Steering Committee for Information Technology July 16, 2008 Minutes

Steering Committee for Information Technology
July 16, 2008 Minutes
Members Present: John McArthur, Sherry Hendrix, Lance Janda, Jamie Glover, Linda Phillips,
Aubree Helvey, Ninette Carter, Chris Crandon, Zoe DuRant, Jennifer Holland, Debbie Goode
Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of June 18, 2008 Minutes – approved. Posted at committee
Next Meeting – August 13 at 11 a.m. – August 20 meeting date will not work due to the first week
of classes.
Update on Banner migration by Sherry
a. Handout: Banner Implementation Teams - Members of the Executive Steering Committee,
Implementation Leadership Teams and Data Standards and Reporting team members have
been selected and waiting on approval before Sherry contacts the individuals.
b. Sherry developed a Project Charter which covers purpose, background, timeline, team
members’ roles and responsibilities, communication, training, documentation, conflict
resolution, etc., which is under review by Glen and Aubree
c. Handout: Suggested Work Groups for Banner Modules
d. Sherry is hopeful to start team meetings next week to review the Project Charter, discuss and
start developing Business Processes and questionnaires that Banner will be sending in
preparation for the Kick-Off meeting
i. Sherry will provide assistance in helping develop the Banner information for the desk
manuals to be created for every position on campus. TCC hired EduServe’s technical
report writer to assist with desk manuals for their campus and Sherry will be able to
review what she is preparing for TCC.
e. She encouraged everyone to begin today speaking with workers in their respective areas to
begin defining and documenting business processes
f. A Data Standards document is in draft form and will be refined by representatives from
student affairs, financial assistance, finance, HR, technical, institutional research and
advancement to ensure consistency and data integrity. The Data Standards and Reporting
teams will be combined due to staffing limitations. The Data Standards document will assist
i. reducing duplicate personal identification records through reliable searches for
existing records
ii. promoting search capability through uniform data entry
iii. promoting reporting efforts based on presentation, retrieval and joins of the data
iv. defining of all local, state, federal, Banner canned reports will be reviewed
Banner Kick-Off Meeting
a. August 11-12 is currently planned
i. Discussion followed regarding the busy week before classes start, but this is the only
time Banner team leaders are available. Sherry will explore the opportunities of doing
video conferencing or phone meetings
b. Discovery meetings are planned to take place between September 8 and October 3
i. Full implementation will begin October 20. CU will have 4 go live timelines
COGNOS – report writer
Luminis - portal
Operational Data Store (ODS)
c. Tentative go live date is February or March 2010
Update on TMA project – Sherry reports the software and configurations are complete. Roger
Long is the system administrator of TMA. He is doing a great job. System Administrator training was July
8-10. Training of the foremen, I.T. reporting, system administrators will occur July 21-24. End user training
will be held July 28-29. They will train 19 employees at a time, taking approximately 30 minutes. The
system has a feature through the web that does not require a user login that can be very helpful for a variety
of instances. Sherry will work with Jamie to ensure the campus is properly notified.
Student e-mail addresses - first name.last name will begin August 1st – this is still on schedule
R23 Forms
a. CAM0095 has been received – waiting on more info from user department
b. CAM0096 Expanding Early Alert System to encompass Care Requests tracking submitted
by Jennifer Holland - approved
Any other topics for discussion?
a. Jennifer asked if we can auto forward to student e-mail addresses stored in SBI –
Debbie checked with Windows Server Admin, and they recommend against setting up
forwards for students. It requires system configuration changes, resulting in system overhead
and manpower that we are not staffed to do. We previously discussed when we went live
with Banner to declare student CU e-mail address will be the official notification of record
for correspondence with students. There is a link to their e-mail on the CU’s home page. We
might be able to put a link somewhere on MyCU if that makes sense to do so.
b. Jamie will submit an R23 form for MyCU web modification to accommodate an alert to
faculty advisors when they are performing drops for students that have opted in for Tuition
Task Lists
Steering Committee
Glen and Aubree
Contact supervisors of team leads
Instructions for Banner listserve to Steering Committee
Send copy of Business Process Guide to Steering Committee
Contact Banner re: Discovery via some type of mobile communication
Contact Banner for Kick-Off meeting itinerary
R23 to Debbie for Tuition Lock
Visit with staff to begin identification of Business Processes
Complete review of Project Charter