the White-Black fourth-grade
reading test score gap in Alabama. 1 Data are from the National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) in 2005 and 2007. Gap trends are also shown as the simple gap change from
2005 to 2007. Row 1 of Table 1 shows that Alabama’s White-Black gap decreased 6.41 scale
score points: from 32.0 to 25.6 between 2005 and 2007. Row 2 of Table 1 shows that the
based gap for Alabama decreased from 0.88 standard deviation units in 2005 to 0.74 standard
deviation units in 2007, a decrease of 0.14 standard deviation units. Rows 3-5 show
gaps for Alabama on the three NAEP cut scores. The NAEP cut scores are the lower borders of
three NAEP achievement levels: Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. The gaps in the percentages
above these cut scores are denoted in Rows 3, 4, and 5 as
, and
The differences between gaps across the three cut scores are stark. Gaps appear to be
much larger at Basic and Proficient cut scores than at the Advanced cut score. Gaps decrease
We chose Alabama for this illustrative example for two reasons. First, Alabama was one of only 7 out of a
possible 200 state-subject-grade combinations with statistically significant NAEP White-Black gap trends between
2005 and 2007 (Vanneman, Hamilton, Baldwin Anderson, & Rahman, 2009). Second, the White-Black gap in
Alabama in 2007 was similar in magnitude to that of the U.S. as a whole.
5.52 percentage points at the Basic cut score but increase 1.45 and 1.34 percentage points at the
Proficient and Advanced cut scores. These seeming contradictions cloud the overall finding of
“a statistically significant gap closure” and encourage inferences about interactions between gap
trends and particular regions of the score distributions. Finally, the DTPAC approach shown in
Rows 6-8 yields results that differ substantially across cut scores, revealing violations of the
normal, equal variance assumption in practice. For example, the DTPAC-based gap trend at the
“Advanced” cut score shows twice the decline of the gap trend at other cut scores. Note that the
relatively large gap trend for Alabama over other states makes sign-reversal—the most dramatic
dependence—less likely across metrics. Alabama thus provides a somewhat conservative
example of the degree to which interpretations may change under gap metric selection.
Each of the four metrics compared in Table 1 has shortcomings. The first two averagebased metrics depend on the assumption that the test score scale has equal-interval properties
(Reardon, 2008b). If equal-interval differences do not share the same meaning throughout all
levels of the test score distribution, nonlinear transformations become permissible, and
distortions of averages and Cohen-type effect sizes will result. In educational measurement,
arguments for strict equal interval properties are difficult to support (Kolen & Brennan, 2004;
Lord, 1980; Spencer, 1983; Zwick, 1992). And the magnitude of differences under plausible
scale transformations can be of practical significance. Ho (2007) has shown that
can vary
by more than 0.10 from baseline values under plausible monotone transformations. Further,
estimates of
based on different reported test score metrics of the Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) reveal cross-metric gap trend differences
as large as 0.10 (author calculations from Pollack, Narajian, Rock, Atkins-Burnett, & Hausken,
2005). This range is sufficient to call many gap comparisons and gap trends into question.
Gap inferences based on PAC-based metrics are subject to a different kind of distortion.
Holland (2002) demonstrates that gap magnitude is confounded by the location of the cut score.
With two normal distributions, for example, PAC-based gaps are maximized when the cut score
is at the midpoint between the modes of the two distributions. In Table 1, this explains the
greater magnitudes of the gaps in Row 3 over Rows 4 and 5, as the NAEP Basic cut score is
generally more central than the higher Proficient and extremely high Advanced cut scores. As a
corollary, when the scores of both groups are increasing, gap trends based on low cut scores will
show gap closure, and gap trends based on high cut scores will show gap increases. Although it
is tempting to interpret the gap trends in Rows 3, 4, and 5 as a story about gap trends increasing
for high-scoring students but decreasing for low-scoring students, there is an alternative
interpretation: proportionately more white students than black students crossed the Advanced
NAEP cut score simply because more of them were near the cut score initially.
The inverse normal transformation of the percentages-above-cuts helps to address the
predictable relationship between estimated gaps and the locations of cut scores, but it rests on the
assumption of normality and equal variance, which is rarely satisfied in practice (Ho, 2008,
2009). As Table 1 illustrates, when this assumption is not met, estimated gaps and gap trends
may be highly sensitive to the location of the cut score used to estimate them.
Taken together, these shortcomings raise serious concerns about the gap and gap trend
metrics in Table 1. The first two rows assume not only equal-interval scale properties but also,
for gap trends, the maintenance of equal-interval properties over time. The gaps and gap trends
in the next three rows confound the movement of score distributions with the density of students
adjacent to the cut score. Unadjusted
and Δ
statistics will either appear contradictory
across cut scores or encourage inaccurate inferences about gaps and gap trends at different
regions of the distribution. The gaps and trends in the last three rows illustrate the consequences
of a violation of the strict normal, equal variance distributional assumption. These shortcomings
motivate an alternative approach to achievement gap reporting.
An Ordinal Framework for Gap Trend Reporting
The literature on ordinal distributional comparisons contains attractive alternatives to
traditional gap metrics. When the scale-dependence of gap statistics is a concern, gaps can be
derived from transformation-invariant representations like the probability-probability (PP) plot
(Ho, 2009; Livingston, 2006; Wilk & Gnanadesikan, 1968). The PP plot is best described by
considering the two Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs),
the proportions of students (
) at or below a given score
in groups
, which return
and ,
respectively. The left panel of Figure 1 shows the normal CDFs of Alabama’s White and Black
test score distributions on the 2005 Grade 4 NAEP Reading test as an example. These are
labeled generically as a lower-scoring focal distribution,
, and the higher scoring reference
. The vertical axis expresses the proportion at or below a given NAEP scale score
. The left panel of Figure 1 shows that, for the basic cut score of 208, 33% of the reference
group is at or below Basic, whereas 69% of the focal group is at or below Basic.
