Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project September 12, 2008

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
September 12, 2008
Banner Technical Kickoff
Committee/Meeting Name
Sept 3-4, 2008
8:30 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 4:30pm
Location Admin Board Rm
Recorder Julie Duncan
Cheryl Davis, Dawne Massey, Angela Melton, Scott Putney, Debbie Goode, Sherry Hendrix, Kurt Jn Marie, Chase Bailey,
Members Present
Rick Clyburn, Greg Duncan, Julie Duncan
Kelly Simon (both days), Dawne Massey (Sept 4)
Members Absent
Laurene Farley
General Tech Training
Special Tech Trainings
DBA Training
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
General tech normally happens after the system is installed so we can
do hands on. It’s tentatively scheduled for the day after installation.
Laurene would like to push it back a week but we may have issues
with fall break. So mid- to late-October we’ll have General Tech
training on-site. This will be hands-on and lecture and will cover
utilities, how everything relates with ID’s, general setup, directory
structure, tables and oracle processing, behind the scenes info, and
naming conventions. It is a prerequisite that everyone have sqlplus
experience for this class and recommended that you know the basics
of vi.
Part of this training will be general person mapping. Anyone from a
functional standpoint will also need to attend the mapping session.
A specialist from each area will do a technical training in each area.
These are virtual classroom and can be split up into chunks. They’re
much shorter than the General Tech training. Examples: FA is ½ day,
finance is 4 hours, HR is 8 hours. There will be lots of mapping done
at the student training and it will take the longest. These will come
immediately after General Tech training and will cover how the
processes work, table relationships, and how to query. These will be
done with workbooks. The workbooks are the full blown course for
traditional implementation. Since the trainings are right after another
instead of spread out, it will be just the meat during the actual training.
We should go ahead and read the entire workbook for the course as it
would be good review.
Chase is currently scheduled for Intro to Oracle and PL/SQL on Sept
Laurene recommends Intro to Banner Admin. Chase should look at the
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
15-19 and Oracle DBA1 on Nov 4-7.
Oracle Tools
Customer Support After
the Install
Laurene demonstrated Toad which costs money and Plsql Developer
which comes with Oracle. These are both gui tools so you don’t have
to do long hand sql tables. However, we definitely also need to be able
to run sql from the sql prompt as this will be used on a regular basis.
After the install, Cameron owns it. The consultants are working on the
80 part of the 80/20 setp and are doing this on their own database. We
have to keep the databases in sync so they’re not doing configuration
on 8.4 and our installed system is still at 8.2. We have to begin
maintenance as soon as the install is completed.
What do we do when we have questions? Any win related questions
should still go to the consultants. However, any system questions (“I
can’t get this to work,” etc.) will need to go to the Customer Support
Center. This is where we download upgrades and patches. All of the
technical team and the power users from each functional area should
have accounts.
Both the tech rep and the functional power user will read through the
release guides which are downloaded from the CSC. Together they
decide whether to install an upgrade. It may be decided that nothing is
needed from that upgrade and you can wait until the next release.
Other things available at the CSC include Requests for Enhancements
(RFEs), interdependencies of versions (can’t install student 8.x until
general 8.x.x), release guides, all of your personal and CU action line
items, defects, and RFEs, calendar for releases, and what components
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
workbook for this course. It’s a good hybrid course for DBA and sys
admin for Banner and covers upgrades. Laurene will check with Mike to
see what courses are being recommended for Chase to take. We need to
make sure he’s not taking traditional classes when we don’t need it for a
win implementation.
A lot of clients have a remote Banner DBA for a year but we’re currently
not doing that. There was talk about this but nothing confirmed. Laurene
recommended that if we’re going to have one, we need to get them in as
soon as possible. If we wait very long, it will be difficult for this person
to help much as they will be playing catchup. They need to be involved
in the system installation. Sherry will see where we are in this
Greg will send out an email about using Plsql Developer.
If anyone doesn’t have an account for the CSC, they need to get one.
Join the listservs for your area. Also join BPOST to see when new things
are posted. BANNOUNCE is more for the users. BPOST for the techies.
Links to the lists and instructions are at
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
CU has purchased. Depending on who you are, you may not have
access to everything. Only the DBAs have access to download
The CSC is great support. They are specialists in their particular area
so if you ask a finance question you will get a finance specialist. They
are also spread all throughout the country so it’s not just an 8 to 5
support in a particular time zone. If you hear the term, “Go to the
action line,” it means the CSC.
Installation of the
Oracle questions
The post-installation
In addition to the CSC, there are about 60 different listservs with
varying degrees of specialties. You can search the archives of the
listserv after you have a listserv account.
The pre-install questionnaire is for us to fill out. There will be a premeeting which is scheduled for next week. Installation starts
September 22 with the post-install review scheduled for October 13.
Several people are involved in the different pieces so this takes
awhile. We’ll get a report from each person of where things were
installed. We should get URL’s of how to get in. General Tech
training will cover what all of the reports mean.
