Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes September 23, 2008 Banner Technical Team Committee/Meeting Name September 22, 2008 10:00 am Date Time Convened Time Terminated 12:00 pm Julie Duncan Location Admin 201 Recorder Scott Putney, Debbie Goode, Kurt Jn Marie, Kelly Simon, Cheryl Davis, Sherry Hendrix, Chase Bailey, Dawne Massey, Members Present Rick Clyburn, Greg Duncan, Julie Duncan Angela Melton Members Absent Visitors Topics Minutes from Sep 8 Next meeting Outstanding Issues from Tech Kickoff Data Extracts Data Standards and Issues Discussion, Information Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line No change September 29. Notes from the Technical Kickoff were posted to the Webpage. Debbie sent email to OBU, Messiah, and Biola regarding their data extract scripts. OBU is using CDD and several agreed that doesn’t seem to be the way to go. Biola hadn’t answered at meeting time. Bob from Messiah said he would enjoy a conference call. He requested a list of questions upfront before the call so he could refresh his memory on the issues. There used a tool from Cognos called Quiz. The Data Standards team will need to do three things soon: 1) review the metadata worksheets for general person, 2) finalize decisions on general person, and 3) decide who the owner is on shared data. Hopefully the team will meet this week. OU has queried the regents about not storing/reporting the retention gpa. No word but we’re not expecting this change. This is a big issue for Oklahoma clients. Sherry is going to If there is anything that Laurene did not address, let Debbie know. Post your questions for Messiah to w:\workgrps\itsshare\banner\Questions for Bob at Messiah.docx. Sherry to put on the leadership team agenda to come up with these systems. Sherry to create a spreadsheet of who is responsible for it and where they’re located. She may start with the template on w:\workgrps\its-share\banner\shadow systems for this. Sherry will send Wednesday. Deadline Sept 17. Teams may think of more during the discovery session. Page 2 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information address this with Mike in her meeting this week. Hopefully Banner will be able to come up with a solution. September 23, 2008 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Metadata workbooks should be covered in tech trainings for each of the different areas. Julie is trying to incorporate the changes emailed to her from general person questions. The Student mapping hopefully will be done while Sandra is on campus for Student Discovery. One of the decisions from the FA Discovery is that we will be bringing 3 years of data to Banner for FA. Cameron will have to pay some extra money to get this done. Bob from Messiah had mentioned that they put their past finance data in EDW. We will be going live before EDW so this won’t be an option for us. Kurt spoke to the State and they will be doing an upgrade to PeopleSoft in November. We may have an earlier payroll submission date for that month. This may affect file layouts and changes to programs in payroll and claims submissions. Updates from Sherry Sherry has made an outlook calendar with all of the Banner dates on it and shared with the team leads. She will also be posting these on the website calendar. If large amounts of printing (e.g. a module’s user guide) need done, contact Debbie for one of the accounts to have it printed by the Print Shop. Computer Rooms – South Shepler 407 is very small and the computers are too close for comfort and to allow class materials or notebooks. The library lab and Burch 104 are available for use but we may have to use Shepler some as well. Get familiar with the Tech and your specific module’s implementation guide. Be sure to look at the Cross Training section before next week. Banner website – Sherry emphasized that this has a wealth Oracle Privacy was scheduled for October 1. This will be expensive and timely to implement. Based on current budgetary constraints, Debbie is going to cancel the mtg. Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information of knowledge. In the back of the user guides are the canned reports and we should familiarize ourselves with them. September 23, 2008 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line She will be reminding the team leads to track their Banner related time. IT should continue sending their time sheets to Debbie on a weekly basis. Higher One is a refund management program and will be implemented by this spring. Update from Chase on his Intro to Oracle and PL/SQL training Data Cleanup Chase was the only one who showed up for the training so it was all one-on-one. Katherine Gibson who is doing the database install this week was the teacher. There were able to cover the original trainings and also Banner Admin. Katherine gave Chase a lot of the scripts that she has written. All of the workbooks he used in class are on the Banner customer support under Banner General. Kurt is finding many name differences between BOX and payroll – married names, different middle initial, etc. Payroll should trump BOX for names as it should have the employee’s official name. We will be trying to export/migrate only vendors with PeopleSoft ID’s. Some are people and Rick will try to validate these based on SSN. There are some duplicates in payroll and BOX. Kurt and Kelly are working to clean these up. The data extracts are supposed to start November 3. Most of the conversions will take place in November and will finish up in December. Chase will email his notes. Programmers are encouraged to look through the workbooks and contact him if they have questions. Of particular interest are the external tables which allow you to do a query from a flat file and the SQL*Loader. Whenever sending emails regarding data cleanup to individuals to do the work, also carbon the team lead for that area so they are aware. Deadline for getting general person data cleaned up: September 30. Page 4 Topics Upcoming Events Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information Julie created a banner subdirectory in the client_specific directory. There is a datacleanup.sql script that any sql code that should be run before data extracts can be put. This should include any of our data cleanup identifying scripts so that we can verify that more data doesn’t need cleaned up after the initial cleanup efforts. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Week of Sept. 22 Banner Seed Install Week of Sept. 29 Banner App Server Install Sept. 30 John Briggs on-site Cross System Training – Banner General and Shared Information – Admin Board Room Oct. 2-3 Tech migration: 2 to 3 hours in the morning and 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon – Admin Board Rm Oct. 5-7 SETA Week of Oct 6 Migration Planning Oct. 6 Banner Self Service Install Oct. 8-10 Sandra Beaulac Student Discovery o While Sandra is onsite for Student Discovery, SGHE will conduct remotely with tech team and Student team for Student interview/planning portion IF time allows (or Friday after she leaves if time does not allow while she is onsite). Also, while Sandra is onsite, we could hold the HR, FI, AD portions, as these are different audiences. With this plan, the Student team can focus on Sandra and everyone can get their migration planning done. Additional sessions can be held Friday, if necessary, if needed with Tech team… Or, a phone call the following week as follow-up… General - Tech / Security Training – Onsite – October 21-23 Tech Training and Data Mapping - FI – Remote – Later in October Tech Training - FA – Remote- Can be in November if necessary (short session) Tech Training and Data Mapping - ST and AR – September 23, 2008 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information • • • 1. We were hearing go live for finance is 7/1/10, but this is not OU Nursing Cheryl talked to Cathy but their ODBC connection wasn’t working. She is going over today again. The plan is to run parallel systems until November. Now that the workorder part of TMA has been implemented, they can focus on other areas of TMA. The mandatory regents reporting data needs to be in the TMA database. Identify all state and federal and 3rd party reporting requirements and data elements to complete these reports Debbie and Sherry are trying to get a good graphic of the version 8 navigation bar. Sherry will email the Banner training listserv to see if anyone might provide us with this. It will take about 45 days to get the mouse pads back. We need to order about 200. Third Party Reporting Mouse pads Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line Remote- October 8-10 Data Mapping - ST Tech - Remote October 8-10 Tech Training and Data Mapping - HR Tech – Remote Oct. 13 Post Install Review Notes from call with Sherry, Mike and Laurene TMA and Regents Requirements September 23, 2008 true. Mike will visit with SGHE’s finance and A/R team leads to learn more 2. ODS should follow Conversion Run 2 in July 2009 and Cognos will follow ODS – I asked who manages ODS, EDW and Cognos and he said generally the sys admin handles all three. Post to the W drive by September 30. Sherry will ask Glen about funding for the mouse pads.