Steering Committee for Information Technology September 24, 2008 Minutes 1. Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of July 16, 2008 Minutes - approved 2. Next Meeting – October 15 at 11 a.m. 3. Update on Banner migration – Sherry Hendrix reported all teams have completed their discovery processes except for student, which is scheduled for Oct. 8-10 and Luminis, which will be scheduled at a later date. Banner is in the process of defining gap analysis and 80% of the system configuration. Alumni and Advancement made the decision to go with Banner and they are adding members to their team. The data standards team will meet with student team during part of their discovery during Oct. 8-10. There will be lots of discussion on general person demographics. Data standards team is tailoring a data standards document for Cameron. Finance team is busy working on chart of accounts. Finance is also looking at Touch Net for accounts receivable and exploring Touch Net’s cashiering function and anxious to see Banner’s cashiering process. They wish to e-mail bills to students, allow students to authorize specific individuals to view their bills online. Touch Net has 500 Banner clients. Ninette requested the vendor provide pricing. Setup for Touch Net appears to be straight forward and they will perform the setup. Sherry has identified three possible training rooms: Library classroom, Burch 104, south end and S. Shepler 407. Sherry, Debbie and Bob need to meet in Shepler to look at a possible reconfiguration. CU’s Banner website is kept up-to-date:\banner Should any steering committee members need passwords, they may contact Sherry for assistance. Banner’s CBT navigation requires approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete during the workday with interruptions. All team members must have completed CBT prior to training. Sherry has advised the team leads to let her know of any Banner documents they wish to have printed in Printing Services and she will have those printed and charged to a specific account number. Team leads have been asked to provide a list of any shadow systems they are currently utilizing as well as any third party software they use in their departments. Higher One is a refund management system for financial aid refunds that is being implemented at OCCC and a few other Oklahoma universities are following in OCCC’s footsteps, as OCCC provided an RFP that is good for all Oklahoma schools. There is a great deal of work occurring right now with financial aid, Ninette and Rick in trying to develop the amount of money owed to a student. The largest missing piece is student loans. There are still some issues with negative charges that need to be resolved before the loans are configured into the mix. Ninette has spoken with the lenders and when we are ready, they will send an electronic file instead of the hard copy checks currently being sent. Sherry reminded the steering committee of Higher One, Touch Net, Cognos and Luminis in addition to Banner implementation and how busy everyone is and will be for the next 18 months. She said the Banner leads are complimentary of CU’s Staff and the finance lead was pleased with Ninette’s forward thinking in developing the chart of accounts. Glen Pinkston requested Debbie Goode look into a mirror site at CU-Duncan and the cost involved. Glen stated we may have offices that need to look at creating a new job description for an existing employee that is a super user, someone capable of producing ad hoc reports and has developed an interest in Banner. There may be offices that will have job descriptions morph to meet Banner implementation job skills. Reclassification requests, possibility of roles of procedures shifting from one department to another may also possibly create position shifts. He advised that we should be careful to define the position required to perform the new job assignment rather that the person filling the role. 4. Update from Technical team regarding Banner migration – The technical kickoff meeting was held onsite September 3-4 with Laurene Farley. Julie Duncan moved all Banner migration information from our intranet to the internet. She has all SGHE’s copyright information password protected. She is doing a great job with the website. The Banner website is a central repository for all information relating to Banner. Chase Bailey attended Oracle PL/SQL training Sept. 15-19. He was the only one in the class. With one-onone training, he completed the course in three days and the instructor requested permission from her supervisor to give him the Intro to Banner Admin the last two days. Chase will be attending Oracle PL/SQL training Nov. 4-7 in Malvern, PA. IT is focusing on clean-up of demographic data for general person. There is a need to define the historical cut-off for data being migrated. Any Banner update info from others? Carol Claiborne commented the financial aid team was very pleased with their discovery session and the knowledge of their Banner lead. 5. R23 Forms – Debbie was instructed by the auditor to keep the steering committee apprised of the status of R23 forms. As a catch up – we have 97 total submissions; 12 open; 18 withdrawn and 67 completed. CAM0095 submitted by Brenda Dally is still a viable request and Jamie Glover will contact Kelly Simon for information so Jamie can refine the R23 so it will hopefully not require the 40 hours estimated by Kelly Simon for the original request. CAM0098 from Carol Claiborne requesting a pop-up box when a financial aid student drops or withdraws below the number of hours causing the student to be in a re-pay situation – 40 hours of programming time by Greg Duncan was withdrawn. Glen requested information on the R23 log to know how close we are on estimating time vs. actual time. Debbie will send the R23 log to the members. CAM0099 from Jana Gowan requesting a pop-up box advising students they may pay online will take 1 to 2 hours of Greg Duncan’s time. Greg suggested it be placed on the login box for MyCU, which will take only a few minutes. The committee opted for it to go on the MyCU login box. If this does not meet Jana’s expectations, we can re-visit her request. 6. Emergency Notification Stats: Call results –Best Connection per contact This message was sent to ALL available numbers for each selected contact Could not be reached at any number Were only reached via answering machine 11/1/07 3/11/08 9/10/08 697 435 378 2762 2268 1863 Contacts receiving a live delivery of message 3245 3191 3813 Message Deliver Statistics: Total contacts selected = 6,054 Total unique deliveries = 9,238 Successful Deliveries Unsuccessful Deliveries Answering Machine Live Delivery Unsuccessful Deliveries Bad Phone Number Busy Fax/Modem Hangup No Answer Phone Network Busy Undeliverable Total Unique Deliveries Total E-mails Selected 11/1/07 3/11/08 9/10/08 7,684 7,410 8,159 1,341 1,054 1,079 4,227 3,833 3,668 3,457 3,577 4,491 1,341 1,054 1,079 384 1,054 444 44 39 48 85 31 20 18 67 32 794 950 439 0 0 57 16 2 4 9,025 8,464 9,238 10,042 9,515 10,253 Unique deliveries are the actual number of calls that are placed. This number will be lowered by multiple contacts that share the same phone number and raised by contacts that have more than one phone number. 7. Any other topics for discussion? VPN was brought up since there are a few employees that need to work from home. John mentioned that should an issue arise, your home PC may be liable to e-discovery. Debbie advised members they must have updated virus protection on their home PCs so they do not infect the campus network. Carol mentioned FATV paperwork has been signed by Glen and will be on our website soon. FATV is available on the University of Houston’s website if you are interested in learning more about it before it arrives on campus: The vendor will be tailoring FATV for Cameron Gold and Oklahoma-specific topics. Jennifer Holland: Is still interested in pursuing a discussion about books being purchased. She is interested in learning if refunds can be put on the Cameron ID card, or whether it can be placed on a charge account? This is an ongoing problem for our students. Glen advised Jennifer, Carol and Ninette to meet and discuss the best options to serve our students and he is willing to consider allowing students to charge books. Glen is hopeful Higher One will be able to help with this. He is not sure how long it takes for Higher One to transfer money to an account for the student. Sherry asked her counterpart with SGHE to provide a list of Banner compatible software interfaces there is between the Follett bookstore and Banner. The question regarding official CU e-mail notifications, such as student billing, financial aid letters, etc., being sent to only e-mail addresses vs. whatever e-mail address the student provides through MyCU was discussed. We will inquire as to what OSU and the University of Kansas are doing.