Degree and Study Plan College: Engineering Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Cohort: 2008 Degree: Bachelor of Engineering Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Specialization: 1. Communications and Signal Processing, 2. Computer Systems and Networks, 3. Electronic Instrumentation and Control, and 4. Power Systems and Energy Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) Intensive English English Requirements Arabic Contemporary Omani Society Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture University Electives (UE) See List A College Requirements (CR) 12 NC+ 6 3 1 2 6 34 See list B College Electives (CE) 1 See list C Departmental Requirements (DR) 0 See list D Departmental Electives (DE) 0 See list E Major Requirements (AR) 51 See list F Major Electives (AE) 0 See list G Specialization Requirements (SR) 27 See list H Specialization Electives (SE) 9 See list I Minor Requirements (IR) 0 See list J Minor Electives (IE) 0 See list K TOTAL 140 + Not Credited For reference contact: HoD Ext. 1330 HoD Date Dean’s Office Date Admission and Registration Date [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 1 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Scheme I) 1 Course Title Intensive English Total HIST1010 or ISLM1010 LANC2160 CHEM1071 ENGR1500 ENGR1600 MATH1106 ARAB1001 LANC2161 SOCI3320 MATH2107 PHYS2107 STAT2103 PHYS 2108 MATH2108 Semester 5 Fall ECCE2016 ECCE3206 MATH3171 MATH4174 ECCE3152 ECCE3016 Semester 6 Spring Semester 4 Spring Semester 3 Fall Semester 2 Spring Semester 1 Fall Course Code ECCE3022 ECCE3142 ECCE4157 COMP2002 ECCE3352 Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture English for Engineering I General Chemistry for Engineers Introduction to Engineering Workshop I Pre-Calculus Mathematics Total Arabic English for Engineering II Contemporary Omani Society Calculus I General Physics I Total Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. UR 0 0 2 3 3 2 1 4 15 3 3 1 4 4 15 Probability for Engineers General Physics II Calculus II College Elective1 Circuit Analysis I Digital Logic Design Total 3 4 3 1 3 3 17 University Elective Lin. Alg. & Differential Equations for Engineers Electronics I Circuit Analysis II Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 Electromagnetics I Signals & Systems Electronics II Intr. to Comp. Program. Engineers Electrical Technology Total 3 3 4 3 3 16 UR UR CR CR CR CR LANC2160 MATH1106 MATH2107* MATH2108* PHYS2107 MATH2107 PHYS2107 MATH2108 + LANC2161 MATH2108 + LANC2161 ECCE2016 ECCE2016 + MATH2108 MATH3171 + PHYS2108 ECCE3016 ECCE3152 ECCE3016 UR UR UR CR CR AR CR CR CE AR AR UE CR CR AR AR AR AR AR CR AR ENGR2015 Introduction to Engineering Drawing or ENGR1601 Workshop II [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 2 of 15 Course Code Course Title Intensive English Total Intensive English 2 Spring Semester 6 Spring Semester 5 Fall Summer Semester 4 Spring Semester 3 Fall Semester Semester 1 Fall Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Scheme II) Total ARAB1001 LANC2160 ENGR1500 ENGR1600 MATH1106 HIST1010 ISLM1010 SOCI3320 LANC2161 CHEM1071 MATH2107 PHYS2107 Summer Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. UR 0 0 UR 0 0 University Elective Arabic English for Engineering I Introduction to Engineering Workshop I Pre-Calculus Mathematics Total 3 3 3 2 1 4 16 UE UR UR CR CR CR Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture Contemporary Omani Society English for Engineering II General Chemistry for Engineers Calculus I General Physics I Total 2 1 3 3 4 4 17 MATH1106 