Due to the construction of the PP plot from paired cumulative proportions, all statistics
generated from a PP plot are transformation-invariant. One useful statistic is the area under the
PP curve, which is equal to Pr
, denoted
for short: the probability that a randomly
drawn group a student has a greater score than a randomly drawn group b student. This statistic
has a substantial background in the nonparametric and ordinal statistics literature (e.g., Cliff,
1993; McGraw & Wong, 1992; Vargha & Delaney, 2000). In signal detection theory and
medical testing, a mathematically equivalent expression is known as the Area Under the Curve
(AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve, where the ROC curve is a PP plot
with a particular interpretation. In this literature, the two distributions are usually those of
healthy and sick populations along some test criterion, and the interpretation of AUC is as a
summary measure of the diagnostic capability of the criterion (Swets & Pickett, 1982). The use
of these approaches for expressing achievement gaps in education is fairly limited (exceptions
include Livingston, 2006; Neal, 2006; Reardon, 2008b).
Although the interpretation of
may be appealing, a Cohen-like effect size that
avoids the proportion metric allows for better equal-interval properties and interpretation in
terms of standard deviation units. For this purpose, Ho and Haertel (2006) and Ho (2009)
propose the
statistic, a nonlinear monotonic transformation of
statistic has several useful properties. First,
is equal to the Cohen effect size
when the two test score distributions are normal, even if they have unequal variances. 2
However, even in these circumstances, Cohen’s
will not. The implicit condition equating
will vary under scale transformations whereas
is respective normality (Ho, 2009). That
is, the two distributions need not be normal in the metric in which they are observed, but there
must be a common transformation of that metric that would render both distributions normal.
This is a more flexible assumption than assuming distributions are normal on their extant
common scale. It is, in fact, departures from respective equivariant normality, not just
The statistic arises from this relationship between the parameters of two normal distributions and
: the area
under the PP curve for the two normal distributions. When both distributions are normal with mean and variance
, , and , the relationship follows (Downton, 1973):
parameters ,
Solving for
yields . Equivalent expressions to have proposed in the ROC literature (e.g., Simpson and
Fitter, 1973), where it is commonly known as . However, in the context of medical tests, AUC-type measures are
most commonly used (Pepe, 2003).
equivariant normality, that lead to disagreements between
gaps estimated from different
cut scores. In general, distributional assumptions in an ordinal framework are best described as
respective or transformation-inducible. In the ROC literature, where the concern is sensitivity
and specificity of diagnostic tests, the transformation-inducible normality assumption has been
described as “binormal” (Swets & Pickett, 1982). In the context of gaps between test score
distributions, we retain the descriptor “respective normal” to make more explicit that the
distributions need not be normal and need not be restricted to two in number.
statistic can be understood as the difference in mean test scores between two
groups, both with normal test score distributions, that would correspond to a PP plot with an area
under the curve of
. As shown in Equation 5,
can be computed directly from the area
under the PP curve. It is thus broadly interpretable as a transformation-invariant analogue of
even when distributions are not respectively normal.
When the full CDFs are known for both groups, the calculation of nonparametric gap
statistics like
follows in straightforward fashion from the PP plot. When only
censored, PAC-type data are available, however, these statistics cannot be calculated exactly.
The single-cut-score statistics
are estimable, but, as Table 1 shows, they can vary
widely across alternative cut scores. The next section describes the use of PAC data as observed
points to estimate a PP curve. These curves allow for nonparametric gap estimates from ordered
categorical data alone.
Estimating Ordinal Gaps from Censored Data
In order to estimate the gap measure
using censored data, we apply the PP framework
described in Figure 1. Extending previous notation, we begin with an interest in the gap between
two groups,
and . The th student score in group
is given by
. Suppose there are
distinct achievement levels common to both groups. These are delineated by
, so that a student from group
cumulative proportion of students in group
achieves Level 1 if
1 if
; and Level
cut scores
; Level
. The CDF
returns the
at or below cut score , denoted
Note that these proportions are simply the complements of the PAC statistics described above:
If we had the full data from the test score distributions (that is, if we knew
), we
would be able to compute any gap measure we like. We could plot the full PP curve (Figure 1)
describing the proportion of members of group
with scores below given percentiles of group :
The problem arises when we do not know
but instead have access only to the
proportions of each group above cut scores. That is, we know only
course, the associated
, because
(and, of
) for some small number of cut scores .
Usefully, the representation of the PP plot, , allows for the possibility of an estimate of the PP
plot, , from the PAC data. In fact, the
, fall on the
curve described by , by definition. The points 0,0 and 1,1 can be added given the logic
that some score exists below all observed score points, and some score exists above all observed
score points. Figure 2 shows these
2 points for the previously used example of Alabama
Grade 4 NAEP Reading in 2005. The point defined by the NAEP Basic cut score is highlighted,
where 33% of reference group is below Basic and 69% of the focal group is below Basic. The
other two points are defined by cumulative proportions for the Proficient and Advanced cut
scores respectively.
Our strategy will be to use these
2 points to estimate the function
square. If these points provide enough information to estimate
reliable estimates of
within the unit
reliably, then we can obtain
, as the area under , and reliable estimates of
. We
denote this version of , estimated from censored data alone, as
. The
contrasting target statistic, estimated from the full distributions, is
. In the
next section, we describe nine candidate methods that attempt to minimize the distance between
: obtaining usable gap statistics from censored data alone.
