Brief Bio 1. Personal Information E-mail: Name: Abdelmajid Bouazza Academic Rank: Professor Specialization: Information Science Department: Information Studies Minor specialization: Internet and Social Media use and applications Address: Sultan Qaboos University, College of Arts & Social Sciences. P.O Box 42, P.C. 123. Al-Khod, Sultanate of Oman. 2. Employment History Place of Work (Institution) Year Occupation 2011Sultan Qaboos University Professor University of Mannouba, Tunisia 1987-1991 Lecturer and then Assistant Professor Tunis African Press News Agency 1979- 1981 and 19831984 Reporter 3. Education and Qualifications 3- 1 Qualifications Year 1987 Institution University of Pittsburgh, USA Montreal University, Canada 1983 Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l’Information de Tunis 1979 3-2 Courses Taught Qualification PhD in Information Science MLS BA. in Journalism Level Undergraduate Courses at SQU 1 General Information Sources Periodicals and Government Publications 2 3 4 Collection Development Information Networks, 5 Information Retrieval Systems 6 7 Information Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences Information and Society (College Elective) 8 9 The Internet (University Elective) Information Marketing and Economics 10 11 12 13 14 15 English Texts in Library and Information Science. Digital Libraries Internet Search Strategies Fundamentals of Knowledge Management Interpersonal Communication for Information Specialists Open Access 1|P age 1 Medical Information Services 2 The Internet for Medical Professionals 3 4 5 Digital Libraries Advanced Texts in Information Issues in library and Information Science in the Gulf States Science. 6 English Readings in Library and Information Science. 7 Seminar in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods (PhD level) Undergraduate Courses at ISD (Tunisia) 1 Indexing and Abstracting 2 Research Methodology 3 Information Sources 4 Collections Development 5 Scientific and Technical Information 1 English Texts for Journalists 2 Indexing and Abstracting At Institut de Bibliotheconomie (Algeria) Scientific and Technical Information For Master’s students). 1 1. 4. Research 4-1 Research Interests Internet and Smartphone usage, gratifications, and addiction 2. Knowlege Management 3. Education for Information Professionals 4-2 Papers (5 most important or recent papers) 2|P age 1. Bouazza, Abdelmajid and Rashed Al Hinai (2015). Biblometric Characteristics of books published by King Fahd National Library in the area of Information Science. Revue Arabe d’Archives, de Documentation et d’Information ,18 (37-38),55-123 2. Al-Barashdi, Hafidha Suleiman, Abdelmajid. Bouazza and Naeema H. Jabur (2015) .Smartphone Gratifications among Sultan Qaboos University Undergraduates: A MixedApproach Investigation. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 10 (1) 3. Bouazza, Abdelmajid, Naeema H. Jabur, and Hafidha Al-Barashdi, Suleiman (2015). The Relationship Between Social Networks Addictions in Terms of Self-Management and Key Variables: The Case of Omani Youngsters. The Social Sciences, 10, 832-840. 4. Kharousi, Rahma Suleiman, Naeema H. Jabur, Abdelmajid Bouazza and Nabhan al Harrassi. Factors affecting the implementing of Web 2.0 applications in Omani Private Academic Libraries (accepted by Electronic Library Review). 5. Al-Barashdi, Hafidha Suleiman, Abdelmajid. Bouazza and Naeema H. Jabur (2015). Smartphone Addiction among University Undergraduates: A literature review. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 4 (3), 210-225. 4-3 Conferences (5 most important or recent conferences) 1. 2015: Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Questionnaire Global Illuminators International 2nd Conference on "Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research (Timber-2015), Bangkok, Thailand, 24-25 March 2015, With Hafidha Barashdi and Abdull Qawi Al Zubaidi) 2. 2015: The relationship between Social networks addictions in terms of Self-management and key variables: the case of Omani youngsters. Global Illuminators International 2nd Conference on "Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research (Timber-2015), Bangkok, Thailand, 24-25 March 2015, With Neema Jabr and Hafidha Al Barashdi) 3. 