MATH2107* UR UR UR CR CR CR LANC 2160 MATH2108 Calculus II 3 MATH2107 CR ECCE2016 Circuit Analysis I 3 PHYS2107 AR Total MATH3171 PHYS 2108 STAT2103 ECCE3152 ECCE3016 MATH4174 ECCE3022 ECCE3206 ECCE4157 COMP2002 6 Lin. Alg. & Mult. Calc. for General Physics II Probability for Engineers College Elective1 Electronics I Circuit Analysis II Total 3 4 3 1 3 3 17 MATH2108+LANC2161 CR CR PHYS2107 MATH2108* AR CE ECCE2016 AR ECCE2016+MATH2108 AR Differential Equations for Engineers Electromagnetics I Digital Logic Design Electronics II 3 3 3 4 3 16 MATH2108+LANC2161 CR MATH3171+PHYS2108 AR AR ECCE3152 AR CR Intr. to Comp. Program. for Engineers Total 1 Cr. ECCE3142 Signals & Systems 3 ECCE3016 AR ECCE3352 Electrical Technology 3 ECCE3016 AR Total 6 ENGR2015 Introduction to Engineering Drawing or ENGR1601 Workshop II [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 3 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Schemes I & II): Communications and Signal Processing Specialization Semester 10 Spring Semester 9 Fall Summer Semester 8 Spring January Semester 7 Fall Course Code ECCE3036 ECCE4122 ECCE4227 MATH3340 MATH4452 ENGR3006 Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Embedded Systems Discrete Mathematics for CS Introduction to Complex Variables Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECCE3016+ECCE3152 ECCE3142 ECCE3206 + COMP2002 MATH2107+COMP2002 MATH3171 AR AR AR AR AR Industrial Training I 0 ECCE3152 CR ECCE3022 ECCE4122 ECCE3142 AR SR SR SR AR AR ENGR3006 CR Measurements & Instrumentation Principles of Analog & Digital Comm. Total ECCE4022 ECCE4242 ECCE4126 ECCE4142 ECCE5004 ECCE4080 ENGR4006 0 Electromagnetics II Introduction to Computer Networks Principles Digital Communications Digital Signal Processing Eng. Management & Economics I Seminars and Field-Work Total Industrial Training II Total 3 3 3 3 3 0 15 0 ECCE4122* or COMP3518* 0 ECE FYP Regulation ECCE5009 ECCE4416 ECCE5112 ECCE5123 ECCE5143 ECCE5xxx** Project (Part I) Linear Control Systems Antennas & Wave Propagation Optical Communications Advanced Digital Signal Processing Track Elective Total 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 AR MATH4174 + ECCE3142 SR ECCE4022 SR ECCE4122 SR ECCE4142 SR SE ECCE5099 Project (Part II) 3 ECCE5124 Wireless Communications 3 ECCE5009 AR ECCE5112 + (ECCE4124 or ECCE4126) SR UE SE SE University Elective ECCE5xxx** Track Elective ECCE5xxx** Track Elective Total 3 3 3 15 **or ECCE4xxx [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 4 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Schemes I & II): Computer Systems and Networks Specialization Semester 10 Spring Semester 9 Fall Summer Semester 8 Spring January Semester 7 Fall Course Code ECCE3036 ECCE4122 ECCE4227 MATH3340 MATH4452 ENGR3006 Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Embedded Systems Discrete Mathematics for CS Introduction to Complex Variables Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECCE3016+ECCE3152 ECCE3142 ECCE3206 + COMP2002 MATH2107+COMP2002 MATH3171 AR AR AR AR AR Industrial Training I 0 ECCE3152 CR COMP2002 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 SR SR SR Measurements & Instrumentation Principles of Analog & Digital Comm. Total ECCE4255 ECCE4256 ECCE4242 ECCE4254 0 Applied Progr & Algorithms for Engrs Capstone Design Introduction to Computer Networks Operating Systems ECCE5xxx** Track Elective ECCE4080 Seminars and Field-Work Total ENGR4006 Industrial Training II Total ECCE5009 ECCE5223 ECCE5232 ECCE5214 ECCE5004 ECCE5xxx** ECCE5099 ECCE5242 3 3 3 3 ECCE4122* or