NECE New Year’s RECEPTION in Brussels (Belgium)

NECE New Year’s RECEPTION in Brussels (Belgium)
Berlin, 23 January 2014 – In 2014 all eyes are focused on the forthcoming European Parliament
elections. There is considerable evidence that populist and nationalist parties will gain a lot of votes. In
this situation citizenship education in Europe is of substantial importance and carries responsibility.
Doris Pack, MEP and well-known Dutch publicist Paul Scheffer will be present to discuss their ideas
on citizens’ participation in the EP Elections 2014 and the future of the EU with the audience. In order
to promote a broad debate on the role and challenges of citizenship education in Europe in times of
change a common intervention of politicians and citizenship educators should be put on the agenda.
The transnational initiative Vote Match Europe (based on a Voter Application Advice System, which
was used by 13 million people during the last parliamentary elections in Germany) will introduce the
first outcomes of their project.
Furthermore, we will present four scenarios on the future of the EU in 2030 in a video clip.
The NECE Initiative invites media representatives to the New Year’s Reception in Brussels:
Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2014, 7.00 pm- 8.30 pm (entry and registration from 6.30 pm)
Venue: Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Rue
Montoyer 47, 1000 Brüssel
Please find attached the detailed programme of the event.
We would like to ask you to accreditate by 28 January 2014, 2 pm at the latest.
Media contact:
Federal Agency for Civic Education/ bpb
Daniel Kraft
Adenauerallee 86, D-53113 Bonn
[T] +49 (0)228 99515-200
[F] +49 (0)228 99515-293
Questions about press, accreditation and organisation:
lab concepts GmbH
Anita Baschant
Friedrichstraße 206, D-10969 Berlin
[T] +49 (0)30 2529325
[F] +49 (0)30 25293261
NECE is a trans-European initiative for networking citizenship education in Europe promoted by the
Federal Agency for Civic Education/ bpb (Germany) and supported by its European partner
organisations, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture (bmukk), ProDemos House for Democracy and the Rule of Law (the Netherlands) as well as the Center for Citizenship
Education (Poland), the Civic Education Center (Czech Republic) and the University of Ljubljana
Please find more information about the event and the NECE Initiative: