Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
October 5, 2009
9:00 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 10:15am
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Dawne Massey, Kurt Jn Marie, Kelly Simon, Chase Bailey, Debbie Goode, Greg Duncan, Cheryl Davis, Angela Melton,
Members Present
Julie Duncan, Sherry Hendrix
Rick Clyburn
Members Absent
Minutes from Sep 28
Next meeting
Update from Sherry
Discussion, Information
October 12
1. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators
a. Update
2. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general
a. Progress on transferring general person from legacy to
b. Update on transferring admission history
3. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators
a. We need the list of what reports will be in e-Print to
determine participants
4. E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators
a. Status on intellecheck and FormFusion
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
1. Dawne is going to email Paul regarding whether or not we
need to rename all of the fields and report back next
2. Tested spriden and fixed a lot of issues. Glen approved
the expenditure for Nolij to build the Banner online app
but this will not be needed until spring. There are a lot of
changes that need made to the extracts to work with nolij
and Julie will be working on these and testing everything.
3. Verify that Cognos reports can go into eprint. If we can
recreate sending the report over on appworx, we can
move a report into eprint.
4. Rick and Cheryl are going to sit in on a webex session.
Rick was able to print a PO. They don’t have anything we
can use for the claim and Rick is going to contact UCO.
Users must be setup and there is a way to streamline this
that they will learn in the training. Seems that the software
has a lot of flexibility for our needs. They have a 5-10 day
turn around on check stock once we submit our choice.
They do produce a file for Higher One and allow selection
of students by enrolled term and update a table so
students will not be resubmitted.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
5. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators; Angela
will be the technical lead
a. Update
5. IT will be doing most of the work in the next training and
working with the end-users. We can set up some webex
trainings after that if we need more help. Sherry will get
the agenda for the next training to see who should be
involved and Greg/Chase will set up the accounts.
6. Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators
a. Update
7. Luminis: Julie is the administrator
a. Update
6. Workflow training this week.
8. Update on interfaces/extracts
a. Early Alert: 9/10/10
b. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10
c. ID Card: 8/1/10
d. Library interface: 11/30/09
e. Clean Address for HR, FI, AD & FA: 2/1/10
f. Clean Address for ST: 8/10/10
g. Diplomas: 7/31/10
h. Directory Labels: 11/23/09
9. Installations:
a. Nolij Week of August 25
b. Workflow week of September 13, 2009
c. AppWorx week of September 1
10. Patches/Upgrades
a. Week of September 7: Integration components 8.0.1
(Carlos recommended) upgrade
i. Luminis and FA
11. Production Transition document discussion – anyone detect
any issues? Sherry will finalize on Wednesday 9/30/09 w/
Mike – Sherry gave the ILT until 10/2/09 to visit w/ their IT
leads – were any of you consulted?
12. Integrating Banner access into existing user management
system. What are the plans and the go live date to have user
management updated?
8. Have a ticket into Clean Address regarding the update of
a few fields.
Directory interface is being worked on by Cheryl.
7. Need to discuss in ILT what needs to up in Dec. Finance
will be through INB. HR needs the time card entry and
leave entry.
9. Workflow Production was installed last week. We need
Cognos and the ODS admin interface installed in PROD.
10. Talk to Laurene about these.
11. Concerned about the student dates.
12. The existing user management system is going to
incorporate Banner and Chase is working on this. There
will not be a separate form for them to fill out for Banner.
Maurissa is thinking about initiating the C3 form when
they come through for hire.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
13. A list of expertise needs to be defined for the help desk when
the question is beyond their knowledge.
14. FAQ needs to be added to our website. Sherry has an
example from another university – Debbie will continue to
work on this
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
13. Make adjustments as necessary to the following list.
Margot: Bb Online Learning; Turnitin; Student Accounts;
Student Issues
Dawne: ST; ODS/Cognos
Kurt: HR/Payroll; ODS/Cognos; ePrint; Library Patron
Rick: Finance; Workflow; Higher One; Bb Card Access; EVision
Chase: Database errors; User Access; Browser Issues;
System Errors; Clean Address
Kelly: ST; Online App; Nolij; Diplomas; Directory Labels
Greg: System Errors; Browser Issues; Database Errors; Early
Alert; Bb Connect-Ed; e-Print; Workflow
Cheryl: HR/Payroll; User Access; Directory Labels; E-Vision
Angela: FA, AD, Appworx
Julie: Luminis; Browser Issues
The functional leads also need to define their help desk
15. Dec 8 is going to be the student essential go-live and we
need to have all of the third-party software ready for that.
Workflow PROD
Meeting with
a. Turnitin requires IE7 or above
b. Bb works well w/ IE7 or above
c. Bb does not work well with IE6
d. Bb does not work well with Firefox
e. Banner requires IE7
f. Firefox 3.5.2 will not work with IE8
g. INB will not work with IE8
WF Prod install completed
Meet w/ Laurene today at 3:30.
Oracle does not support IE8 and doesn’t plan to support it until
11G. We are on 10G. We’ll need to include this in our faq.
Sandy will have report soon
 Patches/Upgrades that need to be installed
 Setting on GUAINST on number of forms that should be
opened at one time
loads in January
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Data Standards
Team Changes
Tom suggested in ILT that DS team membership needs to be
reconfigured as we move forward. Meeting frequency may be
once a month for 3 months and then revert to quarterly meetings.
Anyone wish to volunteer?
Team leads need to know when they will be getting into PROD.
Will they be getting in for the first time when they go live or will
they get to get in and look around before that time?
Users MUST complete the CBT for navigation and team leads
need to indicate what security they need before they ever get their
ITS is supposed to be working on our own manuals so that if a
disaster happened someone else can step in and do it.
Access to PROD
New Users
Common Matching
Requisition training in Oct 19 and HR leave and timesheet training
will be in November.
There is a table that identifies common names together such as
John for Johnny and Jonathon. Chase found one that had
thousands of names in it. No users are updating it at this time.
Need to let the users know about it.
Task Lists
Tech Team &
Tech Team &
Functional Areas
Tech Team
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE
info needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from
Data cleanup - ongoing process
Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of
fed & state mandates??
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with
Banner upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Scott & Debbie
Physical Facilities needs a key control system
Tech Team
Julie started a Go-Live Checklist document at w:\workgrps\its\banner
Please add to it so that we remember to do everything after each
Tech Team
When should team leads get into PROD during the
conversion process?
Paul had suggested we needed two separate teams for reporting
versus data standards. Other schools have a data standards team
as well. Dawne, Kurt, and Kelly should be on it.
Talk to Laurene and IT will need to have a clearer answer for the
team leads.
Team Leads should send their request to Sherry so she can verify
they’ve done the CBT before forwarding the request on to Chase
until it’s integrated into the user management system.
Might look at Greg’s but we’re not able to do have step by step
because of the very nature of our jobs.
Need to put on the fileserver our documentation by module rather
than person.
Sherry is going to work on something for data standards to be
presented in each training as well.
Kelly will write up a short paragraph to go in the data standards
training. It will need to include who to contact if a name should be
added. Chase will go ahead and copy it to PPRD.
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Greg, Chase &
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
conversion. This should be our checklist of things that must be done
after the conversion scripts but before we let the users in for testing.
Patch management procedures documented and request form.
ILT & Tech
Reviewing critical programs for go live and all programs required @ go
Identify what needs to be setup through FormFusion and Intellecheck
Actionline support procedure
ILT & Tech
Evaluate load testing timeline for luminis and production ssb/inb.
Tech Team
Decide timeline for sunfire to sunray refreshes for the final conversions
May 29, 2016