COMP3518* COMP2002 SR SE AR ENGR3006 CR ECE FYP Regulation AR ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 SR SR SR AR SE 3 0 15 0 0 Project (Part I) Adv Embedded Systems Design Computer Architecture & Organ. Adv. Logic & Computer Interfacing Eng. Management & Economics I Track Elective Total 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 University Elective Project (Part II) Advanced Computer Networks 3 3 3 Computing Systems for Engrg Applications ECCE5215 ECCE5xxx** Track Elective Total 3 3 15 ECCE5009 ECCE4242 ECCE4255 UE AR SR SR SE **or ECCE4xxx [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 5 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Schemes I & II): Electronic Instrumentation and Control Specialization Semester 10 Spring Semester 9 Fall Summer Semester 8 Spring January Semester 7 Fall Course Code ECCE3036 ECCE4122 ECCE4227 MATH3340 ECCE4356 ENGR3006 Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. Embedded Systems Discrete Mathematics for CS Electrical Machines I Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECCE3016+ECCE3152 ECCE3142 ECCE3206 + COMP2002 MATH2107+COMP2002 ECCE3352 AR AR AR AR AR Industrial Training I 0 ECCE3152 CR Measurements & Instrumentation Principles of Analog & Digital Comm. Total 0 MATH4452 ECCE4416 ECCE4142 Introduction to Complex Variables Linear Control Systems Digital Signal Processing 3 3 3 ECCE4456 ECCE4467 Sensors and Sensor Systems Power Electronics & Drives 3 3 ECCE4080 Seminars and Field-Work Total 0 15 ENGR4006 Industrial Training II Total 0 MATH3171 AR MATH4174 + ECCE3142 SR ECCE3142 SR SR ECCE3036 (ECCE3152 or MCTE3110)+ (ECCE3352 or MCTE3210) SR AR ENGR3006 CR 0 ECCE5009 ECCE5433 ECCE4436 ECCE5452 Project (Part I) Modern Control Systems Industrial Control Systems Design Computer-Aided Instrumentation 2 3 3 3 ECCE5231 Industrial Networks and Operating Systems 3 ECE FYP Regulation AR ECCE4416 SR ECCE4416 SR ECCE4456 + ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 SR COMP2002 + ECCE4226 SR or ECCE4227 ECCE5xxx** Track Elective Total 3 17 SE University Elective ECCE5099 Project (Part II) ECCE5004 Eng. Management & Economics I ECCE5xxx** Track Elective ECCE5xxx** Track Elective Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 UE AR AR SE SE ECCE5009 **or ECCE4xxx [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 6 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Study Plan for 2008 Cohort (Schemes I & II): Power Systems and Energy Specialization Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Measurements & Instrumentation 3 ECCE3016+ECCE3152 ECCE4122 Principles of Analog & Digital Comm. 3 ECCE3142 ECCE4227 MATH3340 MATH4452 Embedded Systems Discrete Mathematics for CS Introduction to Complex Variables Total 3 3 3 15 ENGR3006 Industrial Training I 0 Total ECCE4022 ECCE4312 ECCE4356 ECCE4416 ECCE5004 ECCE4080 ENGR4006 Cat. AR AR ECCE3206 + COMP2002 AR MATH2107+COMP2002 AR MATH3171 AR ECCE3152 CR ECCE3022 ECCE3352 ECCE3352 MATH4174 + ECCE3142 SR SR SR SR AR AR ENGR3006 CR 0 Electromagnetic II Power System Analysis I Electrical Machines I Linear Control Systems Eng. Management & Economics I Seminars and Field-Work Total Industrial Training II 0 0 Semester 9 Fall Total 3 3 3 3 3 0 15 ECCE5009 ECCE4316 ECCE4357 ECCE5332 ECCE5xxx** Project (Part I) Power System Analysis II Electrical Machines II High Voltage Engineering Track Elective University Elective Total 2 3 3 3 3 3 17 ECE FYP Regulation AR ECCE4312 SR ECCE4356 SR ECCE4022* + ECCE4312 SR SE UE Semester 10 Spring Summer Semester 8 Spring ECCE3036 Semester 7 Fall Course Title