The criteria for evaluation of these methods have both theoretical and statistical
motivations. First, symmetry is a desirable property. Logically, the distance between groups
should be the same, whether the expression is “group
over group ” or “group
group .” Under symmetry, the following expression will hold:
corollary, following Equation 5, a
statistic calculated using
statistic calculated using
. As a
will have the opposite sign of
. Second, the function, , should be monotonically
nondecreasing on the unit interval, following the theoretical restrictions on PP curves. Third, the
estimate of
should be unbiased over a range of realistic situations: the average distance
should be zero. Finally, the magnitude of the distance between the estimate and the
target should be as small as possible over a range of realistic situations. This will be evaluated
using the root mean square deviation (RMSD) between
. The nine candidate
methods follow.
Piecewise Linear Interpolation (PLI)
A graphically simple approach is to fit a linear spline function to the
essentially “connecting the dots” to estimate . Computing
, the integral of
interval, is then a straightforward sum of areas of rectangles and triangles:
2 points,
over the unit
0 and
1. The PLI approach is also notable because of its equivalence to the
so-called midrank convention (Conover, 1973), a conventional nonparametric approach to
when a pair of full distributions has ties. Ties result in unconnected PP points on
a PP plot: the same problem addressed by this paper. The midrank convention adjusts
; this is equivalent to Equation 7 if the censored
distributions are treated as the full distributions of interest.
Although this method has the advantage of being relatively simple, the linear spline
function is unlikely to accurately describe the underlying distributional shape. In particular, the
integral will be biased toward 0.5 if the true function
has a regular shape—concave up
everywhere or concave down everywhere—because the linear spline will tend to truncate
portions of the area between
and the 45-degree line.
Polynomial Fitted Curve (PFC)
A second straightforward approach is to fit a
2 points:
-order polynomial (where
1) to
. To obtain the area under the curve, the appropriate integral
over the unit interval follows:
When the number of points is small, as in the common testing scenario where
3, one simple
approach is to fit a cubic polynomial using ordinary least-squares. Symmetry can be achieved by
refitting the function after reversing
, then averaging as follows,
A variation of this approach incorporates the known variance of the cumulative proportions,
, into a weighted least-squares regression. The equation can be further constrained by
ensuring that the function passes through (0,0) and (1,1), points that should exist on a PP curve
regardless of sampling or measurement error. Algebraic reconfiguration of the regression
equations under these constraints allows for estimation of regression parameters through
standard statistical software programs. We evaluate both free and weighted-constrained
polynomial fitted curves and designate them PFCf and PFCwc respectively. One anticipated
drawback of the PFC approaches is that theoretically impossible PP curves can result, including
those with negative slopes and those that break the vertical boundaries of the unit square.
Monotone Cubic Interpolation (MCI)
A third approach that combines some of the advantages of the PLI and PFC approaches
fits a piecewise cubic spline through the data using the Fritsch-Carlson (1980) method. The
Fritsch-Carlson method guarantees a function that is monotonic, differentiable everywhere, and
passes through each data point. For the purpose of fitting PP curves, this affords three primary
advantages. First, the estimated curve, , passes through each of the K+2 points, like PLI but
unlike PFC. Second, the function is monotonic, resolving the problem of negative slopes and
unbounded PP curves that can arise under the PFC approach. Third, the curve is smooth
everywhere on the unit interval, potentially resolving the bias that may arise with PLI. Given the
MCI-fitted curve
and coefficients returned by the Fritsch-Carlson algorithm, we can compute:
A drawback of the MCI approach is asymmetry. Like the PLI method, MCI will return
asymmetrical gaps when groups
are switched on the axes. As with the PFC approaches,
we resolve this by averaging.
Fitted Curve to Transformed Data
An alternative to fitting the PP points directly is to transform the two axes and fit the
transformed data points. We can then transform the fitted line back into the original metric and
integrate in order to compute
. If the transformation results in a more familiar or easily
estimable functional relationship between the variables, such as a line, then we can obtain more
accurate estimates of
. We call this method by the mnemonic acronym TFIT
(Transform-Fit-Inverse Transform). In particular, we investigate two potential transformations:
one using the probit (inverse-normal) function that is denoted PTFIT and one using the logit
function that is denoted LTFIT. Both functions are monotonic mappings of the domain 0,1 to
the range
∞, ∞ . Due to the infinite mappings of (0,0) and (1,1), we exclude these two
theoretical points and apply TFIT only to the
observed data points.
Probit transform-fit-inverse transform (PTFIT).
By transforming each
transformed points. That is, we can fit a
using the probit function, we can fit a curve to the
-order polynomial of the form
. Moreover, should be odd such that the fitted curve goes toward
∞, ∞ and
∞, ∞ . Such a curve will approach 0,0 and 1,1 when inverse-transformed back to PP space.
3, as is standard in NAEP and common in many state accountability systems, the
linear fit is the only option. This estimated line can be transformed back into PP space and
evaluated numerically as the following integral:
Symmetry may be obtained by fitting a principal axis regression line and obtaining
. However, preliminary results showed marked improvement with a weighted least
squares approach. Each PP point may be weighted by the inverse of the variance in the
transformed space. When plotting group
on group , as in a typical PP plot, an estimate of the
standard error of each point in the transformed space is given by the delta method:
̂ 1
is the normal density function, Φ
̂ /
is the probit function, and 1/
the slope of the probit function at ̂ . Fitting Equation 10 while weighting each point by the
inverse of the square of Equation 11, we obtain a weighted least squares estimate of the slope
and intercept. Due to the asymmetry of the approach, we can achieve an average by repeating
the process and plotting group
appropriate estimate of
, and
on group . A geometric average of the slopes provides the
can be estimated knowing that the line must pass through the
intersections of each individual line. These may be transformed back into PP space for numeric
integration as described before.