CU is wondering if there is any value in GRID control, Oracle Data
Privacy Shield, RAC High Availability, Advanced Security
(Encryption) and Data Masking.
The post-install review session is a remote session and they’ll go
through it. We need to get everything we can get out of this as it will
be the technical aspect of where everything is. We should consider
recording this session.
The report will include a splash page of where people click to get into
the databases. They’ll set up test users and the splash page will take
them where they need to go. They’ll need to show us how to maintain
the splash page. They’ll need to show you the directory structure, how
to stop and start the db’s and the database listener, how to start the job
submission, IP addresses, names of machines, how to get into the
system and passwords. Be sure to change the default passwords after
install. Installation will include the SEED, TRNG, and PPRD
The DBA should try to sit in with the person during his post install
review on the system so he can ask questions like “Why is this on this
server instead of that one?” He’ll need to learn how to start the job
submission because it automatically shuts down if not used. The remote
DBA would really be helpful at this point as s/he would know the
questions that need asked.
Gary Fitzgerald will talk to us about this during the pre-install meeting.
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Discussion, Information
TRNG – created when they start the install. Copy of the standard base
with sample people and later on is a copy of what we converted. It’s
open to everyone to begin with. After the first conversion when there
is real data in it copied from CONV, security will need to be in place
(about late November security should be ready).
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Laurene will send the documents that show the pictures she used for this
portion: db Config Mgt v1.mht and Instance Control.doc
TEST – copy of the CONV database after we convert. This is where
you play.
SEED – upgrades always go into this first and no one touches it.
Banner uses it for support. Once you’re confident the upgrade works
in this one, you can install it into the other DBs. Upgrades go to
SEED, then TRNG to try out for awhile, then PROD.
PPRD – (pre-production)Sam as TRNG but scrubbed of any data and
is only the rules/validation tables. No testing should ever be done here.
This is where all of the rules/validation tables will continue to be set
up after the initial 80 rules are done. There should never be people
data in it. Security should be VERY limited. Once you’re live you’ll
want to update this from prod on a regular basis.
CONV – banner’s place to do conversion and is created from PPRD.
DEVL – to try out our own conversion tables so that we have an exact
copy of what’s in test. Technical people will be able to do our own
reports. It’s refreshed after each conversion round from CONV. It’s up
to us on whether we want this one. IT can use TEST as well.
Conversion processes
PROD – final conversion goes into this one. You never do
development here.
The Banner consultants are busy creating the rules and validation
tables. The database they are doing that on will be copied to CU’s
PPRD database before the first conversion (down for Nov/Dec right
now) We have to keep DB and oracle in sync with theirs for this to be
The conversion data will be done on our machine. We’ll make a clone
of PPRD to CONV that will only have rule and validation tables in it.
Then they’ll take our data extracts and do the conversion in CONV.
Laurene will get with Greg on setting up accounts for access to the
system during conversions.
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Only Banner can get in to CONV. When conversion is complete, they
clone it to TEST which is what everyone will get into and see how it
looks. This will happen two times and then the final production run.
The Cycle: PPRD to CONV to TEST. You fix the rules in PPRD.
They’ll tell us what days they need the DBA to do the clones. When
security is in place, we can also clone CONV to TRNG.
3 cycles:
1. Validation conversion – Does the data fit? Did we provide
the required fields? Are edit checks in place? This is the
basics. But we only have two runs so this needs to be as clean
as possible! Try to work through as many errors as possible
with this one. If there are major issues with it, we’ll work
through it before the second run. We can’t let things go to the
second run if we can help it. We’ll get error reports after each
table and we’ll fix it right then.
2. Test conversion – fix any minor issues left from testing. It
needs to be perfect. You want all things perfected from the
first run by now. By now your rules are better and
training/testing will be better. It should just be a fresh set of
data at this point. This will be when we do the classroom
pilot with the mock registration.
3. Final conversion – no changes. You’ll just run the conversion
in the production database.
Conversion team will need to connect with ssh. This needs worked out
in advance as to what procedures will be used. We’ll need to give
them accounts for the vpn so they can get access. We’ll talk more
about this in gen tech. This needs to be taken care of early so that
nothing slows down the conversion. Need to be able to get to the app
server and the database server. Will need individual accounts for the 4
doing conversion. They will be moving over the clone of their
validation data and installing the converter tool at that time as well.
The helpdesk will not need access as they will have us do all of the
The Converter Tool
How is conversion done?
Step 1. Map legacy data to temporary oracle table(s). They make a
mirror table where Laurene populates an untouched version of our
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Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
data into it.
Step 2. She runs the conversion and then populates the data to the real
field of the temporary table. This process will validate against the
validation tables. We should provide the appropriate data (e.g. 1 for
Male instead of M for male.) in the new rules formats. The metadata
workbook includes validation tables for each field if one exists.