January Course Code ECCE5099 ECCE5303 ECCE5302 ECCE5xxx** ECCE5xxx** Project (Part II) Power Distribution System Eng. Power Systems Protection Track Elective Track Elective Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 ECCE5009 ECCE4316 ECCE4316 AR SR SR SE SE **or ECCE4xxx [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 7 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Degree Plan for 2008 LIST AT – UNIVERSITY ELECTIVES Course Code ARAB1110 An Introduction to Linguistics 3 Arts ARAB1220 Pre-Islamic Literature 3 Arts ARAB1540 The Natural and Cultural Heritage of Oman 2 Arts ARAB1551 Administering Archaeological Heritage in Oman 2 Arts ARCH1120 Principles of Archaeology 3 Arts ARCH1180 Archaeology and Environment in Oman 2 Arts GEOG1015 Introduction to Geography 2 Arts GEOG1110 Physical Geography 3 Arts GEOG1220 Human Geography 3 Arts GEOG2031 Urbanization in the Arabian Gulf 2 Arts GEOG2122 GEOG2124 Man and Environment 2 Arts Geography of Climate 3 Arts HIST1024 Introduction to World History 2 Arts HIST1030 History of the GCC Countries 2 Arts HIST1040 Some Aspects of the History of Oman 2 Arts HIST1050 The Arab World and the West 2 Arts HIST1060 The Spread of Islam in Europe 2 Arts HIST1070 The Contemporary of the Islamic World 2 Arts HIST1090 Civilizations of the Arabian Peninsula 2 Arts HIST1110 HIST1320 History of the Ancient Near Eastern 2 Arts History of Prophet and Caliphate Era European History and Civilization in the Middle Ages 3 Arts 3 Arts INFO1060 Information Science 2 Arts INFO2210 Information Technology 3 Arts MASS1030 Public Opinion (UE) 2 Arts MASS1080 Principles of Public Relations (UE) 2 Arts MASS2021 Mass Media in Oman 3 Arts MASS2110 Communication and Development 3 Arts PHIL1011 An Introduction to Philosophy 3 Arts PHIL1100 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 3 Arts PHIL2060 Ethics 2 Arts SOCI101 Introduction to Sociology 3 Arts SOCI1230 Sociology of Populations 3 Arts SOCI2112 Education System in Oman 3 Arts SOCI2120 Sociology of Family 3 Arts SOCI2151 Medical Sociology 2 Arts SOWK1100 Introduction to Social Work 2 Arts SOWK1211 Research in Social Work 3 Arts THAR1003 Music Appreciation 2 Arts HIST2210 Course Title [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Credits College Page 8 of 15 THAR1001 Theater Appreciation 2 Arts THAR1013 Oratory/Presentation 2 Arts THAR1012 Play Writing 2 Arts THAR1016 Child's Theater 2 Arts TOUR1010 Introduction to Tourism 2 Arts TOUR1020 Modern Trends in Tourism 3 Arts TOUR1050 Tourism in Oman 2 Arts TOUR1060 Introduction to Tourism Guidance 3 Arts TOUR2160 ISLM1020 Tourism and Ecology 3 Arts Human Right in Islam 2 Education ISLM1101 Recitation and Memorization of the Holy Quran 1 1 Education ISLM1102 Introduction to Islamic Fiqh 3 Education ISLM2030 The Miracle of the Holy Quran 2 Education ISLM2031 Islamic Economy 2 Education ISLM2060 Family Systems in Islam 2 Education ISLM2090 Islamic Ethics 2 Education ISPR1106 Interpretation and quranic sciences 3 Education ISPR1601 ARED1001 Islam and the Modern World Contemporary Visual Arts 2 2 Education Education ARED1002 Appreciation of Islamic Arts and Arabic 2 Education FOND1101 The Miracle of the Holy Quran 2 Education FOND2106 Analytical Interpretation 3 Education TECH1000 Study Skills 2 Education INFS4100 Children's Literature 2 Commerce BCOM1950 Varieties of Public and Professional Communication 3 Commerce BCOM1960 Cross-Cultural Communication 2 Commerce PHYS2802 Universe Exploring 2 Science PHYS2901 Astronomy 3 Science PHYS3901 Universe's Mysteries 3 Science CUTM1001 ERSC1002 