When PTFIT is constrained to a linear fit, a more theoretically appealing estimate of
follows from the fact that a line in probit-transformed (normal-normal) space defines two
respectively normal distributions. The averaged
can be then used to obtain
directly. It is relatively straightforward to show that, if two distributions
are respectively
normal and can be transformed to have normal parameters
transformed PP plot will be a line with slope
Thus, we can express
as a function of
and intercept
, and
, the probit(e.g., Pepe, 2003).
in a quasi-Cohen expression:
Fitting a line through the probit-transformed PP points therefore implicitly assumes that
the two distributions are respectively normal. With enough cut scores (at least 4), one could fit a
higher-order odd polynomial through the PP points. Such a procedure would not imply
respective normality, and numerical integration procedures would be required.
Logit transform-fit-inverse transform (LTFIT).
A similar procedure uses the logit function in place of the probit function. The logit and
probit functions are very similar, but the logistic function has thicker tails and might be more
stable when fitting extreme proportions, particularly when cut scores are very high or low for
certain groups. In this case, let a standard logistic function be Λ
logistic, the logit, follows: Λ
, and the inverse-
. Following an analogous estimate of variance as
that shown in Equation 11, we can transform each proportion using the logit function, then
weight each point in a linear regression by the following factor:
̂ 1
is a standard logistic density function given by
. The
geometric average slope and appropriate intercept are calculated as before, then numerical
integration obtains
computation of
after the line is transformed back into PP space. Note that no direct
is available as it was in the linearly fit PTFIT case.
Average Normal Shift (ANS)
The Normal Shift (NS) approach was introduced by Furgol, Ho, and Zimmerman (2010)
as a method of estimating
from censored data. The authors adapt a maximum-likelihood-
based algorithm from Wolynetz (1979) that estimates a mean and variance from censored data
with known cut scores assuming an underlying normal distribution. With cut scores for state
tests, cut scores are either unavailable or lack strong equal-interval properties for meaningful use.
Therefore, the authors established cut scores by assuming the reference distribution,
standard normal, Φ, leading to
cut scores defined by Φ
scores anchor the cumulative proportions for the focal group,
the mean and variance, ̂ and
, was
1 … . These cut
, and these are used to estimate
, via the Wolynetz algorithm. Given the assumed standard
normal parameters of the reference distribution, the appropriate effect size estimate is simply
A weakness of the NS model is that, like the PFC and MCI approaches, gap estimates are
not symmetric under the choice of reference group. We resolve this by averaging
with its
negative when the groups are reversed, and we contrast this approach with the Furgol, Ho, and
Zimmerman approach by describing this as the Average Normal Shift (ANS) approach. Both
approaches assume respective normality but allow for variances to differ across the groups. It is
similar to the linear PTFIT approach in its assumptions but uses a maximum likelihood approach
on the CDFs instead of a weighted regression on transformed cumulative percentages.
Receiver Operating Characteristic Fit (ROCFIT)
A previous section described the interpretation of a PP plot as a ROC curve in signal
detection theory. Within this literature, maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for the
ROC curve have been developed by Dorfman and Alf (1969) under the binormal or respectively
normal assumption. We use the algorithm as implemented in the Stata command, “rocfit”; it is
also available in the R package “pROC.” In Stata, the area under the curve, or
as the scalar e(area), and the
, is stored
, is stored as the scalar, e(da).
The ROCFIT approach can be considered a more formal version of the linearly
constrained PTFIT. It fits the
probit-transformed PP points in normal-normal space using a
maximum likelihood approach. It enjoys the property of symmetry. A similar maximum
likelihood extension of linearly constrained LTFIT in the ROC context was proposed by Ogilvie
and Creelman (1968); we do not evaluate this bilogistic approach due to the lack of available
software and the lack of promise of results to be shown.
Average Difference in Transformed Percents-Above-Cut (ADTPAC)
, an achievement gap measure that expresses the
A previous section described
difference between groups
by taking the difference of probit-transformed PACs. Table 1
showed that this measure of the gap may differ across the
cut scores due to departures from
respective normality. If the two test score distributions are normal with equal standard
deviations, however, this measure will be the same regardless of which score is used as the cut
score. Moreover, it will be equal to Cohen’s
and, in this special case, to . Given that
deviations from normality are expected, a simple method for obtaining a gap estimate is to
average across the
estimates of
We use an improved approach that takes advantage of the same weighting principles
introduced for PFCwc and the two TFIT approaches. Equation 11 can be used to obtain an
approximation of the variance of the difference in transformed PACs:
̂ . The inverse of these variances can be used as weights,
, to obtain a weighted average
difference of transformed PACs:
the calculation of each
. Due to the inverse normal transformations in
, this approach implicitly assumes that the two distributions are
respectively normal with equal standard deviations. The variation in the
assumed to be sampling variation. The average is thus an estimate of
gaps over
obtained without directly
estimating the PP curve, .
Table 2 summarizes the nine proposed methods of estimating
from the observed
censored data. Note that most of the methods guarantee monotonicity, and few of them are
inherently symmetric. For the asymmetric methods, we find some approach to taking an average
of gaps estimated both ways in order to avoid the arbitrariness of the choice. Due to the ordinal
framework, the implied distributional assumptions are not traditional but respective. The
respective normal assumption implies that some shared transformation can render both
distributions normal. Likewise, the respective logistic assumption implies that some shared
transformation can shape both distributions to the derivative of the logistic function: the shape of
a Hubbert curve. The respective distributional assumptions for the TFIT approaches apply only
for linear models in the transformed space: when
1. The TFIT and PFC approaches are thus
a much larger family of approaches when greater numbers of cut scores allow for higher-order
polynomial fits.