Step 3. Populate the real Banner table.
Metadata Workbook
Security Overview
Documents Laurene
uploaded to website
We’ll work through these during mapping sessions. Ours will be
comparable to OBU and we should see if can get their mappings and
scripts if possible. They’re on 7 and we’ll be on 8 but would give a
good starting point. Messiah also went from SBI to Banner. Possibly
where Marcia got her mappings.
Bold fields in the metadata workbook mean they’re required for at
least one system.
They have templates that they will show during gen tech training. We
can start implementing security on PPRD and TRNG after this point.
The tech team helps guide the functional teams on the rules. Only two
or so people should have access to and know how to set up security. It
doesn’t have to go to the DBA. It’s a lot of work up front but not as
much after on. It’s not a technical thing, but it generally resides there.
There is a general security with classes and it’s not a technical job but
it’s a password only two people should have. There is another level of
security that can be applied by the power users in the functional areas.
To do field level security you need to use fine grain access and we
would need to get training on this. When you start out, everyone has
access to everything and then we start adding security.
Laurene can provide the contact person from OBU and Messiah.
Implementation Guides – how to connect to the virtual classroom,
definition of the processes, will tell what workbooks are needed for
each training, task logs, identify milestones, and test plans. Everything
needed for a training should be in these guides except for date, time,
and location for the training. It will tell what will happen in the
session, preparation for the session, who should attend, and
assignments for after the session. If there are session materials listed,
we’ll need to make sure we have downloaded these or that the
consultant has posted them to the website. Each group should begin to
review these guides to see what is coming up and to see what all will
be required of them.
Laurene needs to have the consultants post the captivates, narratives, and
processes as these are not on the website yet.
Decide who will be setting up security.
Laurene needs to post:
• Naming conventions
• Keyboard Equivalents
• Repost Data-Standards-Sample.doc
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Task Log – Various team assignments that will be referenced in the
trainings. If you read through the implementation guides, you’ll be
able to see what tasks are ahead. They don’t have dates yet, but
particularly the technical one will need to start adding dates to work
on these and assigning who will be responsible for each thing.
Test Plans – Consultant will step us through these and have various
scenarios and what you should be able to see after you complete
Milestone Certification – Each training has a milestone and everyone
will sign off on them.
Captivates and Narratives and Processes - Take you through the steps
of processes. The narratives could be used in the written desk
manuals. It’s the process approach, not an individual’s responsibilities
for a piece of the process.
Course Evaluations – The template was uploaded to the general
documents area of the website. These should be completed after every
Naming Conventions – Laurene went over the naming conventions.
Some of the general person tables may start with S back from when it
used to be Saturn. (needs posted)
Data Standards - Laurene uploaded a sample data standards doc that
they compiled by looking at 10 others based on best practices. We
really need to develop good standards for data entry to make sure there
isn’t junk entered. Common matching will say “before you put this
person in, here are some that are really similar…are you sure you want
to add this?” Delivered basics but we can make it more robust. File
couldn’t be downloaded though and Laurene will have to reupload it.
General Person Hierarchy table – Laurene to post. General
spreadsheet for mapping who gets to trump data for general person.
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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National Change of
Summary of Data from
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Alumni sends all of their records 3 times per year for address moves
and corrections and needs to know if there is a process to import the
return file of address corrections and changes. There are other options
than the one that CU is using. Common matching allows batch
processing so we may learn more in training there. This may be a
custom thing that need to do. If somebody has done it with any of the
address update software, it would be good to know.
CU will be bringing in data for general person from
Sample data
OU/WOSC students
Addresses – these will
trump BOX addresses
as these are cleaned up
Addresses – more
accurate than HR.
Foundation people
maintained by
president’s office
Vendors with a
peoplesoft id have to
be rolled or manually
reentered. Rest of the
data (students/staff)
will not be converted.
The data will need
cleaned up and 75% of
the people put them in
manually rather than
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Laurene suggested searching the listserv archives for information on this
topic and posting a question if we don’t find the info. She did a search on
BGENERAL Sept 3 and there are a few people who have written
instructions and scripts and indicated they would share the info.
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Addresses: We run reports against BOX and payroll. BOX updates go
to payroll. HR receives the email and these can be updated manually.
Payroll and BOX should match.
ID’s: BOX generates the ids except for vendors. The FEID number is
the vendor number. Vendors could be someone in BOX, for example a
student who provided a service to Cameron. If common matching is
turned on when they enter in manually, we could limit the duplicates.
Timing will need to be done carefully during the conversion runs so
that the data is there. There can be separate rules for common
matching for the vendors.
Students/faculty/staff/lendors/etc in BOX are 6 digit id’s that increase
incrementally each time a new person is entered. Vendors have to
have their peoplesoft id sent to the state.
