Steering Committee for Information Technology May 7, 2013 Minutes - Approved Members Present: John McArthur, Jennifer McGrail, Linda Phillips, Zoe DuRant, Jamie Glover, Donald Hall, Greg Duncan, Scott Putney, Jennifer Holland, Debbie Goode Members Absent: Glen Pinkston, Chase Massie, Ninette Carter, Donald Hall Guests: Scott Putney, Greg Duncan 1. Review of March 5, 2013 minutes - approved 2. Possible draft of a departmental disaster recovery plan given to Provost McArthur and he forwarded to OU Audit for review. 3. Banner related a. Oracle 11g Middleware was successfully integrated into production Luminis b. DegreeWorks in production – Linda commented DGW is going well with the advisors using it and receiving positive feedback along with some suggested changes. c. Fixed Asset System update – Ninette not available d. Faculty compensation/overload module – Chase not available for report from PY/HR. Greg reported ITS is working on three R23 requests. Institutional Research is working with HR/PY and Registrar’s office to resolve a few issues. HR/PY will be holding training sessions. e. Recruiter Module – any news on purchase? Jamie is preparing a proposal for the president’s consideration f. Course Signals for retention and graduation – any interest in a webinar of the product? Not at this time. Early alert is meeting current needs. g. Any interest in UC4? If we wish to cancel maintenance, we must notify Ellucian by 6/3013. Members are uncertain if CRON will be able to meet their needs. Will keep this on our agenda until decided. Will inquire next month if a webinar is requested to refresh memories on the functionality of UC4. We will need to purchase server(s) should this be an item of interest. h. Cameron University ITS - Roadmap for Systems reviewed with committee by Greg and commented DGW will also have an upgrade in the July – August timeframe. He explained again the functional areas, except for Financial Aid, have not been requesting upgrades so we are playing catch up on those modules to be at the appropriate versions should Recruiter be purchased. Testing must be complete by 6/30/13. By year end, we will have completed 35 updates. Greg also mentioned he is working with Admissions on a letter generator program he developed. Late May/Early June May/June Summer 2013 Mid July July/August August 2013 July/August Early Sept Sept/October Late Oct 2014 Summer August 2014 Summer 2014 January 2015 October 2016 October 2017 Fin Aid – FISAP patch – required Banner Upgrades (PROD) Install Banner General 8.5, HR 8.6, Position Control 8.6, Emp SS 8.6 , Fin Aid 8.17, Finance 8.5, Finance Self Service 8.4, Finance Self Service 8.5, , Fin Aid SS 8.17 to PROD. New Banner 9 Server Hardware. (Dependant on release date of Banner 9.) New Luminis Hardware. Luminis 5 on production Fin Aid - DL Direct Loan Reconciliation patch Banner Upgrades(TEST) Install HR 8.7, Position Control 8.7, Fin Aid 8.18 to TEST Shutdown of IFAS (legacy) system (Sun V890). Insight discontinued. Banner Upgrades Install HR 8.7, Position Control 8.7, Employee SS 8.7, Fin Aid 8.18, Fin Aid SS 8.16 to TEST. Fin Aid – 2013-2014 Summer Update – Required Banner Upgrades Install HR 8.7, Position Control 8.7, Employee SS 8.7, Fin Aid 8.18, Fin Aid SS 8.16 to PROD. Fin Aid - Early Decision Release – CU will not need this Migrate to Blackboard Windows version. 6 month migration End-of-life Blackboard ID system (UNIX) – drop dead date. Banner 9 Go-Live (Dependent on release date of Banner 9) Premier Support ends for Oracle database 11.2 Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.2.x premier support ends (banner04, banner 05) Oracle Fusion Middleware 11.1.2.x extended support ends (banner04, banner05) January 2018 Extended Support Ends for Oracle Database 11.2 4. Anticipated timeframe for capital purchase of 4 year old PCs? Not available at this time. 5. Informational a. Student Analyst/Programmer posted – 16 applicants so far b. HR/PY Analyst/Programmer leaving September-October timeframe and position is in open hire awaiting approvals. c. Blackboard Mobile App – Phase 3 • Following successful roll out for iPhones and Androids, a universal version is being developed for all other mobile devices 6. Mobile Learn Analytics: 7. Other topics?