Science & Science Education 2 Science Geological wonders 2 Science ERSC1003 Int. Env. Geology 2 Science ERSC1005 Water Resources in Oman 2 Science ERSC1006 Gemstones 2 Science SWAE2003 Water in Arid Environment 2 Agriculture BHSC2025 Behavioral Science I 3 Medicine NURS1005 Physical and Psychological Child Health BHSC2029 The Fundamentals of Thinking and Creativity 2 Medicine AREN4404 Environmental Psychology 3 Engineering Nursing T: Engineering students must select a humanity or social course (non-scientific & non-linguistic course) from any college as a University Elective. [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 9 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Degree Plan for Cohort 2008 LIST B: COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS (34 credits) Course Code COMP2xxx@ CHEM1071 ENGR1500 ENGR1600 PHYS2107 PHYS2108 MATH1106 MATH2107 MATH2108 MATH3171 MATH4174 ENGR3006 ENGR4006 Course Title Credit General Chemistry for Engineers Introduction to Engineering Workshop I General Physics I General Physics II Pre-Calculus Mathematics Calculus I Calculus II Lin. Alg. & Mult. Calc. for Engineers Differential Equations for Engineers Industrial Training I Industrial Training II 3 3 2 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 0 0 Total 34 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * MATH2107 PHYS2107 MATH1106 MATH2107 MATH2108+LANC2161 MATH2108+LANC2161 ECCE3152 ECCE3022 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Degree Plan for 2008 LIST C: COLLEGE ELECTIVES (1 Credit) Course Code Course Title ENGR2015 ENGR1601 Introduction to engineering Drawing Workshop II Credit Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * 1 1 @ For the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering the course is, COMP2002 - Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers. [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 10 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Degree Plan for 2008 LIST F: MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (51 Credits) Course Code ECCE2016 ECCE3206 Course Title Circuit Analysis I Digital Logic Design ECCE3152 ECCE3016 ECCE3022 ECCE3142 ECCE4157 ECCE3352 ECCE3036 ECCE4122 ECCE4227 ECCE5004 ECCE4080 ECCE5009 Electronics I Circuit Analysis II Electromagnetics I Signals & Systems Electronics II Electrical Technology Measurements & Instrumentation Principles of Analog & Digital Embedded Systems Eng. Management & Economics I Seminars and Field-Work Project (Part I) Project (Part II) ECCE5099 MATH3330MATH3340 Discrete Mathematics for E&C Eng MATH4452 Introduction to Complex Variables STAT2103 Probability for Engineers Total Credits Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * 3 PHYS2107 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 0 2 ECCE2016 ECCE2016 + MATH2108 MATH3171 + PHYS2108 ECCE3016 ECCE3152 ECCE3016 ECCE3016 + ECCE3152 ECCE3142 ECCE3206 + COMP2002 3 3 3 3 ECCE5009 PR1 MATH2107 MATH3171 MATH2108* 51 PR1: [ECCE4142 OR ECCE4242 OR ECCE4416 OR ECCE 4312] + MATH4452 + [MATH3330 OR MATH3340] [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 11 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering List H: Specializations Requirements (27 credits) H1: Communications and Signal Processing Specialization: Degree Plan for 2008 Course Code ECCE4022 ECCE4142 ECCE4126 ECCE4242 ECCE4416 ECCE5112 ECCE5123 Course Title Cr. Electromagnetic II Digital Signal Processing Principles Digital Communications Introduction to Computer Networks Linear Control Systems Antennas & Wave Propagation Optical Communications 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECCE5124 ECCE5143 Wireless Communications Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 3 Pre-req./Co-req.