Banner IDs
It’s important to make this decision soon. CU’s current ID is printed
on their id cards and is part of the student login. Typical Banner way –
PIDM is generated for each person. We can only provide one id per
1. They can generate a banner id which is 9 characters long
which can be prefaced with a letter, number, or character
(e.g. C12345678). Our legacy id would still be in there. It
would be known to banner as C103383. However, new
students would get a banner generated id.
2. We could start the id’s over and everyone gets a banner id
and our current BOX id would be put in as an alternate id.
You can provide several alternate ids – including ssn. These
would be all attributed to the same PIDM. The one that is the
latest, is the one that shows on their record. Same is true on
name. The one with change indicator of NULL, is the one
that shows up and the others are in history. We would need to
identify any costs involved in going with new banner
generated – accounts, ids. The id card system doesn’t support
alpha numeric.
3. We can designate the seed number to start the banner id with.
We could zero fill the original CU id and the first character
CU will be using option 3.
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
for the banner id would be zero. The seed number to start
with banner would just be higher than our highest number.
We’ll have to remember to do this. It will be an extra task.
Student ID cards already have their id with 3 leading zeros.
Not sure if they will have to enter the leading zeros, but very
possibly will since it’s an alpha-numeric field. When we send
the data, we’ll need to send the leading zeros.
Students don’t want their login to include their id number. Email has
already changed. Luminis login is done with their email address. The
banner id doesn’t sound like it will be an issue with the student
Mapping and Data
Cleanup Issues
Most likely do manual entry of vendor data.
There will be lots of crosswalks for things like organization codes and
chart of accounts when we create the flat files.
General Persons Issues.doc – tells how all of the data interacts and
how integrated data affects others. Talks about issues regarding the
different data.
Address Codes – Win has a set and we crosswalk from our set.
HR and Payroll has everything in caps. This will need converted. We
had to do this with the student system when we moved to SBI and
Angie did it 10 years ago with alumni. We should be able to find these
scripts to have something to start with.
Pound signs are bad. These should be cleaned up if in an address. (e.g.
instead of #2 it should be Apt 2). This will have to be done prior to
each data migration as addresses are being changed on a regular basis.
Clean Address – Laurene said there are several people that use
different ones. She hasn’t heard any bad ones. If we teach the data
entries the standards, we should be okay. UCO has Clean Address that
checks nightly. One of the issues is that students are entering address
data now as well.
Laurene to post General Persons Issues.doc after making sure it’s
updated for the latest version
Check to see if we have any addresses with # sign in them.
CU to determine what fields are required by CU but not necessarily by
Banner to ensure we get data converted.
Sherry to ask TCC how they store the Peoplesoft+sequence number and
their building information. Also to see if they would be willing to share
the scripts they use to report this info to the Regents.
Laurene to post instructions on printing the ERDs.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Flat file for addresses – don’t send a country code unless other than
Emails – can send multiple addresses that will have to be prioritized.
Phone numbers – Current students and employees validated everyday
by Blackboard’s ConnectEd. When we send the flat file, it’s stripped
of punctuation.
Address history – Alumni will have to determine which address to use
– BOX or alumni. In flat file we will pass which address type an
address is and include sequence number. If there are more addresses
per an address type, then that sequence number will have to increase.
At first discussion, it doesn’t appear that we will have this. We believe
we’re only keeping one address per type. Banner is able to cross
reference an address with people such as spouses as well.
There are ways to store alternate id’s and we could conceivably use
this when we get to Banner to use as previous ssn for ssn changes so
that these can be tracked for the regents.
Marital Status – inconsistent data. We can say unknown if necessary.
Ethnicity – We have this in payroll, box and hr.
Citizenship – required. It’s a yes or no field in banner. CU has it.
Birthdate – required in Banner for employees but not for
students/alumni. However, birthdate is required for regents and a valid
date has to be included on each student.
Emergency Contact info – Payroll and housing has this. Banner can
have them update it on the web.
We have to work on what fields are required by CU. Banner will have
required fields but we will have to be responsible for making sure
fields required by us also get populated. Example is buildings
information such as square footage. We need that info to go
somewhere. Mike Kaminsky will be going over this during discovery.
It’s possible it could go into the inventory section and Laurene will
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Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Discussion, Information
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
check with Mark. The data will be more accurate from the TMA
software now as they made a lot of room changes. Laurene will have
this figured out by the time we get to the mapping section.
Another example is the vendor peoplesoft number plus a 4 digit
sequence number from the state and the FEID number. There will
have to be a field for these to go. Sherry will ask TCC how they are
storing this information as they are a public institution and will have to
report this to the state as well. If we have the data in the same place,
perhaps TCC will also let us use the script they have to report the data
to the state. (They would be storing room and building info
somewhere as well.) FEID can’t be put in as the ssn as a vendor could
be a person as well and that field would already be populated. Need a
place for the 8 +4 peoplesoft + sequence number. Laurene contacted
Mark Kaminski and he indicated there is a place for the vendor id and
will go over it next week. Laurene will forward his email. FTVVIN is
for the fed number and there is a TIN field that can be used for the
peoplesoft+ number.