Evaluating Approaches to Ordinal Gap Estimation
This section uses simulated and real data to compare approaches as they attempt to
recover full-distribution gap estimates,
, using censored data alone. As Table 2 describes,
there are strong a priori reasons to discount seemingly straightforward approaches, such as the
anticipated bias of the PLI approach and the possibility of unbounded or decreasing functions
with PFC approaches. The first subsection compares the performance of different approaches
across simulated scenarios. The second subsection compares recovery of
in the real data
context of NAEP White-Black achievement gaps in 2003, 2005, and 2007.
Recovery of
in Controlled Scenarios
The initial goal is to identify the best gap estimation approaches in controlled scenarios
where respective distributional shapes are known. This section presents three simulation
scenarios: an equivariant normal scenario, an unequal-variance normal scenario, and a skewed
scenario using lognormal distributions. For each of these, we 1) draw two samples from
generating distributions with known parameters, 2) record
using these two full samples, 3)
define a set of centered, plausible cut scores, 4) apply these cut scores to the two samples to
obtain cumulative proportions and PACs, 5) apply each approach in Table 2 to these cumulative
proportions to obtain
values, and 6) repeat this many times to evaluate bias and variance
under sampling. We add the gap between the generating distributions as an additional factor to
understand how the magnitudes of bias and variance vary for gaps between 0 and 1.5 standard
deviation units in size.
For these scenarios, we draw 2000 students for the reference group
and 500 students
for the focal group , approximating the median sample sizes used for state NAEP. Following
the NAEP design and the designs of many state testing programs, we censor the data using three
cut scores. Larger numbers of cut scores will increase the similarity between the censored and
full distributions and dampen the differences between estimation approaches. To establish
generic cut score locations, we use a symmetric approach with respect to both distributions: The
three cut scores result in unweighted cross-group averages of PACs as follows: 80% above
Basic, 50% above Proficient, and 20% Advanced (cumulative proportions of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8).
The cut scores are obtained through an approach akin to mixture modeling that results in
the appropriate PACs (or cumulative proportions) for the mixture of both distributions. For
example, when two normal distributions with unit variance are centered on 0 and 1 respectively,
the cut scores -0.45, 0.50, and 1.45 result in 20%, 50%, and 80% PACs for the unweighted
mixture of the two distributions. This approach also has the advantage of keeping the amount of
cut-score information constant—in the sense that the combined cumulative proportions are
always the same—even as the gap between distributions shifts from 0 to 1.5. Figure 3 shows the
generating distributions mapped into PP space along with the PP points that would be generated
in the population.
These cut scores censor the distributions, leaving three pairs of cumulative proportions.
Following the example in the previous paragraph, for a Basic cut score of -0.45, the normal CDF
shows that 32.6% of a low-scoring,
0,1 distribution scores below Basic, and 7.4% of a high-
1,1 distribution scores below Basic. Note that these proportions average to 0.20, as
expected by the cut score approach detailed in the previous paragraph. Clearly, these
percentages may change in any given sample due to sampling. The sampled PP point will thus
vary around the point .074, .326 on a PP plot; this point can be found in Figure 3.
The other two cut scores define two more PP points, and these, with the two theoretical
points at the origin and 1, 1 where appropriate, are the data that the methods in the previous
section use to obtain
. The second, unequal variance scenario increases the variance of the
generating distribution for the low-scoring group by 50%, and the third, skewed scenario uses the
lognormal distribution to impart respective positive skew. These are also shown in Figure 3 and
are described in greater detail in the next subsections.
The criteria for the recovery of
are bias, the average of
over all
replications, and the root mean squared deviation (RMSD), the square root of the average of
over all replications. We use 5000 replications for each distance between
generating distributions, drawing 2000 for the reference group and 500 for the focal group for
every replication. The distance between the generating distributions is varied between 0 and 1.5
at intervals of .02. This allows comparison of approaches across a range of plausible gap
magnitudes and across distributional scenarios likely to arise in practice. Note that
appropriate criterion over
, because
is the
is a transformation-dependent statistic that cannot
be fully specified within an ordinal framework. Although
happens to be equal to
the two normal scenarios that follow, this does not change the fact that a transformation can
but not
The normal, equivariant scenario.
The most straightforward model for test scores is the normal model, and the equalvariance assumption is an appropriate baseline assumption in the absence of other information.
Figure 3 displays the population PP curves that result from the normal, equivariant model when
the mean difference is 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 standard deviation units. The figure displays the
population normal, equivariant PP curves as black, solid lines above the diagonal, and the
“observed” points from the cut score algorithm in the population are also shown. As expected,
the curves bulge from the diagonal as the mean difference increases. The observed points,
however, stay on a line with slope -1, as expected from the cut score algorithm that keeps the
cumulative proportion of the mixture of distributions constant over mean differences. The goal
of each of the nine proposed approaches is to approximate the full curve using the five observed
points alone.
The top half of Figure 4 shows the bias—the average of
over 5000
replications—over the range of mean differences and for each approach. When the mean
difference is zero, the PP curve is the line
, and all nine approaches estimate this easily. As
the mean difference increases, the PLI approach is the most biased, underestimating the full gap
by almost 10%. This is not surprising given that the linear approach truncates area under any
concave curve. The PFCf approach also underestimates
, and its weighted, constrained
counterpart, PFCwc, is positively biased. The MCI and LTFIT approaches show slight negative
bias when gaps are very large, and PTFIT, ANS, ROCFIT, and ADTPAC perform very well in a
scenario that matches their assumptions perfectly.
