Died in committee TENATIVE SGA Bill 06-10-F A bill to amend the SGA bylaws, relative to making “sweet tea” the official beverage of the Student Government Association of Middle Tennessee State University, and for other purposes; Whereas: sweet tea is a deliciously refreshing beverage; Whereas: sweet tea is fine Southern tradition in the Great State of Tennessee; Whereas: sweet tea is a culinary symbol of Southern greatness, candor and civility; THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE 73RD CONGRESS OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY THAT: Section 1: There is created a new appropriately designated Article of the SGA bylaws to be titled “Symbols & Observances”; this new Article shall read as follows: “Section 1: “Sweet tea” is the official beverage of the Student Government Association of Middle Tennessee State University.” Section 2: This bill shall become law with immediate effect, the public welfare requiring it. Sponsored by: Senator Burks ___________________ Speaker of the Senate ___________________ SGA President _______________________ VP of Student Affairs