Students are coded for 1098’s and Banner generates the 1098s.
SEVIS numbers for international faculty/staff will need to be mapped.
Salutation – You can set up the military data. We may need two fields
so that there is a place for military and another salutation. Sometimes,
they might need to be Seargant Major and other times they want Mr.
There might have to be a branch of service and their rank. Laurene
thinks there might be a place in advancement to store this info.
Population Selections can be done with a query and a letter generated
from it. Advancement will use this quite a bit.
ERDs – Entity Relationship Diagrams from the customer support
center. Shows you the structure of the database and how everything
relates to each other. Laurene will give us the instructions on how to
paste them together as they print on several pages or search FAQ on
how to print the ERD. If you have access to a big plotter printer, print
them there.
Help with Data Standards
Is there a document that says this is where to start with data standards?
Laurene to send Sherry powerpoint slide shows on shared data as well as
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Outside the scope of a
win implementation
Laurene has a powerpoint slide show on shared data. This
might help Donald on where to start.
Laurene uploaded a document that shows what tables are
behind each form: ALLTableFormMaster.xls. This would
also help with security. (There is a script you can get from
Steve Rea’s site that will create the cross reference in real
GE-SharedData-8.0-WB.pdf. Zero in on pages 24-30 which
talk about how the systems interface.
Jon Briggs will be doing the cross training and part of that
course will be about shared data
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Shared data Handout.doc.
Not included in Win implementation, but some schools want to
include them: beneficiaries in HR, store’s inventory, etc. There are
tables for a lot of these things and they can tell us where the data is
stored and we can convert it. If there is time during mapping we can
map it and throw it in. The Win implementation is designed to get the
data we need to go live.
Metadata 8.x workbooks uploaded to tech docs except for
advancement. This is not a complete list of the tables but only those
that are planned for conversion. Laurene can help us create a similar
form with a script for any other tables we want to map.
Payroll is calculated and then we send a file to the state. This will have
to be an interface we have to write. Also do a lot of this in accounts
payable. Can also check with TCC and UCO on this as well. This is a
task that would have to be added to the migration and task timeline.
Is there a way to do a payroll undo? There are adjustments you can do
or totally start the payroll over. (Laurene bet a chocolate cake that we
wouldn’t have to do this in Banner.) Banner delivers the tax updates
with a quick turnaround as soon as they receive it. There shouldn’t be
an excuse for this to happen. You may have one person you might
have to adjust because of errors, but you shouldn’t ever have to do a
complete payroll undo. It’s technically possible, but shouldn’t happen.
What if the printer runs out of ink? They have a check restart program.
This is explained in the reports section for HR. We don’t print the
checks ourselves but we do print stubs. The check file goes to the
Sherry to check with TCC and UCO on how they do the file of payroll to
the state.
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Go-Live Timing
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
state. This will have to be added to the payroll process or put in place
of where the spot of creating the direct deposit file is. If we had an
online way of accessing the check stub info, we might could get away
from the printing stubs. Laurene wasn’t sure if this was part of self
Financial Aid: Laurene is going to ask Dwayne the AID tech about
RPRATRM and RPRAWRD. We have to have loan history and award
history and the FISAP year. AID has to have enrollment information
for the current year they’re in while they’re processing on the new
system. Feb/March is a good time for Financial Aid to come up.
Laurene has seen a write up on how all of this works and she is going
to look for it. She knows it’s not an issue but doesn’t know how all of
it works.
September 12, 2008
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Laurene to look for a write up on how Financial Aid comes up in
Check on dates for go-live support for HR.
Registrations are very difficult to convert. In late-March we’re
enrolling spring, summer, and fall. Spring and summer will finish on
the old system for both enrollment and accounts receivable and AID
since we’re a trailing institution. ISIR’s will be able to be loaded
because both years would still be set up. How to deal with 1098’s will
be covered in training. Do double entry for the enrollment schedule
for fall on both the old system and the new system. We’ll have to roll
the spring and summer academic history after classes finish. Migration
planning will cover more of this and deciding how to deal with A/R.
Mid-Finance and Purchasing year go-live. Mark will have to work on
this. It’s generally better to start clean on the purchase orders. CU has
purchase orders that still haven’t been paid from the previous year that
have to be budgeted in the next year. A typical win implementation
does not convert purchase orders. We may have to do some procedure
changes due to the go-live date to accommodate this. This will be
covered with Mark next week. Not sure what is happening on how or
why the 12/14/09 date for go live support for HR. Might possibly be
scheduled for a parallel payroll. Laurene posted a document that
outlines AR Conversion options regarding detail and summaries.
Dwayne will explain it.
