S Sultan Qaboos Q U Universit ty College e Of Engin neering Co ollege of Engineerring Stud dent Abse ence Poliicy I. PU URPOSE Although stu udent attend dance requ uirements are a covered d in the University U A Academic t internal policy complements it to provide rules r and gu uidelines to students Reegulations, this (enrolled in engineering courses) c and d instructorrs on excuseed absences. II. GU UIDELINES FOR EXCUS SING STUDE ENT ABSEN NCE In n this policy, excuse of ab bsence is grranted to a student s due to: (a) Illness (b b) Bereavem ment of a first-degree f relative (n namely: parrent, brotheer, sister, sp pouse or child) (c)) Involvem ment in extraa-curricular activity (d d) Any otheer special cirrcumstance In n implementting this poliicy, the follo owing general guidelinees shall be ob bserved: 1. Any excussed studentt absence will not be co ounted towaards the perrcentage forr issuing the warn ning and absence-failure (FW) notices (see ( Underg graduate Academic A Regulation ns). Howeveer, the instru uctor shall record such absences. 2. If an asseessment com mponent su uch as a tesst or a quizz or an assignment sub bmission coincides with an exccused student absence period, then n the instructor has thee right to find any suitable s meaans to comp pensate for the t missed components c s but not neccessarily repeating them for th he student. 3. It is the student’s responsibilit r ty for any missed cou urse(s) conttent during his/her absence. 4. It is the sttudent’s responsibility to t present any a required d official document(s) to t decide on being granted g an excuse e for ab bsence. III. PR ROCEDURE (a a) Absence due to illne ess bsence due to illness to o be excused, the origin nal sick leav ve documen nt issued 1. For ab from a governmeental health center musst be presen nted to the instructor(ss) within two working w dayss from the end of the leaave period. 2. Sick leeaves issued d by private hospitals or clinics aree only acceptted after rattification by a governmenta g al entity affiliated to thee Ministry off Health. 1 3. In case of hospitalization for a period of less than two weeks, the sick leave document must be presented to the instructor(s) within two working days from the date of discharge from the hospital. 4. In case of hospitalization for a period of two weeks or more, the sick leave document must be presented to the instructor(s) within two weeks from the date of admission to the hospital. 5. A document that simply states that a medical doctor had seen a student is not considered for granting an excuse for absence. 6. For medical appointments issued by government healthcare facilities, the student must inform the instructor(s) in advance by presenting the official appointment slip. The student must also provide a proof of attendance of the appointment within two working days from the appointment data. 7. In case of repeated absence (more than two per semester) for compelling health reasons, the student must submit a medical report on his/her health condition justifying this repeated absence. Failing to do so will result in considering such frequent absences as unexcused. 8. If the period of absence due to illness and/or hospitalization exceeds a month (continuous or intermittent) in the fall or spring semester, or two weeks in the summer semester, the student must postpone the semester for health reasons. (b) Absence due to bereavement of first-degree relative 1. Absence due to bereavement of a first-degree relative is excused when an official document to that effect is submitted to the College Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies within 4 working days from the bereavement. 2. The Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies shall validate the document and notify the relevant course instructors. (c) Absence for extra-curricular activity 1. Absence due to extra-curricular activity is excused for a student who is nominated by a unit within the University to participate provided the student submits in advance to the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies for approval an official letter from the nominating unit specifying the type of activity and its duration. If the participation of the student is approved, the Assistant Dean shall notify the relevant course instructors. 2. For nomination that comes from units outside the University, the student is required to present an official document stating the approval of Deanship of Students Affairs to participate in such activity to the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies prior to his/her absence. If the participation of the student is approved, the Assistant Dean shall notify the relevant course instructors. 3. The Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies, in consultation with the student’s academic advisor and/or course instructors, has the right not to approve the student’s nomination to participate in any activity inside or outside the Sultanate due to poor academic record or per the discretion of the college for the given activity. 4. The Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies, in consultation with the student’s academic advisor and/or course instructors, has the right not to approve the student’s participation in any activity that exceeds 7 working days. 2 5. Approval for absence in one semester can be granted for participation in one international and one national activity or two national activities only. 6. No approval for absence due to extra-curricular activities during the summer semester shall be granted. 7. No approval for absence due to extra-curricular activities during the final examination shall be granted. (d) Absence due to any other special circumstance These are to be considered treated on a case-by-case basis and left to the discretion of the instructor in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies to grant an excuse of absence. IV. ABSENCE IN A FINAL EXAMINATION 1. Students are required to attend scheduled final examinations and absenteeism for health or family matters is not normally excused. Presentations of a sick note cannot be accepted as a reason for absenteeism from an examination unless there was hospitalization or other evidence of extreme illness. Such evidences are to be submitted to the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies within two working days from admission to hospital. 2. Bereavement of a first-degree relative are accepted as a reason for absenteeism subject to submission of verified official documents to the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies and provided that the bereavement took place not more than 4 working days before the examination. 3. Decision in cases of approved absenteeism are made by the instructor responsible for the course, including the awarding of grades of “Incomplete” or “Failed Supplementary Privilege” as defined in the undergraduate Academic Regulations of the University. 3