Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 Banner Technical Team Committee/Meeting Name June 1, 2009 10:00 am Date Time Convened Time Terminated 11:30 am Julie Duncan Location Admin 201 Recorder Greg Duncan, Chase Bailey, Dawne Massey, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Angela Melton, Kurt Jn Marie, Sherry Hendrix Members Present Cheryl Davis, Kelly Simon, Rick Clyburn Members Absent Visitors Topics Minutes from May 11 Update from Sherry Discussion, Information Okay Update on out of scope services Mike said he would have something this week. ST meeting held on 5/29/09 It seemed very productive. Update on development of interfaces Review of Banner log attachment Glen wants to see the time logs for FY 09. Sherry is trying to create another log that will be more helpful for the team leads. She wants to be able to track training on and off the computer, end-user training, and desk manual status. There may need to be something different for the technical side. Decided to continue the technical team log reporting as is. Status of e-print installation and training Completed installation last month. Greg will be going to training. Greg will review schedule and let Sherry know his preferred dates. Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Page 2 Topics HPLJ5000 Outstanding issues for SGHE Next meeting Maintaining charges Nolij Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information What impact will removing the HP LJ 5000 from our office to the Library for CRP have on current production? June 8. Donald Hall has taken ownership of maintaining charges for each semester. Discussion on the following list of expectations for Nolij sr. consultant review With training and documentation, CU will successfully be able to create header records. After General Person go live, we want to run nightly data migration rolls from legacy to Banner and create Spriden’s 9 digit ID# from the 6 digit legacy ID # and want Nolij catch any possible duplicates. For anyone being entered into Banner via: Functional areas Banner online application Xap application Electronic loads from ACT Electronic ISIR files from Financial Aid FAFSA data We want Nolij to check for duplicates and if no duplicate, a Banner-assigned ID # will be assigned. Are other schools using Nolij for all scenarios above? If not, which of the above are unique? We will want training on loading the above scenarios. Web Tailor Discussion +4 zip code Web Tailor is an all or nothing and there are security concerns. Aubree and Katia are working on this and we feel it will be okay. Run it by the ILT team before giving access. Chase has finished updating the +4 zip code in address_dtl May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Scott has two other network printers that he is going to try to combine into a good one to use in the library. Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information and pe_addr_dtl in ifas on the test system. Once Kelly and Rick are satisfied with the changes to these 2 tables, he will move it over to production. This is to accommodate OSF’s 5/1/09 requirement for all claim submissions. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line FICE to IPEDS Conversion On the FICE to IPEDS Unit Code conversion from Dawne: “We met and decided that we would postpone the FICE to IPEDS Unit Code conversion until it was mandated at a national level. There are too many external file loads still using FICE code. For Regent’s reporting, I will us a FICE to IPEDS Unit Code conversion table and handle the exceptions manually. Handling the exceptions will be quite a bit of work the first few semesters, but should be minimal after that. Additionally, there are around 100 high schools that have the same code as a college. A scheme is going to be worked out to deal with these. It will most likely involve putting an ‘H’ in front of the high school code and a ‘C’ in front of the college codes just for the ‘collision’ institutions.” A lot of schools are moving to CEEB exclusively. This is a shared table and we’ll need to meet with everyone with a stake in the matter and make a decision after conversion 2. It’s a massive undertaking either way. It’s either a lot of data cleanup if we try to do it before Banner and it’s a massive change if done after banner. Common Matching Global setup ready? NOLIJ’s role in managing duplicates Functional leads need to discuss whether the current global setup is working okay. Critical programs for go live This has been presented to ILT. They must provide all critical programs and evaluate if these are addressed adequately in Banner or if ITS will need to develop a program to work in Banner. They need to provide these to Sherry so she can put them on the project timeline. Send in the sample from the last migration and have them create a new one. Faculty/Staff Dir – can this be online? Fac/Staff Labels? OU Nursing? Workflow for user mgmt system Project Time Line: ST Win scope Mike has two folks working on ST Win scope of services – Online directory – HR will need to research this and get with McArthur to make a decision. OU Nursing – Dawne will collect the information on the difficulties of doing this in banner and have Linda to send to Ninette. Ninette will discuss with her OU contact about having OU do this. Page 4 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line deadline 6/8/09 SSB and Luminis Question from ILT: Training – SSB will not be through Luminis – any issues there anyone can think of? Workflow Possibilities: a. Purchasing b. Entry of new employee or modification of existing employee from HR to User Mgmt c. Early Alert d. Financial Aid wishes Conversion 2 Timeline Furniture We’ll need to get accounts created on Luminis test so people can go through luminis. Ninette wanted to do requisition training in November but we may need to do this earlier, probably October. Need to setup a conference call with Juddson to discuss the possibilities and what we want to try to do. Discuss dates and sequence of tables. Also need to see if we could load or run test runs of all the master tables to ensure that data isn’t missing in general person that would cause any master tables to not load. Jennifer Bowen indicated at ILT that they had errors of people who weren’t in BOX or weren’t in general person. Angie will find out details on this. We have a $40,000 furniture budget. Must choose from solid cherry or cherry/black. Must choose one for the whole department. If you need a new chair, let Debbie know. You have to figure each part of your desk all the way down to the drawer pulls. Figure out what it will take to get everything except file cabinets to be matching and then we’ll go from there. Debbie will make copies of the catalog and we will need to discuss plans at the next meeting. Task Lists Tech Team & ITL Tech Team & Functional Areas Julie Tech Team Continue to update: W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from Data cleanup - ongoing process Status of implementing new ethnicity codes Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed & state mandates?? Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Debbie Waiting on Tom’s guidance from John McArthur re: OSRHE mandate change in preliminary enrollment reporting Add all changes for Round 2 data conversion to spreadsheet Kurt posted at: W:\workgrps\its_share\banner\error tracking Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner upgrades and patches Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date Debbie Physical Facilities needs a key control system Debbie Printer in Library for CRP: 9/1-9/3 & 9/22-9/24 Tech Team Julie started a Go-Live Checklist document for things like this at w:\workgrps\its\banner Please add to it so that we remember to do everything after each conversion. This should be our checklist of things that must be done after the conversion scripts but before we let the users in for testing. I put the one below and also that Greg needs to change the Banner ID seed number. Dawne Tech Team & ITL Tech Team It will be helpful to link documents to the procedure that have the step by step process (or the instructions of what sql/shell program needs to run to do it) just in case someone wasn’t there that normally does it. Anyone have a clue how to create a link and it goes to a separate Word document? May 29, 2016 Scott will send the ones that run on XP to Shawn and Debbie.