* ECCE3022 ECCE3142 ECCE4122 ECCE4122* or COMP3518* MATH4174 + ECCE3142 ECCE4022 ECCE4122 ECCE5112 + ECCE4124 ECCE4142 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering List H: Specializations Requirements (27 credits) H2: Computer Systems and Networks Specialization: Degree Plan for 2008 Course Code Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* ECCE5232 Computer Architecture & Organ. 3 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE5223 Adv Embedded Systems Design 3 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4242 ECCE4254 Introduction to Computer Networks Operating Systems 3 3 ECCE4122* or COMP3518* COMP2002 ECCE4255 Applied Progr & Algorithms for Engrs 3 COMP2002 ECCE4256 ECCE5242 Capstone Design Advanced Computer Networks 3 3 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4242 ECCE5214 Adv. Logic & Computer Interfacing 3 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE5215 Computing Systems for Engineering Applications 3 ECCE4255 [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 12 of 15 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering List H: Specializations Requirements (27 credits) H3: Electronic Instrumentation and Control Specialization: Degree Plan for 2008 Course Code Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* ECCE4356 Electrical Machines I 3 ECCE3352 ECCE4416 Linear Control Systems 3 MATH4174 + ECCE3142 ECCE4142 Digital Signal Processing 3 ECCE3142 ECCE4456 Sensors and Sensor Systems 3 ECCE3036 ECCE4467 Power Electronics & Drives 3 ECCE3154 + ECCE4356 ECCE5433 Modern Control Systems 3 ECCE4416 ECCE4436 Industrial Control Systems Design 3 ECCE4416 ECCE5452 Computer-Aided Instrumentation 3 ECCE5231 Industrial Networks and Operating Systems 3 ECCE4456 + ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 COMP2002 + (ECCE4226 or ECCE4227) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering List H: Specializations Requirements (27 credits) H4: Power Systems and Energy Specialization: Degree Plan for 2008 Course Code Course Title Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* ECCE4022 ECCE4312 ECCE4356 ECCE4416 ECCE4316 ECCE4357 ECCE5332 ECCE5303 Electromagnetic II Power System Analysis I Electrical Machines I Linear Control Systems Power System Analysis II Electrical Machines II High Voltage Engineering Power Distribution System Eng. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECCE3022 ECCE3352 ECCE3352 MATH4174 + ECCE3142 ECCE4312 ECCE4356 ECCE4022* + ECCE4312 ECCE4316 ECCE5302 Power Systems Protection 3 ECCE4316 [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Page 13 of 15 LIST I: SPECILIZATION ELECTIVES (9 CREDITS) (A COMBINED LIST OF SPECIALIZATION ELECTIVES) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Degree Plan for 2008 Course Code ECCE4005 ECCE4022 ECCE4124 Course Title Numerical Methods for Engineers Electromagnetics II Digital Communications ECCE4126 ECCE4142 ECCE4203 ECCE4213 ECCE4232 ECCE4242 ECCE4252 ECCE4253 ECCE4254 ECCE4255 ECCE4256 ECCE4272 ECCE4282 ECCE4312 ECCE4316 ECCE4356 ECCE4357 ECCE4416 ECCE4422 ECCE4436 ECCE4456 ECCE4466 ECCE4467 Principles of Digital Communications Digital Signal Processing Advanced Logic Design Digital Electronics – Reliability and Testing Introduction to Distributed & Parallel Systems Introduction to Computer Networks Data Structure & Algorithms Object Oriented Programming Operating Systems Applied