Steering Committee for Information Technology December 15, 2010 Approved Minutes Members Present: Linda Phillips, Ninette Carter, Zoe DuRant, John McArthur, Debbie Goode Members Absent: Carol Claiborne, Jamie Glover, Jennifer Holland, Glen Pinkston 1. Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of October 20, 2010 Minutes; did not meet in November Amendments: Changed ‘agenda’ to ‘minutes’; added Zoe DuRant to Members Absent 2. Next Meeting – January 19 at 11 a.m. in CETES 206 3. R23 Forms • 99 requests since 7/9/10 • Completed: 56 requests for 1,314 hours 4. Blackboard Mobile Central progress Julie Duncan provided images, RSS feeds for AggieCentral and AggieAccess News; Greg Duncan provided directory info for Bb Mobile Central. Bob Hanefield and Lester should be contacted for map information. Josh Lehman’s department will need to provide design work to Blackboard. 5. Two departments on campus have appointed student workers to have the same access rights in Banner as the supervisors within those departments. From ITS’s perspective, this is not a good practice. With Banner, from a security standpoint, it is easy to control what forms and/or jobs an individual be allowed to run. More discussion followed. For scenarios such as this in the future, the procedure will be for the appropriate executive council member to meet with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President to discuss the request. 6. Data Standards • VPAA McArthur assigned the review of data standards proposed changes to the IT Steering Committee and the IT Advisory Committee, depending on the flavor of the item. I am submitting two items for your review and recommendation to Karla Oty. From Renee Roach in Registrar’s Office: When a student applies for graduation, they have the option to provide a hometown that is to be used for all publishing purposes. If the student does not provide hometown information, we default the location to Lawton, OK. In legacy, we had a specific field titled “Hometown” as part of the graduation form that we could enter the student’s requested hometown information. However, in Banner, we have no such indicator. At this point, our only option to gather this information for reporting would be to create a new address type titled “hometown” in which we would only enter the city and town for the hometown information. We would need to leave the address information blank. This would allow us to pull the data necessary to provide the report listing of graduates for media and public relations. I have the capability of creating the new address in the system. However, I would like to ensure I have notified all parties of the addition I am requesting. I have visited with my counterparts at OU who have recently converted to Banner and they have also determined this is the best methodology to capture the student’s hometown information for publishing purposes. Therefore, I would like to request approval to create a new address type to be named “hometown” or something related. Please let me know if this is an acceptable proposal or if there are other means by which I should request this approval. Dr. McArthur requested a separate email type be created in Banner for use with the emergency contact system ECS. In addition to the emergency notification going to their CU official email, they will have the opportunity to add an additional email address for receiving the ECS message. Please let me know your opinion regarding moving forward with this email type. Julie currently has the time to work on it and in January, before our emergency test, she will not have the time. The committee agreed with the request from Renee, but wanted to check whether it might be indicated as ‘inactive’. Since it will not be an incomplete address, it could possibly be pulled for Higher One cards if other addresses are missing. Debbie will follow through on this and report back to the committee. Since students cannot sync their mobile devices with their CU email, the additional email type for emergency notification was agreed upon. Dr. McArthur requested this be its only use, for emergency notification. 7. Some Banner complaints may be misplaced. In response to various complaints we are hearing about ‘Banner’, Kurt suggested the IT committees be apprised of the situation and perhaps each of you can be part of the solution in helping users better understand their problem. As a result, I sent the following email to each of you and the IT Advisory Committee to share with colleagues that may be complaining. I need your assistance, please. I am hearing comments that faculty and staff are experiencing unhappiness with Banner. It is our belief the unhappiness may be misplaced for the most part. From what we can determine, it appears many errors are Java and/or Microsoft related errors in trying to enter Banner. We know Banner is not perfect, but it is a solid enterprise system. The 2011 enhancements for Banner that have been mentioned thus far are exciting! There will be lots of system activity at the end of the semester and some users will be running processes on the live system for the first time. Regardless of all the testing that occurred on the test system, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way with end of year processes on the live system. If you hear of complaints, since all of you are techno savvy, please encourage and share with your colleagues how to send screen shots to The screen shots are very helpful in troubleshooting. If you happen to hear common complaints associated with Banner and wish to share, feel free to email those to me. 8. System Roadmap recently refreshed and sent to the Banner implementation leadership team and I.T. Steering Committee. This is a work in progress. • Critical dates for planned system outages: 12/27/10 – 12/28/10: AggieAccess and Banner will be unavailable for patches/upgrades to operating system, Banner and Oracle 3/17/11 – 3/18/11: AggieAccess and Banner will be unavailable for Oracle upgrade from 10g to 11g and operating system patches to Banner systems A question was asked what time the system would be unavailable on 12/27/10 and it will be midnight, as backup begins at 1 a.m. 9. Any other topics? Discussion about legislative changes to OHLAP was held. No decision how CU will handle the GPA at this time. Some universities will be performing a manual calculation. CU has 800 students in this scenario. When will DegreeWorks begin? It needs to begin within the 2010-11 fiscal year. More than likely late spring . The implementation method has not been decided, as there has not been any discussion at this point. Question regarding when faculty compensation and overload module will be brought online and at this point, there is no date set. Training was postponed from the fall. A shadow system is now in place. 10. Pending items • 90 day password expiration – still looking into tools for website creation to allow students/fac/staff to registration and reset • Looking at Google Apps for students, beginning with the Fall 2011 term – this will be taken to the I.T. Advisory and Teaching and Learning committees. It will be interesting to receive feedback from faculty re: the impact this may or may not have in the classroom.