CIS5930: Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems , 4

CIS5930: Advanced Topics in Parallel and
Distributed Systems
Instructor: Xin Yuan, 168 Love,, 4-9133
• Office hour: 10:00am-11:30am Tuesday and Thursday, or by
Course website: blackboard and
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
Course objectives
• Bringing the students up-to-date in research in extreme scale
parallel and distributed systems
• Introducing software, algorithmic, and analytical tools and
techniques that are necessary to perform research in this
• At the end of the course, the students should be able to
o Explain current research issues in extreme scale parallel and
distributed systems.
o Apply techniques to investigate, model, and simulate extreme scale
parallel and distributed systems.
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
Topics covered
• Programming paradigms
– You should know some of the paradigms such as client/server, p2p.
– MPI, GPU/MIC, Mapreduce, hybrid
• Interconnect design, model, and evaluation
– Topology, routing, flow control, congestion control
– New networking technologies: InfiniBand, 100G Ethernet, Openflow
– Modeling and simulation methods
• System software and communication sub-systems
– The implementation of the communication sub-systems (e.g. MPI)
– Application tracing issues
• Resilience, Power, and Security
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
Textbook and course materials
• Required: none
• Course materials
– Mostly papers from recent top conferences in PDS or HPC
– Some from online tutorials
CUDA: NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide
OpenCL: OpenCL Programming Guide for the CUDA Architecture
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
Course schedule (tentative)
Week 1: Syllabus and introduction
Week 2: Programming paradigm (MPI, GPU/MIC, Mapreduce, hybrid)
Week 3: Programming paradigm (MPI, GPU/MIC, Mapreduce, hybrid)
Week 4: Programming paradigm (MPI, GPU/MIC, Mapreduce, hybrid)
Week 5: Interconnect basics
Week 6: Interconnect technology: Infiniband, 100G Ethernet, Openflow
Week 7: New interconnect proposals
Week 8: Interconnect modeling and simulation methods
Week 9: System software and communication sub-systems
Week 10: Spring break
Week 11: System software and communication sub-systems
Week 12: Resilience, power, and security
Week 13: Resilience, power, and security
Week 14: Resilience, power, and security
Week 15: Term project presentation
Week 16: Term project presentation
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
• COP 4610: Operating systems
– No requirement for background knowledge of
parallel and distributed computing
• You should have one of the following (not
official, but …)
– CDA5125
– COP5570
– CNT5505
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
• Always groups of 2 students (unless you prefer to
be alone)
– 10 % - classroom participation
• Read the papers before coming to class.
– 20% - classroom presentation
– 10% - homework, paper critics, programming
– 40% - course project
– 20% final exam (take home)
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
Course policies
• Attendance: required.
• Late assignments: not accepted without a valid
• Missed exam: following the university rules.
– Let me know when you need to miss an exam ASAP.
• Incomplete grade:
– Miss the final with an accepted excuse
– Due to extraordinary circumstances with appropriate
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
• Academic Integrity
– No copying from anywhere
– Don’t ask others for solutions and don’t give
solutions to others.
• Violation
– The university requires all violations to be
– First violation with level 1 agreement:
• 0 for the particular assignment/exam and the lowering of
one letter (A->B) for course final grade.
– Second violation: resolved through the office of the
Dean and the Faculties
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University
• Accommodation for Disabilities
1.Register with and provide documentation to the
Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC).
2.Bring a letter to me from the SDRC `indicating you
need academic accomodations. This should be done
within the first week of class
CIS5930 Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Systems
Florida State University