Numbering (gone over in the banner admin class). Different levels roll
in the dot level below it but there are certain times you have to apply
all of them. There is a script in the upgrade that will make sure you
Laurene to send Banner Media Upload Reference Guide
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have applied what you need before it, the areyouready script. Any
time you get ready for an upgrade, you need to download the banner
release interdependency matrix. Only the dba should be able to
download software and patches. Banner Media Upload Reference
Guide is good to let you know what is involved in the uploads.
Laurene will send this but not post it.
You can be in a version like 8.3 but not all of the forms were changed
so some of the forms may still be in 8.2. You have to compile the
forms and this may fix issues if people aren’t seeing things correctly.
If you have 2 code trees, you can be testing one set without people
being on the new form. You’ll learn that in DBA and Banner Admin.
Conversion Plan
We need to add things like the reporting pieces, cloning, DBA moves,
security ready, etc. This is a living document and dates will be filled in
during migration planning. This is more detailed than the overall
timeline. We’ll want to build in more validation time for the first time.
The teams need to validate the data – am I pulling all of the employees
correctly? Did I get the right students? These are checked before we
give the data to banner. Just because it goes into the database doesn’t
mean it’s the correct data. Give them lists/excel sheets of what is
going in for them to check through.
Possible gap regarding p-cards.
If we have converted data that needs to be there day1 and needs to be
converted the first time at the same time as banner converts, we’ll
have to work on scheduling. Rick is concerned about p-card as we will
need training on this. This may be a gap.
Cameron Systems
As we go through mapping, keep interfaces in mind that you will need
certain fields included because of interfaces.
Alumni – in house developed, currently on the 3000. Degree
information, demographic info, occupational info, did you attend or
did you graduate for early history alumni. There are a lot of majors
that they have that are self reported or old that aren’t in the student
system. Tracks dues and membership info. Donations information. It
doesn’t have all of the foundation history, pretty much just alumni
CU to do cost analysis between RESS and Event Scheduler
Create inventory printouts for departments to clean data. Afterwards
evaluate if remaining data should be converted or entered manually.
Research if the export from XAP will work with Banner 8.
Laurene to see if upgrades to Blackboard Course Management will affect
the interfaces with Banner.
Sherry to talk with Mike about what third party imaging software works
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The foundation info is in Access, excel spreadsheets, GL, etc. It’s
spread out. The GL info is entered various ways – id might be the
phone number. Now they’re using the box id, but history is haphazard.
None of that history will be brought over as it wouldn’t be clean data.
It will still be a problem bringing the GL over as there isn’t a way to
identify the particular id with a box id. We may just have to export
this is as a table and have it there to search as needed.
If we went with Razor’s Edge, nothing would need to be converted to
the Banner Advancement.
TMA – holds all the building information. Being used for work orders.
There are some situations that departments are charged and they want
to be able to interface this with accounts payable. We’ll also need to
figure out a way to bring over the new buildings. Depending on the
size of the buildings, this can probably just be done manually.
RESS – scheduling for events (not classes). There is an event
scheduler in Banner. We need to evaluate this and do a cost evaluation
of whether we should continue with RESS or purchase event
scheduler. The event scheduler doesn’t have a way to do event setup
Property Inventory System – fixed assets. It’s located in an image
hiarchical database on the 3000. We’ll move to the fixed assets in
banner and there are a few items in the inventory system we need to
transfer. This would include computers. Some of the data is valid and
sometimes it’s not. We need to do a printout and have the departments
go through the printout and clean up their data. Mily could go off the
printout instead of filling out the forms. At that point we can decide if
it should be hand entered into banner or if there is enough to map and
The helpdesk has an inventory of PC’s in trackit. Would it make sense
to try to sync Trackit with the Banner Fixed Assets? The inventory of
the machine as well as the person and location is kept in Trackit.
Library Software (Millennium) – Current – once a person is entered
into Box/Payroll/HR a patron file is uploaded to the library system.
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with Banner as one is also needed for HR to use.
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Holds are posted back to the student system. An interface with Banner
both ways will have to be created.
OU nursing students are actually charged and will be in AR. WOSC
students are reimbursed to Cameron and aren’t in AR but they are now
entered into BOX. These individuals are also in the library system, ID
card system, and email.
Blackboard ID system – currently takes info from accounts receivable
based on enrollment and number of hours they are in. They receive
privileges based on their number of hours, fitness fee paid, tell if
they’re on any holds, their food services access, housing access, etc.
Looking to move some of these to look at student info instead of AR.
Programs from the blackboard go back to the student system telling
what their privileges are. This is stored in a separate table. Scenario
should stay the same and just point at a different place. There may be
a table already in banner that could be used for the privileges. If not
naming conventions and our own tables being in the database will be
covered in gen tech. If privileges can be put into banner, workflow
could be handy for this to cause triggers on privileges and the program
could just check the privileges.
Blackboard Connect Ed Emergency Notification System – We create a
file every night. The sql code looks for anyone new for some systems
(like MyCU) and all current for others (e.g. Connect Ed and Active
Directory and Blackboard Course management and wolverine). Letters
generated to new students automatically. This might also be done with
workflow. Nothing would go back to Banner from the emergency
notification system.
