GRADUATE COUNCIL MINUTES Members present: May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015
The Graduate Council met at 2:00 p.m. in Ingram 101. Chair Nita Brooks presided.
Call to Order
Members present:
Nita Brooks, Bichaka Fayissa Josh Howard, Robert Kalwinsky, Steve Livingston, Pamela
Morris, Dwight Patterson, Lencie Plancher, Brian Robertson, Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Monica
Wallace, and Jeremy Winters
Ex-Officio/ Guests present:
Scott Handy, Interim Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies,
Jackie Eller, Interim Dean, College of Graduate Studies and Vice Provost for Research
a. Dr. Nita Brooks, Chair
Dr. Brooks opened the meeting at 2:02 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting – April 24th, 2015
The minutes were distributed to the Graduate Council for review. A motion was made to
accept the minutes of the April 24th, 2015 meeting. The motion was seconded and passed.
Sub-Committee Reports
a. Graduate Faculty and Curriculum Review
Dr. Vaughn Barry, Chair
 The May Consent Calendar is attached.
 The Consent Calendar comes in the form of a motion. It was seconded and
b. Student Affairs and Travel
Dr. Kathleen Darby, Chair
c. Policies and Procedures
Dr. Bichaka Fayissa, Chair
 At previous meetings, it was decided that both the Graduate Faculty
Membership Application and Curriculum Cover Memo forms will be revised to
include a signature line for the Program Coordinator/Director. This signature
line will be included before the Department Chair signature line. At the last
Graduate Council meeting, there was one question remaining about the
Graduate Faculty Membership Application in regards to the home department
of the applying faculty member. The home department of the faculty member
would have to be clarified (the one in which they have been hired, tenured,
and/or promoted for faculty who do teaching across disciplines and programs
such as those in the MBA, MSE, MOBI, COMS, etc). The Policies and Procedures
Subcommittee presented their report in favor of having the signature of the
program coordinator/director for the department into which the faculty
member was hired. A motion was made to accept the report as
submitted by the Policies and Procedures Subcommittee. The motion
was seconded and passed.
d. Graduate Program Review
Dr. Ginny Dansby, Chair
 The initial stages of the graduate program reviews are all complete. The
reviews have been completed, program responses have been received, and the
post-review meeting have occurred. The review and program response for the
Computational Science program was reviewed with no particular comments
noted. The next stage will be the one-year follow-up next June.
Old Business
a. Summer Graduate Council. We are in need of volunteers during the summer months to
handle emergency business and graduate faculty membership applications. Dr. Handy
passed around a sign-up sheet for monthly availability. Those that signed up to
volunteer included:
For the month of June: Pamela Morris, Josh Howard, Steve Livingston, and Robert
For the month of July: Nita Brooks, Josh Howard, Robert Kalwinsky, Jeremy Winters,
and Kathleen Darby
For the month of August: Brian Robertson, Dwight Patterson, Bichaka Fayissa, and
Jennifer Vannatta-Hall
b. Graduate Faculty and Student Travel Budget. Given that this account regularly runs out
of money, at the last Council meeting, a request was made for the Student Affairs and
Travel Subcommittee to consider formally restricting this account to fund only student
travel, with requests for faculty travel going instead to the Dean of the College of
Graduate Studies and Vice Provost for Research for funding through alternative
mechanisms. A motion was made to reallocate this Graduate Faculty and Student Travel
Budget to be used only for graduate student travel requests. The motion was seconded
and passed.
New Business
a. Graduate Suspension Appeals. We need three volunteers for each of the two upcoming
graduate suspension appeals. For May 20th, Nita Brooks, Brian Robertson, and Robert
Kalwinsky volunteered. For Aug 18th, Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Pamela Morris, and
Bichaka Fayissa volunteered.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:41 p.m.