2015: Adoption of Web 2.0 applications in Omani academic libraries. The SLA-AGC 21st Annual Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 17-19 March 2015, (with Rahma Al Karousi, Nabhan Al Harrasi, and Naeema) 4. 2015: Internet addiction among Omani secondary and university students: an interdisciplinary investigation. TRC 2nd Research Symposium, Muscat, 26 October 2015, (with Hafidha Al Barashdi). 5. 2014: The Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Internet Addiction Among Omani Adolescents Psychiatry (WASP), London (with Marwan M. Al-Sharbati, Naeema H. Jabr, and Yahya AlFarsi). 4-4 Thesis Supervision (5 most recent theses) 1. Hafidha Suleiman. Smartphone, usage, gratifications, and addiction among Sultan Qaboos University undergraduates: A mixed-approach investigation (PhD dissertation) (Main supervisor) 2. Deema Aziz. Factors affecting knowledge sharing in organizations: The case of the Ministry of Education in Oman (PhD dissertation) (Main supervisor). 3. Mariam Nasser. Information Ethics Cognition and Behavior of Sultan Qaboos University Undergraduates (PhD dissertation) (Main supervisor) 3|P age 4. Siham Ajzoon. Use of Professional Social Networks by Faculty at the Social Sciences and Humanities Colleges, Sultan Qaboos University (MA thesis) (Main supervisor). 5. Nadia Al Busaidi. The Effect of the Application of The Big-6 Skills Model in Teaching Social Studies to Improve the Information literacy Skills of Grade 9 Students: An Experimental Study (MA thesis) (Main supervisor). 5. Awards 2015: Best paper Award from the organizers of Global Illuminators International 2nd Conference on "Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research (Timber-2015) for a paper titled "Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Questionnaire (SPAC)" 2015: Best Presentation Award from the organizers of Global Illuminators International 2nd Conference on "Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economic Research (Timber-2015) for a paper titled "Development and Validation of a Smartphone Addiction Questionnaire (SPAC)"" 2015: Best paper Award from the SLA President during The SLA-AGC 21st Annual Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 17-19 March 2015, with Rahma Al Karousi, Naeema Jabr, and Nabhan Al Harrasi for a paper titled " Adoption of Web 2.0 applications in Omani academic libraries" 2006: Distinguished Researcher Award from the President of Sultan Qaboos University. 2010: Distinguished Teacher Award from the President of Sultan Qaboos University 6. Community Service 6-1 Community services (Lectures – Seminars – etc….) Gave workshops on the writing of research proposal to SQU postgraduate students External assessor of Information Science academic program at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (2010) Reviewed a number of research proposals for SQU, TRC, Qatar National Research Fund, Reviewed articles for publication in the following journals: College of Arts & Social Sciences Journal, Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, Dirassat (Jordan) Revue Maghrébine de Documentation et d’Information (Tunisia), Al-Idari (Oman), Industrial Consultations (Qatar), Journal of Social Sciences (Kuwait), Gulf Studies Journal (Kuwait Served as a referee for the Promotion of candidates to the rank of Professor and Associate Professor at King Saud University, Taiba University, Princess Noura University. Chair or internal examiner of of a number of defense committees of PhD and Master students Published with Hafidah Al Barashdi. Smartphone Addiction among SQU Undergraduates: Casual Level of Smartphone Addiction is the Commonest in Horizon, 20 October 2015. 6-2 Committee membership (5 main committees) 4|P age The University Academic Promotion Committee (2015-) Rapporteur of the College Academic Promotion Committee (2011-2014) The University Academic Promotion Appeal Committee SQU vision regarding higher education strategy in Oman Committee member of the NETs Conference, Osaka, 2016. Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Open Access and Research: Towards New Values, Tunis 2015 5|P age