Presentation National Science Fellowship Program by Michael Heppler

National Science Fellowship Program by Michael Heppler
Michael Heppler has served Oklahoma State University since 1997. He has
traveled throughout the United States speaking to students about successful
fellowship and graduate school application strategies. He has presented his
workshops to many undergraduate research scholars across the United
States. His primary focus has been working with McNair Scholars and Louis
Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation program scholars. He coordinated
an effort to increase the number of NSF fellows at Oklahoma State University. This effort
has resulted in OSU ranking near the top in the Big XII conference with the number of
awards in both 2010 and 2011.
Mr. Heppler has presented at many regional and national conferences. A few of his prior
appearances are the 2011 Oklahoma EPSCoR NSF Grants Workshop, the Inaugural
Oklahoma PhD boot camp held in 2010, National Society of Black Engineers Region V
Conference, North Carolina A&T University McNair Scholars Research Conference in
Greensboro, North Carolina, Heartland McNair Scholars Research Conference in Kansas
City, Missouri, Ronald E. McNair Research & Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, New
Mexico, and the Oklahoma Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation(OKAMP) state