An On-line Tutorial covering the guidelines and policies to
help put you on the right track for gaining the most benefit
from your MTSU University Purchasing Card.
P-Card Quick View Tutorial - Table of Contents
Topic 1
Who Issues and Services the P-Card
Topic 2
The Application & Training Process
-Applying for a P-Card
-Training Requirements
Topic 3
Slide 7
Slides 8-9
File Management Requirements
-Approver Duties & Requirements
-Cardholder Duties & Requirements
Topic 5
Slide 5
Slide 6
Actions for Employment Status Changes
-The 4 Changes that Require Action
-The Specific Actions Spell Out
Topic 4
Slide 4
Card and Transaction Issues
-Fraudulent Charges & Lost / Stolen Cards
-Lost & Missing Receipts
Slide 10
Slides 11-12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Table of Contents, Continued
Topic 6
Helpful Purchasing Tips and Common Mistakes
-General Purchasing Quick Tips
-Specific Purchasing Tips: Computers, Food,
Advertising, Contracts
-Pitfalls to Avoid
Topic 7
*Monthly Transaction Reviews
*Cardholder Compliance Reviews
*New Cardholder Overviews
Slide 19
Slides 20-22
P-Cards & Non-Compliance Issues
-Violations and Possible Consequences
-Steps to Reimburse an Unallowable Charge
-A Safe P-Card Community: Reporting Issues
Topic 9
Slides 16-17
Slide 18
P-Card Compliance Review Procedures
-How to Prepare for a Review
-Each Different Review and How It Works:
Topic 8
Slide 15
Resources: Forms, Directory, Other Helpful Sites
Slide 23
Slide 24
Slide 25
Slides 26-28
Procurement Services:
-Process applications
-Issue/cancel cards
-Initial training
-Daily p-card operations
Office of Business and Finance
-Program compliance through various review methods
-Additional training and education
-General ledger set up
-User account credential setup for software access
-Policy amendments
Audit and Consulting Services
-May conduct audits of individual P-Cards or departmental programs
Slide 4
P-Card Application Process
The application process is spelled out in Appendix A of the P-Card Policy.
It requires 4 forms to be completed and submitted.
1. P-Card Application Form
*Complete & submit to Business and Finance
2. Initial Training Form
3. Approver Agreement Form
4. Cardholder Agreement Form
Forms #2-4 will be completed & signed at the conclusion of the initial training session with Procurement
Slide 5
Required Cardholder Training Sessions:
*An initial training session is required to activate each new P-Card and
is completed with Procurement Services.
*A refresher training course is is required every 3 years. Cardholders
should use the P-Card expiration date printed on their card as the
date reminder for this refresher training. Contact P-Card Compliance
for this training information.
*The Training requirements include
each cardholder, approver, and
any support staff.
Slide 6
Cardholder Status Changes
Any cardholder employment change or a change in card
usage will require a Change In Cardholder Status Form to be
completed and returned to Business and Finance.
4 Reasons to Complete a Change In Cardholder Status Form:
Slide 7
Departmental Transfer
Leave of Absence
Terminating Employment
Voluntary Termination of Card
(closing P-Card account)
Actions For >
1. Departmental Transfer &
2. Leave of Absence
• Notify the approver asap of change in status
• Complete & submit the Change in Cardholder Status Form
• The card is temporarily suspended until the new activation date or
until the employee returns to campus.
• Business & Finance will notify cardholder of any other requirements.
Slide 8
Actions For >
3. Terminating Employment &
4. Voluntary Termination of Card
Notify the approver 2-4 weeks prior to date
Complete & submit the Change in Cardholder Status Form
Return Card to Procurement Services
Business & Finance will notify cardholder of any other requirements.
• For immediate terminations, Approvers are
responsible for collecting P-Card files and notifying
Procurement Services and the Office of Business
and Finance
Slide 9
Slide 7
-APPROVERS*Spot check receipts and monthly reconciliations on a routine basis
*Document this spot checking for review purposes (initial & date)
*Review Banner Finance index and account coding for correctness prior to approval
*Approve purchases no later than 10 calendar days after the end of the billing cycle
Slide 10
-CARDHOLDERS*ALL purchases must have original itemized receipts
(packing slips , invoices-when available)
*All items must be shipped to an MTSU address
*Lost receipts must be replaced a Receipt Replacement Form
(refer to slide #26)
*Original receipt tapes should be copied before file retention
(to prevent ink fading)
*Redact all sensitive card information from statements & files
Slide 11
-CARDHOLDERS continued*Required support documents must be filed with original receipts
(i.e. Policy approval forms & exception memos)
*SIGN & DATE each monthly bank statement
*Code purchases to correct Banner Finance budget index & expense accts
*All documents are retained for 5 years, not including the current year.
*Document all emergency or non-procedural purchases that have been approved via
phone calls, personal conversations, etc.. with an email verifying the content of the
communication and who made the approval. Place this documentation with the
receipts for review purposes.