The bottom half of Figure 4 shows the RMSD, and there is a clear distinction between the
PLI/PFC approaches and the others. The weighted, constrained PFC approach can be seen to
improve upon the free PFC approach when gaps are small. However, when gaps are large, one
or both groups may have cumulative proportions close to 0 or 1. In these cases, the PFCwc
approach places heavy weight on these extreme points while also forcing the curve to go through
the origin and 1, 1 . It is clear that this results in poor performance. Although there is a
substantive and statistical justification to weight points and force the curve through the origin
and 1, 1 , there appears to be little advantage to doing so.
The normal, unequal-variance scenario.
Returning back to Figure 3, the unequal variance scenario can be seen mapped into PP
space and reversed over the diagonal to unclutter the figure. The generating distribution for the
low-scoring focal group has a variance of 1.5 compared to the unit variance of the reference
group’s generating distribution. This difference in variance, equivalent to increasing the
standard deviation by 22.5%, represents a fairly high variance difference in practice, but
differences in observed variances are not uncommon. For example, the average absolute WhiteBlack variance ratio for 2009 NAEP was 1.15 across 172 state-subject-grade combinations, and
4 state-subject-grade combinations exceeded an absolute ratio of 1.5. As expected of the cutscore-selection algorithm, comparing the “observed” PP points across the population PP curves
reveals alignment on a line with slope of -1.
The top half of Figure 5 shows the bias plotted on the standardized mean difference as
defined by
in the population. The results are very similar to Figure 4 in spite of the notable
variance differences. The PLI approach remains negatively biased to a similar degree, and the
weighted, constrained PFC approach begins performing more poorly than its free counterpart
regardless of gap size. The ROCFIT, PTFIT, and ANS account for variance differences
explicitly and therefore perform without bias. A notable difference from Figure 4 is that
ADTPAC begins to show negative bias when gaps are large. This is a reminder that ADTPAC
assumes respective normality with equal variances, and its performance worsens when this
assumption is not met. The bottom half of Figure 5 shows the RMSD for the normal, unequalvariance scenario. It is worth noting that the RMSD for
recovery by the six best
approaches hovers around .015, a fairly small amount of variability for the estimation of gaps
when the only three paired cumulative proportions are available.
The lognormal, skewed scenario.
To challenge the assumptions of respective normal approaches like ANS, ROCFIT, and
PTFIT, which account for respective normality and unequal variances, we use respectively
skewed lognormal distributions. We define a random variable whose log is distributed
0,0.3 .
Such a distribution has mean 1.05, a standard deviation of 0.32, and positive skew of 0.95. To
generate a gap, we shift one distribution above another such that
varies from 0 to 1.5
standard deviation units. Unlike the previous two scenarios, this is not equivalent to shifting
from 0 to 1.5, as
only when distributions are normal. Cut scores are generated as
before. These PP curves are also plotted back in Figure 3.
A useful conceptual point is that two respectively lognormal distributions are not
equivalent to two shifted normal distributions on the same scale that are transformed by the
exponential function. This latter construction is ordinally equivalent to the respective normal
distributions presented in the first scenario. Respectively lognormal distributions cannot be
transformed to normal with a single transformation unless their CDFs completely overlap.
The top half of Figure 6 shows the bias plotted on the
metric as before. The
performances of the PFCwc and ADTPAC approaches are notably worse. It is clear at this point
that the PLI and PFC approaches are flawed under even the most typical scenarios; they will not
be considered further. Taking Figures 5 and 6 together, the poor performance of ADTPAC
under variance differences and skewness indicates its inability to adequately estimate the full
distribution through weighted averaging of transformed PACs. In contrast, although ANS,
ROCFIT, and PTFIT show biased recovery of
, their bias in this case is very small at around
.004 for the largest gaps. In this scenario, the ANS approach outperforms ROCFIT and PTFIT
by very small amounts. The LTFIT and MCI approaches have a larger amount of negative bias
at around -.015; this is still less than 1% of the largest gaps.
The bottom half of Figure 6 shows the RMSD, where the decline in ADTPAC
performance is also apparent. The efficiency of recovery of the five best approaches continues to
hover at around .015 and increases to just over .022 when population gaps are very large. These
approaches outperform seemingly attractive alternatives like PLI by a considerable margin and
suggest that gap recovery is possible even when respective normal assumptions are not met.
Recovery of
in Real Data Scenarios
This subsection assesses the performance of these approaches in real data scenarios. We
use the full distributions of plausible values from NAEP state distributions, averaging over the
five available sets of plausible values as recommended by Mislevy, Johnson, and Muraki (1992)
to obtain
. The state distributions correspond to White and Black students in 2003,
2005, and 2007, for Reading and Mathematics in Grades 4 and 8. Out of 600 possible statesubject-grade-year combinations (50 states by 2 subjects by 2 grades by 3 years), 490 have
sufficient sampling of Black students to allow for the reporting of achievement gaps. We
calculate the nonparametric gap measure,
, for these 490 White-Black gaps; these are the
targets that the approaches attempt to recover under censored data scenarios. The criteria are
bias and RMSD averaging over these 490 trials.
The full distributions clearly cannot have their standardized mean differences, variances,
or skew manipulated as in Figures 4-6, as these distributions are real. Their properties remain
the same as those actually reported. However, the factor of cut score location can be usefully
introduced into this analysis, as recovery of gaps is expected to depend on the location of cut
scores in the distributions. We vary cut score location along two dimensions, the breadth of the
cut scores and the stringency of the cut scores. The cut scores are indexed by the average
cumulative percentages as before, except instead of fixing the average cumulative percentages at
20%, 50%, and 80%, they are varied systematically. The breadth dimension has average
cumulative percentages varying from 5%, 50%, and 95% (broad cut scores) to 45%, 50%, and
55% (narrow cut scores). The stringency dimension has average cumulative percentages varying
from 5%, 30%, and 55% (low cut scores leading to low cumulative percentages and high PACs)
to 45%, 70%, and 95% (high cut scores leading to high cumulative percentages and low PACs).