XAP Online Applications – There is a file that we get electronically.
Our understanding is that there is a banner interface and we will need
to research this. Probably is a sql load or process to load and we’ll
need to map it out at the same time we map the other application info.
We will also will need to look if there is an issue regarding our being
on 8 and the file that XAP sends. Currently it’s a manual batch file
posted when the person pays the application fee online. It would be
nice to have this automated.
Blackboard Course Management – this is outsourced and they will
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upgrade to the latest system probably in December. Will that be an
issue? Laurene will look into this.
Mobilis – document imaging for Registrar’s office. Sherry to talk with
Mike about what third party imaging software works with Banner as
one is also needed for HR to use.
Turn It In – plagiarism software. We don’t think this will have any
interface with Banner.
Online Job App – CU doesn’t currently have this. We may be looking
at People Admin down the road and this has a Banner interface.
Shadow Systems
Scholarship Spreadsheet – lists all of the scholarships, the amounts of
them and who administers the scholarship.
Spreadsheet of Students Applied. - All academic departments enter
scholarships. Students fill out one scholarship form and then they send
out excel spreadsheets to the departments. The scholarship coordinator
in FA is then entering all of them. It would be nice to allow the
departments to do this posting. Currently having the student reenter a
lot of admissions data. This might be more automated if we pull that
data from banner.
Some of this can be looked at during the financial aid discovery.
Laurene will try to think about how to get it loaded into the system.
OTAG Spreadsheet – We go through and build a file on enrolled
students. OTAG validates and then sends a disbursement file back.
OTAG needs to be put on upfront during the packaging process. We
need a way to load that return file in instead of doing it manually.
OHLAP Spreadsheet – Oklahoma students who signed up in 9th or 10th
grade. Currently we run a file of our enrolled students based on the file
on the website to see who is signed up. FA is manually entering the
award for the new people. OHLAP goes up and down as they add and
drop classes. At a certain point in the semester, we bill the state for
OHLAP. The further into the semester as drops/adds take place the
second billing becomes more complicated. We might be able to
automate part or all of this with triggers or workflow.
Laurene to think about how to get scholarship spreadsheets info loaded
into Banner
Angie to research listservs to see if she can find other schools doing the
Carl Perkins Grant.
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Tuition Waiver Reporting – Non-resident tuition waivers reported to
the regents. Just send the totals rather than detail. Have to have the
fields of study info and there is a basis of award like need, academic
scholar, prisoner award, etc. All of the Oklahoma schools should have
this so we can contact them to see if they have this.
Payroll Insurance Reconciliation, Claims – Access DB
Housing – Access DB. May have to map this out and they can prepare
an excel file to get them in since we’re going up in Feb/March.
Incidents – There is a health and safety incidence module in HR. It’s
free form. It holds a pidm, the incidence, how it’s resolved, etc.
Early Alert/Student Care Request – Not attending class, not doing
successful, acting strangely, or may need counseled.
Claims Processing – We don’t write checks for E and G, the state
Diploma Access DB – used to print diplomas and commencement
Charge Card system – doesn’t go through purchasing. They purchase
things on the credit card and we get one file to post on this.
Bookstore – able to get a file of the classes for each semester. Right
now a student may not get the money for their books even though it’s
been awarded. The student has to buy the books themselves and be
reimbursed or wait until the money comes in. It would be nice to have
a way to have the award posted and they could get the books on
Carl Perkins Grant – Is there a way to track this in Banner? At a
minimum you could do a popsel. There is a new part of Banner for
tracking grants. Maybe it could be used with this. Angie will do a
search on the listserv archives to see if anything has been posted.
Non-credit tracking – things like speech camp and boy scouts are
reported to the regents. It might could be done as an event. The events
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module may be shown in the cross-training. If not it will be in the
UDS – Unitized Data System – Data reported to the system that is part
of this system that will need to be mapped. We need to get all of the
data elements and provide this to Laurene and Donald for the data
standards team. We have to make sure this data is included. HR data is
pulled by effective date. Laurene will spend time in HR training on
effective date and pulling data using it. Might can start with the
IPEDS report and go from there.
Daily Dashboard and
Conversion Checklist
The dashboard shows a snapshot of all the pieces we’re
converting and whether we’re green/yellow/red status for it.
It’s to be a quick reading of where we’re at.
• Conversion order has the order that they need the tables for
each area.
• Section for each area to record how long it takes to extract
and load each table so you can know how much time to plan
• Open Action Items
• Completed Action Items
• Decisions
It should come out about once a day.
Data Extracts
Inbound/Outbound directories for data extracts. Outbound directory on
the application server is where we’ll put the extracted data files.
