Document 12284383

Steering Committee for Information Technology
December 17, 2008 Minutes
Members Present: Carol Claiborne, Linda Phillips, Jennifer Holland, Sherry Hendrix, Zoe DuRant,
Jamie Glover, Aubree Helvey, John McArthur, Debbie Goode
Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of October 15, 2008 Minutes - approved
Next Meeting – January 21 at 11 a.m.
Update on Banner migration – Sherry Hendrix – Training has started for the student functional area. The
importance of testing and developing training manuals cannot be emphasized enough. Sherry is working on do’s,
don’ts and how tos to enhance the data standards being developed by that committee. Data standards team will start
on reporting in January. We have a good representation attending Summit in March 2009.
Any Banner update info from others? Linda Phillips reported the student area is setting aside one morning
a week for training. Debbie reported the first load of SBPERS table went perfectly. Almost 200,000 records loaded.
Banner acknowledged what a huge task this is and was extremely complimentary of the I.T. staff. Julie Duncan and
Rick Clyburn are the ones working on this data. There are numerous data extracts being created by all the
a. Question regarding OU nursing students being loaded into Banner sent to Sandra on 12/9/08 cc:
Sherry, Dawne, Linda, Mike Pfeifer, Laurene Farley:
Cameron provides a classroom building for University of Oklahoma nursing students. Due to the fact
the OU nursing students are on our campus and use our facilities, the OU nursing students pay fees
to our bursar. In order for us to provide the fee amount, our registrar’s office creates an OU nursing
class schedule for the OU students and our Admission’s office enters the students into our current
system. The OU nursing secretary then enrolls the OU nursing students in the OU courses, a charge
is created for them for fees only and they pay at our bursar’s office. The OU nursing secretary also
enrolls them at OU, so a charge for their tuition is created and paid to OU. Cameron does not include
the OU nursing students in any count on any enrollment reports.
Is there a way to:
create a schedule for these students,
enroll them and calculate fees (on a per credit hours basis) and
ensure they are never included in any reporting without having to physically exclude them
from every single report?
In other words, we do not want our functional users to be required to include additional criteria which
will exclude the OU Nursing students from their reports. Odds are they are going to forget to do that.
As a result erroneous data may be published. Obviously, this scenario needs to be avoided.
Sprinkler head in CU-Duncan server room in process of being sealed off and a sensor installed in its
place - informational
Possible Reorganization of helpdesk – The type of skills for the replacement of the helpdesk coordinator is
being considered. Please provide input to Dr. McArthur regarding any suggestions for this area. For example, What
services do you feel the helpdesk needs to provide that it is not being offered? What services and/or areas would you
like to see improved?
Any other information required by ITS regarding the choices of e-mail as official notification of record
to students? – Dr. McArthur has enough information to make a recommendation.
Informational: OU sends text messages for emergency notifications if the student provides a phone number
for that purpose.
Mousepads with Banner navigational information has been designed by Jana Gowan’s department. We
should have a product ready for the printer in January. It was agreed they will be very helpful.