Unlike NAEP reporting, where there are common cut scores for each subject-grade
combination, this approach allows each pair of distributions to have its own trio of cut scores.
This is done to ensure that the interpretation of “broad” or “stringent” is consistent across pairs
of distributions. If a common set of cut scores were used, broad or stringent cut scores for one
pair of distributions would be less broad or stringent for another. Note also that some
approximation of the results from the actual NAEP cut scores is located reasonably high along
the stringency dimension, where the unweighted average cumulative proportions between White
and Black students approach 45%, 70%, and 95% (55% basic and above, 30% proficient and
above, 5% advanced) across state-subject-grade combinations.
Recovery of gaps depending on cut score breadth.
The top half of Figure 7 shows the bias of the 6 best-performing metrics in their recovery
of real-data gaps across broad and narrow cut scores. As noted previously, the PLI and PFC
approaches perform poorly in common scenarios and are not considered further. The top half of
Figure 7 shows that the overall bias of these six candidate methods can be very low. The LTFIT
and MCI approaches do not perform well when cut scores are narrow. However, the four best
metrics, ADTPAC, PTFIT, ANS, and ROCFIT have bias less than .02. Focusing on these four
approaches, the ADTPAC approach performs relatively poorly, and PTFIT does not perform as
well as ANS or ROCFIT particularly when cut scores are broadly spaced. The lowest bias across
all methods occurs close to cumulative proportions of 20%, 50%, and 80%. This suggests that
the bias scenarios in Figures 4-6 are optimistic. However, for ANS and ROCFIT in particular,
the bias ranges from -.007 to +.013, a very small bias given that the median White-Black NAEP
gaps are generally about .75 standard deviations in size.
The bottom half of Figure 7 shows the RMSD across cut score breadth. As before, the
MCI and LTFIT approaches perform poorly when cut scores are more narrowly spaced. Within
the top four approaches, the ADTPAC and PTFIT approaches perform relatively poorly when cut
scores are extreme. The poor ADTPAC performance is consistent with the findings in Figures 5
and 6. The performance of ANS and ROCFIT are indistinguishable along the RMSD criterion.
The overall efficiency when cut scores are neither broad nor narrow is quite good, with RMSDs
bottoming out at around .009, a small percentage of White-Black gaps in practice.
Recovery of gaps depending on cut score stringency.
The top half of Figure 8 shows the bias in recovery across cut score stringency. The
symmetry of these curves suggests that methods perform best when cut scores are central with
respect to the unweighted mixture of both distributions. The MCI and LTFIT approaches
continue to perform worse than their counterparts, with negative bias. The absolute bias of the
PTFIT, ANS, and ROCFIT approaches are similar, and ADTPAC bias is negative when cut
scores are low.
The bottom half of Figure 8 shows the RMSD of the approaches and results in similar
conclusions. The LTFIT and MCI approaches perform relatively poorly. The ANS and ROCFIT
approaches perform the best, with slightly better efficiency than PTFIT. ADTPAC does not
perform as well outside of the region where it happens to show no bias. Focusing on the righthand portion of the graph, where cut scores are closer to their real-world NAEP counterparts, the
RMSDs are between .025 and .029. This may still be considered surprisingly low given how
little information exists about the lower half of the respective distributions. When the basic cut
score is lower, as it often is in practice, Figure 7 suggests that performance will improve.
Further, because state cut scores are usually lower or much lower than NAEP cut scores, the
RMSDs are likely to be closer to those seen towards the center of Figure 8.
These results suggest three promising candidates for the estimation of gaps under
censored data scenarios. The two best approaches are ROCFIT, implemented by Stata in a
command motivated by signal detection theory, and ANS, a simple adaptation of a maximum
likelihood estimation procedure developed by Furgol, Ho, and Zimmerman (2010). Both result
in very small amounts of bias and RMSD across a range of simulated and real-data scenarios.
The ROCFIT approach is symmetrical and estimates a PP curve directly, a comparative
theoretical advantage over ANS, which is asymmetrical and estimates normal CDFs. In addition,
the ANS implementation in R does not have documentation and is not widely available. Both
packages also allow for the estimation of standard errors; the ROC approaches to standard error
estimation are reviewed by Pepe (2003).
For those who do not have access to ROCFIT approaches in Stata, the PTFIT approach is
intuitive, easy to implement with standard routines in statistical packages, and shows little loss in
performance across scenarios. There may be greater possibilities for PTFIT when more cut
scores are available, and higher-order polynomials can be fit to data on the probit-transformed
axes. The magnitudes of the bias and RMSD for all three of these methods are rarely over .02
and are usually much less, an impressive result under the real-data and lognormal scenarios,
where the respective normal assumption is threatened or violated outright. These results suggest
that the estimation approach is robust to deviations from respective normality across a range of
cut score locations.
The applicability of these approaches extends beyond gap estimation for censored state
testing data. Tests reported on score scales with few ordinal categories, such as Advanced
Placement exams, which report scores on a 1-5 integer scale, and some exams for English
Learners are also natural applications for these gap estimation approaches. In these cases, the
data are treated as censored even if the grain-size of the data is the finest available. The
argument in favor of the use of this framework is that some continuous scale underlies the
observed scale. Similarly, a case where ceiling or floor effects compress a theoretically
distinguishable score range into a single undifferentiated score point—this is a censored data
problem. These are cases where an ANS-, PTFIT-, or ROCFIT-estimated
statistic may in fact
be preferable to effect sizes calculated from means and standard deviations on the established
score scale.
