Curriculum Committee 4/25/11 Approved minutes Agenda Items

Curriculum Committee 4/25/11 Approved minutes
Agenda Items
1. Approve minutes from the March 28 meeting: Justin Walton moved to approve the minutes.
Marie-Ginette Baillargeon seconded. The motion carried.
2. Curriculum Issues
a. Psychology and Human Ecology
Creation of B.S. in Family and Child Sciences—Greg Herring moved to
recommend approval. Robert Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
Change level of PSY 2323 to 4323—Ken Masters moved to recommend
approval. Ali Soylu seconded. The motion carried.
Modification of Minor in Family Science—Course changes were proposed for
the minor in family Science. Misael Santiago moved to recommend approval.
Carla Guthridge seconded. The motion carried.
Delete minor in substance abuse—Mohammad Tabitabai moved to recommend
approval. John Masters seconded. The motion carried.
b. History and Government
Course modifications to several classes were presented. Robert Bausch moved
to recommend approval of the changes. Marie-Ginette Baillargeon seconded.
The motion carried.
New Course requests—these were tabled until the next meeting to allow
members time to consider the requests.
c. Music
Course modifications—2 courses were presented for modifications. Ken Masters
moved to recommend approval. Greg Herring seconded. The motion carried.
d. Theater Arts
Course modifications—2 courses were presented for modification. The
modifications were tabled due to questions about concurrent enrolment.
e. Computing and Technology
Delete B.S. in Engineering Design—Greg Herring moved to recommend approval
of the deletion. Misael Santiago seconded. The motion carried.
Course deletions linked to 2.e.i—four courses were presented for deletion.
Robert Bausch moved to recommend approval. Ali Soylu seconded. The motion
Delete B.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology—Carla Guthridge moved to
recommend approval. Mohammad Tabitabai seconded. The motion carried.
Course deletions linked to 2.e.iii—Mohammad Tabitabai moved to recommend
approval of deletions. Greg Herring seconded. The motion carried.
Modify minor in Computer Science—a change to the required courses for the
minor in Computer Science was presented. Marie-Ginette Baillargeon moved to
recommend approval. Robert Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
Suspend AAS in Applied Technology—Johnny Carroll stated that this option has
low enrolment and competes with other A.S. programs. Ali Soylu recommended
approval of the suspension. Justin Walton seconded. The motion carried.
Change name of Information/Assurance Security option in BS in Information
Technology to Cyber Security and Information Assurance—the committee dealt
with this at the same time as 2.e.viii below
Change name of Information/Assurance Security option in AAS in Information
Technology to Cyber Security and Information Assurance—Greg Herring moved
to recommend approval for both name changes. Misael Santiago seconded. The
motion carried.
Change in MIS minor—MIS 3083 and 3223 were presented for removal from
requirements for the minor. Carla Guthridge moved to recommend approval.
Justin Walton seconded. The motion carried.
School of Business and Adult and Continuing Education
Addition of Business Option for ORGL program—the committee considered a
proposal to add Business as an option t the Organizational Leadership program.
Justin Walton moved to recommend approval. Ali Soylu seconded. The motion