Progr & Algorithms for Engrs Capstone Design Artificial Intelligence Coding and Data Encryption Power System Analysis I Power System Analysis II Electrical Machines I Electrical Machines II Linear Control Systems Digital Control Systems Industrial Control Systems Sensors and Sensor Systems Design Power Electronics ECCE5005 ECCE5008 ECCE5112 ECCE5122 ECCE5123 ECCE5124 ECCE5132 ECCE5134 ECCE5142 ECCE5143 ECCE5152 ECCE5162 ECCE5212 ECCE5213 ECCE5214 ECCE5215 ECCE5222 ECCE5223 ECCE5224 Engineering Management & Economics II Project Management Antennas & Propagation Communications Systems Optical Communications Wireless Communications Information Theory Selected Topics in Communications Image and Video Processing Advanced Digital Signal Processing Electronic Communication Circuits Microwave Engineering VLSI Design Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems Power Electronics & Drives Adv. Logic & Computer Interfacing Computing Systems for Eng Applications Microprocessor Interfacing Adv Embedded Systems Designs Microprocessor Based Control Design [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] Cr 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-requisite ECCE3022 ECCE4122 ECCE4122 ECCE3142 ECCE3206 ECCE3152 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4122* or COMP3518 COMP2002 COMP2002 COMP2002 COMP2002 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE3122 or ECCE4122 ECCE3352 ECCE4312 ECCE3352 ECCE4356 MATH4174 + ECCE3142 ECCE4416 ECCE4416 ECCE3036 ECCE3154 or ECCE4157 [(ECCE3152 or MCTE3110)+ (ECCE3352 or MCTE3210)] ECCE5004 ECCE5004 ECCE4022 ECCE4124 ECCE4122 ECCE5112 + ECCE4124 ECCE4122 ECCE4122 ECCE4142 ECCE4142 ECCE3154 or ECCE4157 ECCE4022 ECCE3154 or ECCE4157 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4255 or ECCE4252 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4226 or ECCE4227 ECCE4226 or (ECCE4227+ Page 14 of 15 ECCE5231 Industrial Networks and Operating Systems 3 ECCE5233 ECCE5242 ECCE5243 ECCE5252 ECCE5282 ECCE5283 ECCE5292 Computer Architecture and Organization II Advanced Computer Networks Network Software Design & Programming Software Engineering Computer Network Security Cryptography, Security & e-Commerce Selected Topics in Computer Engineering 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECCE5302 ECCE5303 ECCE5304 ECCE5312 ECCE5313 ECCE5314 ECCE5322 ECCE5323 ECCE5324 ECCE5332 ECCE5333 ECCE5342 ECCE5352 ECCE5412 ECCE5422 ECCE5432 ECCE5433 ECCE5434 ECCE5452 Power Systems Protection Power Distribution System Eng. Power Stations Power System Control and Stability Electric Power Transmission System Eng. Selected Topics in Power Electrical Power Systems Quality Power System Operation Power System Reliability and Planning High Voltage Engineering Power System Economics Electrical Engineering Material Generalized Machine Theory Mechatronics Selected Topics in Control Systems Programmable Logic Control Systems Modern Control Systems System Dynamics and Simulation Computer-Aided Instrumentation 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECCE5462 ECCE5464 Electric Drives Advanced Power Electronics 3 3 [Last Update: on February 19, 2008 / new format February 24, 2010] ECCE4416) COMP2002 + (ECCE4226 or ECCE4227) ECCE5232 ECCE4242 ECCE4242 ECCE4252 or ECCE4255 ECCE4242 ECCE4242 ECCE4226 or (ECCE4227+ ECCE4242) ECCE4316 ECCE4316 ECCE4316 ECCE4316 ECCE4316 ECCE4312 ECCE4312 ECCE4316 ECCE4312 ECCE4022* + ECCE4312 ECCE2016 PHYS2108 ECCE4357 ECCE4416 ECCE4422 ECCE3206 + ECCE4416 ECCE4416 ECCE3142 ECCE4456 + (ECCE4226 or ECCE4227) ECCE4466 ECCE4466 Page 15 of 15