College of Arts and Social Sciences [INFORMATION STUDIES] Course Portfolio [Management of Current and Semi-current Archives] INFO3611 Period: [spring 2015] [Date] Course File I. COURSE FILE SUMMARY 1. COURSE INFORMATION College/Institute/Centre COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department INFORMATION STUDIES Program Title Semester\Year Spring 2015 Program Code English Course Code Management of Current and Semi-current Archives INFO 3611 Course Type Mandatory Course Title Arabic Pre Requisites Teaching Language Arabic Credit Hours Teaching Hours Teaching Weeks Lecture ----- (Weekly) Practical/Fieldwork ----- (Weekly) ----- Number of students Lecture Practical/Fieldwork Number of Students dropped 1 Total ----- 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION ENGLISH COURSE DESCRIPTION ARABIC COURSE DESCRIPTION This course deals with the theoretical foundations and practical applications of Management of Current and Semi-current Archives, and explains the ways to organize them and facilitate their preservation, how to benefit from them and to identify the systems, tools, and techniques for electronic archiving, as well as training programs on their use. The course also aims to define for students the basic concepts in the field of management and organization and preservation of electronic documents and electronic archiving; as well as to identify the organizations that work with the document management, and legislation on records and electronic archiving, especially Omani legislation, and give the students practical skills needed to manage electronic documents, Finally, to inform students of some national and international experiences in the field of electronic archiving. 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES Provide students with important information about the Management of Current and Semi-current Archives, and develop their practical skills. 4. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Will produce graduates with a new set of competencies based on the foundations and practical applications of Management of Current and Semi-current Archives, and who understand the ways to organize and facilitate their preservation, how to benefit from them and identify the systems, tools, and techniques for electronic archiving, as well as training programs on their use. 2 5. LECTURES SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC 1 The basic concepts of Management of Archives The concept of Current archives The concept of Semi-current Archives 2 Document Management Policy responsible for document management 3 Principles of archives organization 4 Objectives of Archives management 5 Importance of archives management 6 Specifications and international standards for the management of archives 7 ISO15489:1:2001 8 Archival institutions: • elements of archival institutions. • jobs in archival institutions. • types of archival institutions The mid-exam 9 Archives in the Sultanate of Oman • extent of interest in archives in the Sultanate of Oman • archival legislation in the Sultanate of Oman General Authority for Archives 10 Omani laws and legislation in the field of management of archives 11 Electronic systems for archives management 12 Properties of Electronic systems for archives management 13 Operations of Archives Administration 14 Operations of Archives Administration 15 Issues and challenges facing the electronic management of archives 16 Final exam 6. TEACHING STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Teaching Method Use of lecture style Use of style of student self-learning Teaching Media Use of PowerPoint slides Accessing the Internet to search for various sites that provide Electronic systems for archives management style and discussion Use of practical applications in the electronic management of archives 7. GRADING AND ASSESSMENT POINTS WRITTEN ORAL TERM PAPER 15% 15% QZ 1 QZ 2 3 CONTINUOUS 20% 50% Project of Electronic systems for the archives management Final Exam 8. COURSE RULES Attendance Attendance at class is mandatory. Course Instructors should keep attendance records. An "absentee warning notice" will be issued if a student is absent for: • More than 10% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 5% in courses with 75 or more total contact hours. An "absentee withdrawal notice" will be issued and the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an 'FW' grade if a student is absent for: • More than 20% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 15% in courses with 75 to 150 total contact hours. • More than 10% of total contact hours for courses with more than 150 total contact hours. 9. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DESCRIPTION English Reference Books 1- Willams,Caroline (2006). Managing Archives: Foundations, Principles and Practice. Elsevie. r&lr=&id=yuiAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Ma naging+Archives:+Foundations,+Principl es+and+Practice&ots=dGE0wnrun&sig=zMWks5KpYYS1LvmlDH TSm0cWG7c#v=onepage&q=Managing %20Archives%3A%20Foundations%2C %20Principles%20and%20Practice&f=fa lse 2- Carl Newton, (2007) "Managing Archives: Foundations, Principles and Practice", Records Management Journal, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp.63 – 65 0705 Arabic Reference Books . صباح محمد و عبد الستار شاكر سلمان, كلو-1 المؤسسات الوطنية لألرشيف واتجاهاتها نحو.)2014( المجلة العراقية. تكنولوجيا المعلومات واالتصاالت .17-1 ص,2-1 العددان,15 المجلد.للمعلومات Lecture Notes/Hand-outs 4 1 Management/RecordsManagementGener alTrainingSessions.aspx 2- 3- Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc. Attachments II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. LECTURES LECTURE NOTES/HAND-OUTS EXAMS SAMPLE A SAMPLE OF STUDENTS’ ANSWERS A SAMPLE OF EXERCISES AND STUDENTS’ ANSWERS A SAMPLE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES RESULTS AND GRADES 5