Slide 12
Steps to Take for
Fraudulent Charges &
Lost or Stolen Cards
1. Notify the approver
2. Contact Procurement Services, 615-898-5437
3. Notify SunTrust Bank
*Dispute forms can be obtained on the P-Card Compliance Webpage
Slide 13
Lost and Missing Receipts
Policy requires that every purchase must have an itemized receipt on file.
If a purchase is missing the receipt because it was misplaced, lost, or one was
never issued by the vendor, the cardholder should follow the steps below to
obtain a replacement.
1. Contact the vendor for a duplicate receipt. If a duplicate cannot
be obtained, move on to step #2.
2. Complete the P-Card Replacement Receipt Form obtaining all the
required signatures. Be very detailed on the form when describing
your purchase as an itemized receipt would be.
3. This form will now be used as the official receipt for your purchase.
Attach it to your monthly bank statement for any future audits.
Slide 14
Purchasing: General Quick Tips & Facts
1. All card purchases are limited to a single transaction limit of $4,999.99.
*No splitting the transaction into 2 or more separate transactions to make the purchase fit the limit!
2. Contact Procurement Services, 615-898-5437, if the card is declined at
vendor checkout.
3. All card purchases must be paid with institutional or grant/restricted
funding. *No foundation purchases.
4. All card purchases must utilize contracted vendors when available.
5. Card purchases should be made through MT$ource when possible.
6. If your name is on the P-Card, YOU are the responsible party for the
card. *If another person in your area is in charge of reconciliation, that does not remove you from responsibility.
Slide 15
Purchasing >> Specific Help
1. Procurement Procedures: Policy IV: 06:01
a. Computer hardware/software > $1,000 must have ITD approval.
b. Departments utilizing vendors > $10,000 per year must contact Procurement Services to
pursue a contract.
c. Non-employment advertising must be approved by Marketing and Communications.
2. Meals and Refreshments: Policies IV: 04:13 & IV: 04:20
a. ANY and ALL TYPE OF FOOD OR BEV PURCHASES must complete the “Authorization for
Purchase of Meals and Refreshments” form. This form substantiates the IRS business
purpose of the food or beverage and must be on file with all receipts.
b. Catered food ( lunches from off-site vendors, catered meals, delivered meals)
requires an additional form, the “Application to Bring Food on Campus” form and Aramark
Slide 16
Purchasing >> Specific Help
3. Subscriptions and Memberships:
Policy IV: 04:19
Only Subscription and Membership RENEWALS may be purchased on the card.
A copy of the approved Subscription/Membership Application Form from the
original purchase must be on file with the renewal receipt.
4.Comprehensive Travel Regulations:
Policy IV: 04:09
Cardholders in individual travel status are only permitted to charge general
conference registrations and coach airfare on their P-Card. No extra payment
for seat upgrades, extra bags, or early check-ins are permitted. Also no hotel
or car rental purchases are allowed.
Slide 17
Purchasing Pitfalls
Unallowable Purchases & Vendors
Items: •
Slide 18
Gift Cards
Business Meals
Car rentals, taxis, bus service, parking fees, tolls
Donations or sponsorships – any form
Foundation purchases
Mobile Apps for IPad, IPhone, or similar device
Professional Services (Questions contact: Contract Services)
Employee gifts, cards, flowers, (all occasions included)
Staff meeting/employee meeting refreshments
Office and or break room appliances
Gasoline & Fuel, Service Stations
Medical Service Operators
Card & Souvenir Shops
Jewelry Stores
Restaurants including Fast Food venues
*This is not an exhaustive list.
Please check the online policy or
with the P-Card Compliance office
if you have purchasing questions.
P-Card Review Procedures
Step 1: Relax – Everyone’s P-Card transactions and accounts are reviewed.
Step 2: Cardholders - Keep all your itemized receipts, invoices, packing list, and any
documentation related to the purchase stapled to that months bank statement. If in
doubt, keep it. With each purchase organized and documented, you should be in
good shape for any inquiry.
Approvers – Make sure the your area’s procedures for spot-checking and all
approver oversight is documented and up-to date.
Step 3: Please take time to refer to the P-Card Policy for a list all the exact Cardholder
responsibilities. Also for all approvers, the policy contains a detailed list of Approver
responsibilities as well.
Slide 19
Monthly Transaction Reviews
Summary: Each month the P-Card Compliance Office reviews ALL of the P-Card transactions
from the previous month using models with various filters and screening processes making sure
purchases are in alignment with TBR and MTSU policies and procedures. This usually covers
anywhere from 1,400 to 2,000 transactions per month. When a purchase transaction is selected
For additional review, an automated email is sent to the cardholder requesting that copies of
receipts and all other supporting documentation be sent for further review. Once the review
is complete, an email reply closing the review is returned to the cardholder.
Step 1: The P-Card Compliance Office reviews all of the university’s previous month’s transactions.