Laurene will pick them up from that folder and copy them to the
conversion area. She’ll send the error list back. We could use free
winscp to secure copy the files to the outbound directory and get the
error lists from an inbound directory. The error listings will be in excel
Cameron has a blind employee who does counseling and enrollment
and needs to verify how ADA compliant Banner is for both training
and the product
OBUG – Oklahoma Banner Users Group – good name. Might post to
BGENERAL and see if anyone is willing to host a listserv for
Oklahoma. Sherry to ask Darrin if Banner would host it.
ADA Compliancy
Workflow might be used to do new employee setup for account
Laurene to pass this info to Mike.
Sherry to ask Darrin about hosting an Oklahoma Banner listserv.
Sherry to check on prospect of getting Form Fusion.
IT to get a complete list of state regents requirements to email other
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information. It would be nice to also have a workflow with terminated
employees, but we would have to be mindful of some that are 12
month pay but left in may and still have a couple of months pay.
Adjuncts can have an end date on their employee record that could be
used for this as well. Workflow on that date could then trigger
suspension on their id card and luminis access. Workflow on new
student or dropped classes could help on a lot of processes as well.
Form Fusion – Banner has reports to print out reports on plain paper,
but Form Fusion has Banner interface and it creates custom forms and
We need to write a complete list of all of the state regents
requirements and write one email about all of them to contact the other
schools to see what they are doing about the extract.
End of Fiscal year – rolling to next year. This process is built into
Banner. Roll process and spreadsheet budgeting allows you to do
what-if case scenarios and roll the budget.
Visa standards and history. Can this be used for HR? There is spot for
general person for tracking visa and the documents received info.
GORVISA and GORINTL should be able to store this info. SEVIS is
more for students but if those two tables aren’t working for HR, we
might look at SEVIS. Tracking correspondence with attorneys
regarding international employees (H1 and homeland resident) may
have to be in SEVIS.
Creating files for
Remainder of time devoted to mapping in General Person
General Info on creating the files:
• If field is bold, it’s required. Even if it says nulls are allowed
for that field, the information is required for a certain module.
• It’s a fixed length file. Even if you don’t have the data, you
have to leave the spot.
• Save as tablename.dat.
• Left justify all character fields. Do not left justify number
• Date fields should always be YYYYMMDD. They should be
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schools regarding.
Laurene to see if SEVIS is usable for HR to track correspondence with
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8 character fields!
If we are not going to use a field (e.g. religious affiliation)
but it has a validation table on it, send spaces. You don’t
have to have an unknown value or have spaces in the
validation table. Ignore the validation table and put spaces for
the value.
Pidm – we will always send the box id here and she will map it. We
want to pass 9 characters not 8 that it may indicate. She will replace
the id with the associated pidm in the conversion tool.
Spriden_id – also the box id with leading zeros as 9 characters. This
will become the banner id.
Names – if sending an alternate name, it is another record with the
only change being the name and the N in the change indicator.
Alternate name for alumni – there is only one field but they were
wanting to keep histories on the alternate name and were entering
more than one name in the field separating them with semicolons.
These may need to be entered in manually later on if they want to keep
them. Angie to check them.
Companies - Lendors/Guarantors go in as C for company in the
Need to see if all companies only have a last name or some way to
identify the companies with the comma in box_name.
Don’t convert sbivashon or rimuser or samuser or boxuser etc!!
Activity Date - Leave activity date blank. It will be the date the table is
Spriden_data_origin. We can put “box”,”alumni” etc or just leave it
blank and it will default to “legacy”
Create_user – Need to discuss whether or not some of these need to
be converted. Particularly enrollment transactions. Is it an issue of
knowing who created the application?
Surname prefix. Laurene to find out more information on this. Why is
it used? If a person has two last names does the first go here or can
you put both of them in the last name field.
Spriden_create_date could be used to put previous name date.
There are difference in names for the same person between alumni and
students because documentation wasn’t provided to the registrar. The
standards committee needs to decide how this is going to be handled. Do
we take the alumni name as the most current and put the rim name as an
alternate name or vise versa? Also names in payroll which would have
their legal name.
Only export for spriden records of P for people.
Lendors/Lendors/Guarantors will not be in this table.
Data standards now has to figure out who trumps who on a lot of this
data. Also make determination on bringing over marital status.
Angie to check on alternate name issue in Alumni system.
Laurene to find more info on surname prefix.
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Need to make sure the prototype that Sandra is working on includes
the new national education ethnicity codes. We have to decide how to
crosswalk between these.
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Julie to email Linda to make sure Sandra is using prototype for new
ethnic codes.
Laurene to see if null marital value is okay for HR.
SSN and birthdate– okay for students to not have but not employees
(including student employees). They won’t be going in as an
employee. Spit out an error listing with assoc types and check these.
Marital – not required but highly recommended. There is no unknown
value. It can be null. (spaces in the flat file). Laurene will verify if null
is okay with HR. The data is so inconsistent that it may not should be
brought over. Data Standards team needs to discuss this.