A small number of technical issues remain. The effects of sample size, sample size ratio
across groups, and the overall number of cut scores are of interest. We do not spend time on
them here because the findings will be straightforward: more is better. Increasing cut scores and
sample size beyond the levels here will also mute the differences between methods that were our
primary interest. The adequate recovery of
when there are only three cut scores suggests
that a higher benchmark for the minimum number of cut scores is not necessary.
When sample sizes are smaller, cut scores are extreme, group differences are large, or
some combination of these instances, there is an increased likelihood that the highest or lowest
score category will have no student representation from one group or another. In these
situations, a number of the methods proposed here will fail, including PTFIT and ANS, which
would both attempt to take an inverse-normal transformation of 0 or 1. A simple correction
involves adding a student or a fraction of a student to the highest or lowest score bin.
Measurement error is known to attenuate Cohen-type effect sizes by inflating standard
deviations. The same issues arise in PP plots, as measurement error will attenuate PP curves
toward the main diagonal. The NAEP examples are adjusted for measurement error through the
plausible values methodology (Mislevy, Johnson, & Muraki, 1992), however, gap comparison
across tests, times, or groups with different degrees of measurement error must acknowledge or
adjust for attenuation. An ad hoc disattenuation approach treats
statistics like their
counterparts and divides by the square root of the reliability estimate; this is discussed briefly in
Ho (2009).
Finally, it may seem straightforward to extend these analyses from gaps to trends. After
all, any two distributions on the same scale can be expressed as a PP plot; it may not seem to
matter whether they are Groups
or Times 1 and 2. However, we recommend caution in
using these methods for descriptive trend analyses for a few reasons. First, if cross-sectional,
within-grade trends are the target of inference, these are much smaller in magnitude, and the
degree of bias and variance reported here will have a greater impact on substantive
interpretations. Second, trends rely on the year-to-year linking of score scales, a source of error
that this ordinal framework does not currently address. Third, discrete score scales are typically
aligned imperfectly from year to year due to linking functions. A score bin in one year may not
exist in the next, or two bins may be combined that once were separate. This has little effect on
the means of the full distributions, but a small shift in the scale can lead to a large percentage of
students crossing one of a small number of cut scores. This is not an issue with within-year gap
measures, where score points align, but this issue may severely distort PP-based trend measures.
Interestingly, this latter problem with trends does not necessarily generalize to a problem
with gap trends. As Ho (2009) has noted, one can express a gap trend as a “change in gap” or a
“difference in changes.” These are equivalent in an average-based framework but not in an
ordinal framework. A “difference in changes” formulation subjects a gap trend to not one but
two opportunities for the distortions noted in the previous paragraph. However, a change-in-gap
formulation, where gaps are estimated within each year and then subtracted from each other,
manages to avoid the problems of year-to-year equating and misaligned score bins. This is the
recommended approach to tracking gaps over time.
With widespread reporting of test scores in ordinal achievement levels, researchers
interested in achievement gaps are increasingly faced with censored data scenarios. This paper
evaluates ordinal approaches for estimating achievement gaps using censored data alone and
finds three approaches—ROCFIT, ANS, and PTFIT—whose performance justifies
recommendation. These estimates represent dramatic improvement over any gap estimate
derived from a single cut score. They also recover gaps well over a range of scenarios, in both
an absolute sense and relative to alternative ordinal approaches. The resulting estimates are
interpretable on a familiar Cohen-type metric and are transformation-invariant: particularly
useful properties for gap comparisons across different tests, times, grades, and jurisdictions.
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TABLE 1. White-Black gaps and gap trends on four different metrics; Alabama, Grade 4, 20052007.
Note: Authors’ calculations from data from Alabama’s
Grade 4 Reading administration of the National
Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005-2007,
obtained at
denotes the average-based metric;
denotes Cohen’s ;
denotes the percentagedenotes the transformed
above-cut metric;
percentage-above-cut metric.
FIGURE 1. Illustrating the construction of a Probability-Probability (PP) plot from the paired
cumulative proportions of distributions.
Note: Data from idealized normal distributions using parameters from Alabama’s Grade 4
Reading administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005.
FIGURE 2. The 5 points on a PP plot from paired cumulative proportions defined by 3 cut
(0.33, 0.69)
Note: Data from Alabama’s Grade 4 Reading administration of
the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005. The PP
pair for the Basic cut score is referenced.
TABLE 2. Characteristics of Proposed Methods of Estimating
Monotonicity Symmetry
Probable bias toward zero gap.
Lack of monotonicity may lead to
substantial bias and variance.
Implemented by Matlab’s “pchip”
spline option.
Normal when
4 requires linear constraint.
Logistic when
4 requires linear constraint.
Maximum Likelihood. Not readily
Maximum Likelihood. Implemented
by Stata’s “rocfit” command.
Normal, Equal
Simple to implement.
FIGURE 3. Generating distributions and the observed PP points in the population for the
equivariant normal, unequal variance (reversed over the diagonal for visual clarity), and
lognormal scenarios.
FIGURE 4. Bias and Root Mean Squared Deviation of gap estimation approaches plotted on the
size of the true gap in a normal, equivariance scenario.
FIGURE 5. Bias and Root Mean Squared Deviation of gap estimation approaches plotted on the
size of the true gap in a normal, unequal-variance scenario.
FIGURE 6. Bias and Root Mean Squared Deviation of gap estimation approaches plotted on the
size of the true gap in a lognormal scenario.
FIGURE 7. Bias and Root Mean Squared Deviation of gap estimation approaches for WhiteBlack state achievement gaps on the National Assessment of Educational Progress plotted on the
breadth of three cut scores.
FIGURE 8. Bias and Root Mean Squared Deviation of gap estimation approaches for WhiteBlack state achievement gaps on the National Assessment of Educational Progress plotted on the
stringency of three cut scores.