College of Arts and Social Sciences [Information Studies] Course Portfolio INFO4610 Diplomatics Period: [Semester -20xx] September 2015 Course File I. COURSE FILE SUMMARY 1. COURSE INFORMATION College/Institute/Centre COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department Information Studies Program Title Diplomatics Semester\Year Fall 2015 Program Code Course Title English Course Code Diplomatics INFO4610 Course Type Specialization Electives Pre Requisites No pre requisites Teaching Language Arabic Credit Hours 3 Lecture --2--- (Weekly) Practical/Fieldwork ---1-- (Weekly) ---15-- Teaching Hours Teaching Weeks Number of students Lecture Practical/Fieldwork Number of Students dropped 1 Arabic الدبلوماتيقا Total --3--- 11 11 11 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION ENGLISH COURSE DESCRIPTION ARABIC COURSE DESCRIPTION The course covers the concept of diplomatics, its importance, origin and relation to sciences, the distinction between public and private document, original and copies of the document. The course also covers types and levels of document criticism, including external criticism of documents (script, handwriting, ink, form, seals, signatures …); Internal criticism of documents (study of language, historical events, parts of the document, initial protocol, text, final protocol). ، ونشأته، وأهميته،يغطي المقرر مفهوم الدبلوماتيك وأسس التمييز بين،والعلوم المتصلة بدراسة الوثائق . وأصل وصور الوثيقة،الوثائق العامة والوثائق الخاصة كما يغطي المقرر أسس نقد وتحقيق الوثائق؛ ويشمل النقد الخارجي دراسة الخصائص الخارجية للوثيقة نوع، المادة التي كتبت بها،(المادة التي كتبت عليها االحداث، ويشمل النقد الداخلي دراسة اللغة،)... ،الخط : واجزاء الوثيقة،التاريخية التي تضمنتها الوثيق . البروتوكول الختامي، النص،البروتوكول االفتتاحي 3. COURSE AIM Familiarize students with the concept of diplomatics and its old and new applications. - 4. COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop knowledge of the concept of diplomatics, its origin and importance. - Acquire knowledge of public and private document, original and copies of the document. - Gain knowledge of levels of document criticism. - Acquire knowledge of external and internal criticism of documents. 5. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to study, analyze, and assess the reliability of documents. 6. LECTURES SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC Concept of diplomatics 1 Origin of diplomatics 2 Diplomatics in Islamic civilization 3 Sciences related to diplomatics 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Concept of public and private document Concept of original and copies of document Types and levels of document criticism Midterm exam External criticism of documents (script and handwriting, Ink, Form, …) External criticism of documents: Signs of proof (seals and signatures) Internal criticism of documents: Initial Protocol Internal criticism of documents: Final Protocol Applications on modern and historical documents Internal criticism of documents: the text or content Applications on modern and historical documents 7. TEACHING STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Teaching Method Lectures Teaching Media PowerPoint presentations Educational Technology 8. GRADING AND ASSESSMENT POINTS Final Exam 40% WRITTEN ORAL TERM PAPER CONTINUOUS Midterm 15% Participation 10% 20% 15% 9. COURSE RULES Attendance Attendance at class is mandatory. Course Instructors should keep attendance records. An "absentee warning notice" will be issued if a student is absent for: • More than 10% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 5% in courses with 75 or more total contact hours. An "absentee withdrawal notice" will be issued and the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an 'FW' grade if a student is absent for: • More than 20% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 15% in courses with 75 to 150 total contact hours. • More than 10% of total contact hours for courses with more than 150 total contact hours. 10. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DESCRIPTION English Reference Books 3 Giry, Manual de Diplomatique, Paris, 1925, 2 vols. Hulme, Edward Maslin: History and its neighbors, London, Oxford University Press, 1942. Vincent, John Martin. Aids to Historical research. New York, Books for Libraries Press, 1969. Walne, P. Dictionary of archival terminology.- Munich: Saur, 1984. حسن على الحلوة .الدبلوماتيقا -.مجلة كلية اآلداب جامعة القاهرة ،مج ،26عام -1965ص ص 212-199 سالم عبود االلوسي .علم تحقيق الوثائق المعروف بعلم الدبلوماتيك .بغداد :الفرع اإلقليمي العربي للوثائق1977 ، سلوى على ميالد .الوثيقة القانونية؛ ماهيتها، أجزاؤها ،أهميتها .القاهرة :دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع.1986 ، محمد إبراهيم السيد .مقدمة للوثائق العربية .القاهرة: دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع( .1987 ،سلسلة الوثائق والمعلومات)1 ، علم الشروط عند المسلمين وصلته بعلم الوثائق العربية" بحث لألستاذ محمد خضر بمجلة الدارة، العدد الرابع .1975 محمود عباس حمودة .المدخل إلى دراسة الوثائق العربية -القاهرة :دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع، .1984 ناهد حمدي احمد .الشخصية القومية لمصر من خالل وثائق العصور الوسطي (محاضرات). Arabic Reference Books Lecture Notes/Hand-outs Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc. Diplomatics. Attachments LECTURES LECTURE NOTES/HAND-OUTS EXAMS SAMPLE A SAMPLE OF STUDENTS’ ANSWERS A SAMPLE OF EXERCISES AND STUDENTS’ ANSWERS A SAMPLE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES RESULTS AND GRADES 4 II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII.