Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 Banner Technical Team Committee/Meeting Name March 9, 2009 10:00 am Date Time Convened Time Terminated 10:55 am Julie Duncan Location Admin 201 Recorder Dawne Massey, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Angela Melton, Greg Duncan, Kurt Jn Marie, Chase Bailey, Rick Clyburn, Members Present Cheryl Davis, Kelly Simon, Sherry Hendrix Members Absent Visitors Topics Minutes from Feb 23 and Mar 2 Next meeting Update from Sherry Any outstanding issues for SGHE Discussion, Information Accepted. Angie had emailed changes and these were made and reposted to the intranet March 30 Jill will no longer be coming. Sherry will continue to be our project manager. AR mtg at 11:00. Will discuss with her about moving the AR training since it’s after the second conversion. NCOA process will be taken to ILT. This is part of Clean Address which we already purchased. It’s a small increase from the process we’re currently using but the integration would already be written. ILT will need to decide if we want to send more than just advancement addresses. Get common matching training on the agenda. Sherry to discover if this is geared toward functional or IT setup. The luminis kickoff from today has been rescheduled to Wednesday from 4-5. Still working on the spreadsheet with the remainder of scheduling dates. Users (and IT) need to start looking at the user guides rather than relying on each other or asking the consultant for info. None. Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Page 2 Topics that need to be escalated? Upcoming events – always confirm with Banner project calendar Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information Date Time 3/9/09 3/9/09 3/9/09 3/10/09 3/11/09 3/11/09 3/12/09 3/12/09 3/12/09 3/13/09 3/13/09 3/24/09 3/25/09 3/26/09 3/30/09 3/30/09 3/30/09 3/31/09 4/1/09 4/1/09 4/2/09 4/2/09 4/3/09 May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line 11-12 1-4:30 Functional Area A/R FI Description Conf Call w/ Doreen Maintaining Security; Managing Approvals 1-2 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 9-5 9-12:30 9-5 1-4:30 9-5 2-3 8-5 8-5 8-5 8:30?? 1-6? 1-4:30 8:30-5 1-3 8:30-4:30 8:30-4:30 1-5 1-5 LP HR/PY-onsite HR/PY-onsite FA-onsite HR/PY-onsite FA-onsite FI FA LP ODS ODS ODS Workflow FA FI ST FA & AD HR/PY HR/PY AD AD Luminis Kick-Off – not good for Jamie – not sure if this is a go or not… Benefits/Deductions Benefits/Deductions Consulting on Previous Topics Benefits/Deductions Consulting on Previous Topics Security & Approvals Follow-up Consulting on Previous Topics Technical Planning Prep SSR Install/Admin System Install & Data Load SSR Install/Admin System Install & Data Load SSR Install/Admin System Install & Data Load Overview Processing Loans Reconciling Bank Accounts; Cash Processing Managing Transfer Articulation Processing Institutional Scholarships Separations and Leave Absences Separations and Leave Absences KCCU Data Mapping KCCU Data Mapping There are/will be multiple changes to the above schedule and Sherry will be getting with those involved to confirm changes. Form Fusion installed Comments or concerns from THE training week Form Fusion installed on dev-db01 server last week. The PC Application is on the file server in W:\workgrps\its\Software_Applications\evisions. Run the file FF196Setup.exe to install FormFusion Developer. There were several data issues identified that will need to be fixed prior to Round 2 data conversion and there is a consensus that a fourth data conversion might serve the university well to consider. It would be very helpful for one Wait until after conversion 2 to make a decision on whether or not to ask. There have been three issues on HR where things from the data extract have been changed. The load program involved Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information in the fall between the second and the last one. ODS/EDW data Will EDW be populated with historic data that has not been converted to Banner? Clean Address Documentation for changes to round 2 data conversion When do we want to suggest to ILT this be run? Kurt started this at w:\workgrps\its_share\banner\error tracking. Please share with your functional leads and mention at ILT meeting. Student has created two documents. The first is basically a copy of Kurt’s file, which will be used by the functional folks to log the errors and problems they find while testing. We are suggesting using the functional area abbreviation to preface the file name. For example for student that will be ST_Banner Error tracking log R1.xlsx. We sent the link to this file to Linda and suggested she send the link to the entire student team. In addition, we have developed another file to log our extract changes: ST_ExtractChanges.xlsx. This will just be used internally here in IT, but will help us to keep on track and reduce the chance of duplication of efforts. Julie met with Tom Sutherlin and Jamie Glover regarding the new ethnicity changes. Jamie didn’t see a problem with going ahead and making changes on the screens to accept the new data but is going to let her admissions app folk know so it doesn’t totally surprise them. New admissions applications will be reprinted this summer and they will set a deadline for accepting the old apps. Jamie will work with Zoe and Glen for wording on the questions to ensure it is consistent on both the student app and also the HR apps. Tom is still reviewing how he wants in-house reports to deal with mixed data and hopes to have more information by the end of April. Once wording is established for the application, XAP app changes can be sent but they cannot Ethnicity Codes May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line calculations that caused the data to change. Sherry will pursue this. Ask questions about this during ODS kickoff and also during conversation with Duane about what to do with the admit/readmit code and possibly putting this in admissions. If a module is using another form, be sure to put it in the same location. Page 4 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Blackboard Integration Update Sunfire to Sunray Spring Break outage Discussion, Information go live until in-house reports are changed. After we go live on Banner, they hope to resurvey the rest of the student population and the employees so that data is available to report for Fall 2010. Tabled until next week. Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line There is a copy of sunray if we need to revert back to it after the live data copy and Rick works on his Higher One extracts. Greg will begin the sunfire to sunray copy at 4:30 today. 3/17/09 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. is scheduled, although they estimate a 2 hour outage Task Lists ST & A/R Determine solution for OU Nursing students Sherry, Dawne, Kelly, Angie, Julie Tech Team & ITL Research Nolij Transfer for management of multiple PIDMs and possibly other functionality @ Summit Tech Team & Functional Areas Tech Team & Functional Areas ST Dawne Julie Tech Team May 29, 2016 Continue to update: W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from Data cleanup - ongoing process Identify suggested timelines in project schedule for: Early Alert; Bb Transaction Card System; Bb eLearning; Library; TMA; XAP App; Higher One, Clean Address, Intellecheck, FormFusion Additional GPA, placement/forgiveness customization: Waiting to review what SHGE provides to TCC Converting FICE to IPEDS Unit code went fairly smoothly – needs to go to ST and DS team meetings. Status of implementing new ethnicity codes Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed & state mandates?? Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Tech Team Catch-up on time sheets for Banner implementation Dawne Greg Waiting on Tom’s guidance from John McArthur re: OSRHE mandate change in preliminary enrollment reporting Evisions FormsFusion is loaded and Intellecheck is requiring tech support Sherry Remind ITL to be sure they have their desk manuals started. Tech Team & ITL Tech Team Tech Team Add all changes for Round 2 data conversion to spreadsheet Kurt posted at: W:\workgrps\its_share\banner\error tracking Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner upgrades and patches Review SOW for General Person Data Synchronization Scott, Julie, Debbie, Greg, Chase Sherry Come up with recommendation for best solution for student email client for I.T. Steering Committee. Julie: Glean info at Summit re: a recommendation for an e-mail client for student use for Luminis go-live Setup training for Common Matching later in spring or summer May 29, 2016