May 2015
Graduate Council – Consent Calendar
May 15, 2015
Graduate Faculty Membership
Lisa Cejka / Nursing / MSN
Yvonne Creighton / Nursing / MSN
Vickie Harden / Social Work / MSSW
John Sanborn / Social Work / MSW
William Todd Vickrey / Nursing / MSN
Michaele Chappell / Mathematical Sciences / PhD
Kathleen Darby / Social Work / PhD
Michael Fleming / Recording Industry / MM
Matthew Foglia / Recording Industry / MM
Don Hong / Mathematical Sciences / PhD
Jeong (Jid) Lee / English / PhD
Ann McCullough / Foreign Languages and Literature / PhD
Yuri Melnikov / Mathematical Sciences / PhD
Amy Phelps / Chemistry / PhD
Terrance Quinn / Mathematical Sciences / PhD
Ginger Rowell / Mathematical Sciences / PhD
Rebecca Smith / Social Work / PhD
Shelley Thomas / Foreign Languages and Literature / PhD
Graduate Curriculum Changes
Management and Marketing
Proposed New Course
MGMT 6800 Applied Management Project, 3 credit hours, effective Fall 2015
Non-Substantive Revisions in Curriculum of Existing Major, Minor, Emphasis
Change the required course in the M.S. in Management from MGMT 6790 (Independent Study) to MGMT 6800 (Applied
Management Project), effective Fall 2015
Inactivation of Course
LEST 6000
Creative Leadership and Collaboration, effective Fall 2015
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May 2015
Economics and Finance
Non-Substantive Revisions in Curriculum of Existing Major, Minor, Emphasis
In the M.S. in Finance Curriculum:
 Replace ECON 6010 (Macroeconomics I) with FIN 6730 (Financial Institutions), effective Fall 2015
 Replace ACTG 6920 (Financial Statement Analysis) with FIN 6740 (Bond Market Analysis), effective Fall 2015
Other-Name Change for Existing Program
In the M.S. in Aviation Administration, change the name of the concentration from Aerospace Education to Aviation
Education, effective Fall 2015
Educational Leadership
Course Number and Title Change
 LIBS 6960 to LIBS 6340 (Integration of Learning Theory, Programs, and Technology), effective Spr 2016
 LIBS 6170 to LIBS 6015 (Reference Materials and Process), effective Fall 2015
 LIBS 6120 to LIBS 6020 (Organizing Library Resources), effective Summer 2015
 LIBS 6200 to LIBS 6900 (Skills and Issues in the Library), effective Summer 2015
 LIBS 6130 to LIBS 6000 (Librarianship), effective Summer 2015
 LIBS 6110 to LIBS 6105 (School Library Management), effective Spring 2016
 LIBS 5150 to LIBS 6310 (Materials for Literacy of Children); no longer dual-list w/ LIBS 4150, effective Spr 2016
 LIBS 5160 to LIBS 6311 (Materials for Literacy of Young People); no longer dual-list w/ LIBS 4160, effective
Fall 2015
In the M.E.D. Administration and Supervision – Library Science Concentration, replace Comprehensive Exam with EPortfolio, effective Fall 2015
Inactivation of Courses
LIBS 6180
Library Science Practicum PreK-6 replaced by SPSE 6550 in Conc – M.E.D ADSU/Library Science
LIBS 6190
Library Science Practicum 7-12 replaced by SPSE 6550 in Conc – M.E.D ADSU/Library Science
Changes effective Summer 2015
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May 2015
M.A. Psychology Programs in Clinical, Quantitative, and Experimental would like to require applicants to submit a resume
or vita in addition to the current application materials, effective Fall 2015
Course Title Change
PSY 6085
Change title from Pre-Practicum: Industrial/Organizational Psychology to Pre-Internship:
Industrial/Organizational Psychology, effective Fall 2015
PSY 6090
Change title from Practicum: Industrial/Organizational Psychology to Internship: Industrial/Organizational
Psychology, effective Fall 2015
Assessment, Learning & School Improvement EdD
Clarify graduation requirements in regards to the completion and submission of a research-based article to a peerreviewed professional journal. It is the program’s intent to have the students working with a faculty member and/or their
advisor/dissertation chair to ensure the submission is a quality submission since there is no requirement for publication.
It is proposed that the website be updated to reflect the necessity to work with a faculty member and/or their advisor/
dissertation chair. Add the wording: “The research-based article and presentation must receive approval from the
program director (or designee) to meet degree requirements.” Also, add clarifying paperwork to document graduation
requirements and committee signatures.
Changes to be effective Fall 2015
Mathematical Sciences
Proposed New Courses
MATH 6611
Problems in Mathematics, 1-6 credit hours, standard grading, effective Fall 2015
MATH 7611
Problems in Mathematics, 1-6 credit hours, standard grading, effective Fall 2015
MATH 6612
Problems in Mathematics, 1-6 credit hours, pass/fail grading, effective Fall 2015
MATH 7612
Problems in Mathematics, 1-6 credit hours, pass/fail grading, effective Fall 2015
Literacy Studies
Proposing departmental standards for Graduate Faculty Evaluation, effective Summer 2015
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