SGA Bill 1-13-F A bill to make SGA more transparent to the MTSU student body. Whereas: Social media has become a primary source of information in the United States and at MTSU. Whereas: The 76th Congress and executive board seek to be transparent in their goals for the year. Whereas: The student body of MTSU, as a whole, should be given a clear picture of the work that SGA is doing. THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE 76TH CONGRESS OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY THAT: Section 1. The SGA Vice-President of Marketing will post meeting minutes of the Senate on SGA social media sites as well as the MTSU SGA webpage after each meeting of the SGA Senate. Section 2. The SGA Vice President of Marketing will post all bills and resolutions that have been approved by the Senate and have been signed by the Vice President of Student Affairs on social media sites. Section 3. The SGA Executive Board will run a social media campaign at the beginning of each semester to help students be more aware of their roles in SGA. Section 4. Upon favorable passage, this bill will take effect at the beginning of Spring semester 2014. Sponsored by: Senator Gray Co-Sponsored by: Senator Pierce ______________________ Speaker of the Senate ___________________________ SGA President ________________________ VP of Marketing