Brief Bio

Brief Bio
1. Personal Information
Name: Abdullah Khamis Al-Kindi
E-mail: /
Academic Rank: Associate Professor
Department: Mass Communication
Specialization: Mass Communication
Minor specialization: Journalism Editing
Address: Sultan Qaboos University, College of Arts & Social Sciences. P.O Box 42, P.C. 123. Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman.
2. Employment History
Place of Work (Institution)
Sultan Qaboos University
Sultan Qaboos University
Sultan Qaboos University
Assistant Professor
Sultan Qaboos University
Associate Professor
3. Education and Qualifications
3- 1 Qualifications
BA in Mass Communication
Sultan Qaboos University
University of Wales, School of Journalism
MA in Journalism
Cardiff. UK
Reading University, College of Letters. UK.
Ph.D. in Journalism
3-2 Courses Taught
Media Ethics and Laws
Media Translation
International Communication
Journalism in Oman and Arabian Gulf
Journalism Editing
Specialized Journalism
Seminar in Omani Media
Media Legislations
Issues in Media
4. Research
4-1 Research Interests
Media and War
Media Policies
Omani Journalism
4-2 Papers (5 most important or recent papers)
Abdullah K. Al-Kindi, Hilal A. Al-Rashiedi (2016) “Uses and Gratifications of Online Social Networks by the Sultan Qaboos
University Students: Analytical Study”. (Accepted for publication in the journal of Arab Association for Arts Colleges, Amman:
Abdullah K. Al-Kindi, Shumaisa A. Al-Nuumani, Hosni M. Naser (2016) “Oman Newspaper Discourse 1972-1975 in Dhofar
War: Study on Modes of Arguments” .(Accepted for publication in the journal of Revue Algerienne de Communication.
Algeria University 3: Algeria).
Abdullah K. Al-Kindi & Muna S. Al-Zadjali (2015) “Characteristics of the Editorial and Advertisement Content of the Omani
Arabic Dailies Front Page: A Study on Content and Communicator”. (Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. Sultan Qaboos
University. Vol. 2, No. 7. Pp. 16-46.
Abdullah K .Al-Kindi (2013) “Effects of New Media on the Cultural Values in The Arab World: Analytical/Critical Approach to
Identify the Effects and How to Study them”, (in) )LES Annales De L’ Universite D’ ALGER. University of Algeria: Algeria. Pp.
Hosni Nasr and Abdullah K .Al-Kindi (2012) “The Phenomenon of the Free Newspapers: Characteristics of A Sample of Arab
Free Newspapers”, (in) Journal of Communication Studies, Vol. 39. Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University: Cairo.
Pp. 65-125.
4-3 Conferences (5 most important or recent conferences)
Saleem, N.E, .Al Kindi, A. K & , .Al- RAHBI, K. (2016). Legal deposit at the Sultanate of Oman: the Law of Press and
Publications and its role in building Omani culture democracy .Paper presented at the 24 Bobcatsss symposium:
Information, Libraries and Democracy. Lyon, 27-29 January 2016.
Al-kindi, A. (2015). Arab Spring and Mass Media in the GCC: Have the Charactaristics and Roles Changed? Paper presented at
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the 20th Annual International Conference of the Arab-US Association of Communication Educators (AUSACE). Doha , 25-26
October 2015.
Al-Kindi, A. (2014) GCC’s Media Roles During and After 2011 Public Protests in the Region: Analytical and Critical Overview.
Paper presented at the third Symposium of Sultan Qaboos Academic Chairs. University of Tokyo, 2-3 October 2014.
Al-Kindi, A. (2012) Aspects of Omani Newspapers’ History and Contemporary Characteristics. Paper presented at The Omani
Cultural Days in UNESCO, Paris, 15-20/January/2012.
Al-Kindi, A. and Al-Hasani, A. (2011) Mass Media Research in Oman: Analytical and Critical Approach. Paper presented at
conference entitled 50 Years of Mass Communication Research. University of Siena, UNESCO, and University of Westminster,
Cairo, 15-17/December/2011.
4-4 Thesis Supervision (5 most recent theses)
Ph.D. Thesis entitled “The Omani Daily Newspapers Role in setting the Agenda of the Omani Audiences regarding Educational
Issues”, 2012. Khalid Al-Ghailani. University of Ain Shams: Cairo. (Assistant supervisor).
MA Dissertation entitled “Characteristics of Investigative Reporting in the Arabic Omani Dailies: Analytical Study”. 2015.
Mohammed Al-Hashimi. (Main Supervisor).
MA Dissertation entitled “Uses and Gratifications of Online Social Networks by the Sultan Qaboos University Students
”. 2014. Hilal Al-Reshiadi. (Main Supervisor).
MA Dissertation entitled “Coverage of the Natural Disasters in the Omani Daily Newspaper ”. 2013. Fatima Al-Balushi.(Main
MA Dissertation entitled “The laws governing journalism in the Sultanate of Oman and the journalists' attitudes towards
them: Analytical and field study”. 2012. Bader Al-Seyabi (Main Supervisor)
5. Awards
Sultan Qaboos Order for Culture, Sciences, and Arts (Second Degree), 2006.
Academic Supervision Distinguished Award, 2003.
6. Community Service
6-1 Community services (Lectures – Seminars – etc….)
Lecture entitled “The intellectual and the authorities in mass communication media: the dialectic of concepts and practices”
Cultural Activities of Muscat Festival, Muscat 20 January 2016.
Lecture entitled “Dealing with Mass Media: Principles, Importance, and Skills”. State Council, Muscat 16 December 2015.
Lecture entitled “Ads. Characteristics in the Front Pages of the Omani Arabic Dailies”. Cultural Club, Muscat 8 December
Lecture entitled “Media Role in Crisis Management”. Ministry of Defense, Muscat 17 December 2015.
Designing and conducting a training program entitled “Skills of how to Deal with Media” (Phase One Muscat). Ministry of
Information, Thomson Foundation, and Sultan Qaboos University 4-15 October 2015.
6-2 Committee membership (5 main committees)
Member of the Directive Committee for the Omani Cultural Heritage Program. Research Council, Muscat 2015-...
Member of the Main Committee of the Sultan Qaboos University Strategic Plan 2016-2040. (from 2011-2013).
Member of the Committee of Sultan Qaboos University Branding. 2014-...
Member of the Committee of Sultan Qaboos University Ranking. 2014-...
Member of the Committee of the Governmental Journals and Publications. Ministry of Information 2014-...
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