Step 2: An Automated email is sent to each cardholder that has a purchase transactions
requesting documentation for additional review.
Step 3. The P-Card Compliance Office will review the additional information. A reply email
will be sent to the cardholder upon completion of the review.
Step 4: Cardholders should expect these request at random. You may receive 2 one month,
And not receive another for several months. Or receive a request for five straight months.
If you do have a question, we are always available for help!
Slide 20
Cardholder Compliance Reviews
Summary: A staff member of the P-Card Compliance Office may come to a cardholders office
to review all of the P-Card transactions during a specific time period on a account. As always,
this is done to make certain purchases are in alignment with TBR and MTSU policies and procedures.
When the review is completed any outstanding issues are discussed and a compliance report
is issued to the cardholder and approver. If any corrective action needs to be taken, an action
plan is usually provided by the approver and any action items are submitted from the cardholder.
Step 1: P-Card Compliance may conduct a Cardholder Account Review at any time.
Step 2: Upon completion of the review, a Compliance Report is issued to the Cardholder
and the approver. Any outstanding issues and action items will be addressed.
Step 3: Action item should be submitted by the cardholder and if required, an action plan
For improvement submitted by the approver.
*A department head may call the P-Card Compliance Office
and request a Compliance Review of an account at any time.
Slide 21
3 Month, New Cardholder Overview
Welcome to the P-Card Community !!
Summary: To say hello, and see how your new P-Card is working for you, someone
from our team will schedule a visit with you after your first few months of P-Card use.
We will come to your office for a brief visit, answer any specific questions, and leave you
a packet of helpful tips and P-Card info.
Step 1: When you receive an email to schedule your visit with someone from P-Card
Compliance for your 3 Month Overview – JUST RESPOND !!
Step 2: We will see you at your scheduled appointment 
Slide 22
P-Card Violations & Non-Compliance
A cardholder or approver mismanaging their card or using it outside
the parameters of the policy will result in a notice of non-compliance.
Consequences depend on the severity of the violation identified.
Possible Consequences of P-Card Violations:
1. Reimbursement of unallowable purchases
2. VP Signed Exception Notices for unallowable purchases
3. Temporary Suspension of Card Usage – This decision will be based
Slide 23
on the severity of violations, number of offenses, and the departments
ability to take corrective action.
Other Corrective Action: permanent card revocation, termination
of employment.
Steps to Reimburse Unallowable Purchases
1. Make the reimbursement payment at the cash payment window in the OneStop Bldg. Be sure to
have the purchase information: 1) date 2) reimbursement amount 3) Banner index & the expense
Account code to which the purchase was charged.
2. Keep the reimbursement receipt attached to the original receipt in the cardholder’s file.
3. Document the entire process in the NOTE field of ESP for this transaction. Also make complete
documentation in the P-Card file along with the receipts.
4. The approver will need to approve the purchases as normally required.
 If reimbursement attempts are unsuccessful, the University may pursue other methods for collection, including, payroll
Slide 24
Keeping our P-Card Community Secure!
Reporting Fraud & Violations: Administrators,
faculty, and staff who know or suspect violations of
University policies have a requirement to report their
concerns. Please call or visit the P-Card Compliance
Office and make us aware of any concerns or questions
regarding this issue. It is a privileged to be a cardholder
and misuse hurts the entire university.
Slide 25
Where to Find Common P-Card Forms
P-Card Compliance Webpage:
P-Card Application
P-Card Cardholder Agreement
P-Card Approver Agreement
P-Card Replacement Receipt Form
P-Card Change in Cardholder Status
Business and Finance Forms Webpage:
P-Card Initial Training Form
P-Card Dispute Form
Food Service Policy (Application to Bring Food on Campus)
Purchase Meals and Refreshments
Subscription/Membership Application
Slide 26
Finding Help with your P-Card
P-Card Compliance Contact Information
Ann Lee Whitefield
Financial Analyst
Phone 615-494-8813
Cope 106, office 104b
Ryan Ellison
Phone 615-898-5299
Cope 106, office 104c
Philip Smith
Director of Financial Services
Phone 615-898-2861
Cope 103
P-Card general email address:
P-Card Newsletter web address:
Slide 27
Other Helpful Resources
*Daily P-Card Operations, Issuing/Cancel Cards
Demetra Majors - Procurement Services
Phone 615-898-5437
WH, Box 18
*Travel related questions
Accounting Services
Tamala Pincheon, 615-898-2941 or
Gayla Wilson, 615-898-2172
*Look up existing Memberships/Subscriptions
Susan Harris – Accounts Payable
Phone 615-898-2176
*Professional services and/or other
purchases requiring signatures
Contract Services Office
Phone 615-898-2088 or
*Approvals of Advertising Purchases
Marketing & Communication
Phone 615-494-7800
Slide 28
*Notify ITD of computer purchases over $1000
Robin Jones – AVP of ITD
Phone 615-898-2214
*General MTSource Help
Procurement Services
Phone 615-898-5442