Bill 1-10-S A bill to amend the Senate Bylaws in regard to Senate Hours. Whereas: When SGA Senators do not show up for the events that they have signed up to work, the event suffers Whereas: When SGA Senators do not inform an executive member of their planned absence in a reasonable amount of time, the event suffers. Whereas: Ongoing “no-show” senators show a lack of commitment to the Student Government Association. THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE 72ND CONGRESS OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION THAT: Section 1: A new section shall be created in the Senate Bylaws to address this issue. Article VII Section 2: Section 2 shall read: “ If a senator has signed up to work an event they are required to provide 24 hour notice if they are no longer able to fulfill their commitment. Email notification must be sent to the individual responsible for the event and to the Executive Vice president, notifying them of their absence. Failure to provide appropriate notice would result in a reduction of senate hours equal to those that he or she volunteered to work. The senator may choose to find a replacement to avoid a reduction of senate hours. In the event that the replacement senator does not show up for the event, they will be subjected to the same reduction of hours.” Section 3: Sub-Section A of Section 2 shall read: “After three violations of this policy, the senator will be up for impeachment.” Section 4: Upon approval from the senate, this bill will go into effect immediately. Sponsored by: Senator Nichols Senator Moore Senator Slater Senator Cobb Senator Batts Senator Farris Senator Hammond Senator Hardy Senator Nitz Senator Royer Senator Daughtery Bill 1-10-S passed by a vote of 34 In Favor 7 Opposed 1 Abstain