Brief Bio

Brief Bio
1. Personal Information
Name: Dr. Sabah Mohammed Kallow
Academic Rank: Assistant Prof.
Department of Information Studies
Specialization: : Library and Information Science
Minor specialization: Information Reteravil Systems
Address: Sultan Qaboos University, College of Arts & Social Sciences. P.O Box 42, P.C. 123. Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman.
2. Employment History
Place of Work (Institution)
Department of Information Studies, College of
2002 Assistant Pro.r
Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos
University, Oman.
Department of Information Science, College of
Arts, University of Sana'a, Yemen.
College of Arts, Mustansiriyah University- Iraq.
Ho D, Department of Library and
College of Arts, Mustansiriyah University- Iraq
Information Science,
Associate Prof
3. Education and Qualifications
3- 1 Qualifications
Mustansiriyah University- Iraq
Ph.D. in Libraries and Information Science
University of Sheffield- UK
MA in Libraries and Information Science
University of Baghdad- Iraq
Higher Diploma in Documentation and Library
3-2 Courses Taught
Methods of scientific research in libraries and information science
New trends in information technology
Cataloging and Classification sources of medical information
Higher diploma- medical libraries
Medical References works
Higher diploma medical libraries
Medical Subject Analysis
Higher diploma -medical libraries
Information Technology
Subject Analysis
Data Bases
Information Sources in science and technology
General information sources
E- Publication
Classification\1( Web – Dewey)
Classification\2( Classification Web)
Information Services
Storage and information retrieval systems
Ethic of Proficational Archive
Indexing & Abstracting
Collections Development
4. Research
4-1 Research Interests
Medical Libraries
Information Technology
4-2 Papers (5 most important or recent papers)
1- Kallow,Sabah.(2014). Occupational standards for electronic systems for the management of documents (current and
intermediate) in government units in Oman: evaluation study. Arab Journal of archive, documentation and information18th
year, No. 35-36, pp 219-259.
2-Kallow, Sabah Mohammed, and Abdul Sattar Shakir Salman. (2014). National institutions of archive and it's trends toward
1|P age
the information and communications technology. Iraqi Journal of information. Volume 15, Issue (1-2), pp. 1-17
3- Kallow, Sabah Mohammed (2013). ). Digitize archival heritage: a look at the Arab experiences. Arab Journal of
the archive, documentation and information. Year (16), p 31-32, January, pp. 179-194.
4- Kallow, Sabah Mohammed, and Abdul Sattar Shakir Salman(2013). Digitize manuscripts and
evaluating its website. Iraqi Journal of information. Volume 14, Issue (1-2), pp. 1-20.
5- Jabr,Naeema H.& Sabah Mohammed Kallow. (2011).Qualitative and Quantitive Analysis of Scientific
Productivity in Arts and Social Sciences\ Case of CASS\ SQU. Interdisciplinary journal of Research in
Business.Vol. 1, issue.8.(
4-3 Conferences (5 most important or recent conferences)
1- Kallow, Sabah .(2015). Cloud computing and its applications in the field of library and information science .
Cloud computing and its applications in the field of library and information science. 21st Conference of the Special
Libraries Association, held in Abu Dhabi for the period 17-19 \ 3 \ 2015.
2- kallow,Sabah.(2015). Applied programs in the field of e-learning: Moodle system model. A working paper
published in the Proceedings of Baghdad University Forum on e-Learning, the fourth season, held in Baghdad for
the period 25-26 \ 3 \ 2015.
3- Kallow, Sabah Mohammed (2013). Evaluation of Higher Diploma medical librarian program at the Department of
Information Studies a\t Sultan Qaboos University,in the light of professional competence approved by the Medical Library
Association (MLA). Acceptable to post search and publishing in the twenty-fourth Conference , organized by the Arab
Federation for Libraries and cooperation with the University of Thebes "profession of Library and Information
Studies: Reality and Future Trends" Medina,25-28 \ November \ 2013.
4- Kallow, Sabah Mohammed (2012). Digitize Arabic manuscripts and evaluate their websites: Omani manuscript
model. presentations for the Seminar of Omani manuscripts and documents: Reality and vision of the future.
Omani Studies Centre \ Sultan Qaboos University. Muscat ..22 to 23 \ December \ 2012.
5- Kallow, Sabah Mohammed (2012). Analysis of intellectual production published by the faculty members of SQU
whichavailable in a SCOPUS for the period of( 1986-2012) and its importance in building a knowledge society:
Bibliometricesstudies. Research published in the proceedings of the 23th organized by: the Arab Federation for
Libraries andInformation,Doha,18-20\11\2012 PP.1029-1052
4-4 Thesis Supervision (5 most recent theses)
1- Huda Khalfan Rashid Albusaidi.(2014). Characteristics of Publishing literature for faculty members at Sultn
Qaboos University and King Abdul-Aziz University in SCOPUS Database: Bibliometric Study. ( Defensed,25\8\2014)
2- Mohammed Al Mamari .(2013). Effectiveness of the training of the beneficiary to build search strategies in medical
databases using a list of the MeSH ( MA).
3- Azza Al Tobi.(2013). Evaluation of electronic document management systems in government units in the Sultanate of
Oman .( Main Supervisor , MA).
4- Aseela Al Hanaee.(2013). Periodicals properties contained in the (DOAJ) in the field of library and information
science: Bibliometrics Study.( Main Supervisor , MA).
5- Yaqoob Ali Albu-Saidi.(2010). The level of use of electronic journals by faculty members at SQU.( Main
Supervisor , MA).
5. Awards
6. Community Service
6-1 Community services (Lectures – Seminars – etc….)
1- Medical Subject Heading(MeSH):It’s Characteristics and Importance in Building search Strategies in Medical
Databases. Lecture at the Third International Scientific Meeting: Health Information Under Microscope:
challenges and solutions. Organized by the Department of Information Studies, in coordination with the Omani
Library Association for a period of 13-14 \ 2 \ 2013.
2- Digital Library and its impact on the qualifications of information specialist and core functions. Research
presented to theopen meeting for the information specialist, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences /
Sultan Qaboos University and the Association of specialized libraries/ branch of the Arabian Gulf.
3- Participating in the scientific activities organized by the Sultan Qaboos University such as:
Sources of information; research methods; Bibliometrics evaluation; and organization in the search. Lecture at
the workshop of publishing scientific research organized by the Deanship of Graduate Studies at SQU for a
2|P age
member ofuniversity faculties. It was given four times on :(6\4\2011,17\3\2010,2\11\2010,28\10\2009).
4- University Student Culture between the Book and the Internet. A lecture delivered on the sidelines of the
establishment of the annual book fair organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs at Sultan Qaboos University.
On 18 \ 12 \ 2011
5- The role of professional associations in the development of libraries and information profession. Research
presented to the first scientific forum for workers in the field of library and information, organized by the main
library _ Sultan Qaboos University, 3/22/2003 .
6-2 Committee membership (5 main committees)
1- Committee member of curricula and study plans
2- Committee member for preparation of the annual report of the college
3- Member of the exam committee
4-Member of Committee for the preparation of an integrated system of information security at SQU.
5- Supervisor of the libraries and information technology group and the issuance of Al-Fihras magazine.
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