Student Team General Person Mapping Continued Date: November 6, 2008 Meeting Information Facilitator Duane Thowe Note Taker Renee Roach Attendees Renee Roach, Linda Phillips, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Kelly Simon, Sherry Hendrix General Student Mapping Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: GAPs Identified: Decisions Made: Decisions Required: We need to communicate to Sandra what the handicapped values will be for the SGRDISA table (this will come from Jennifer Holland, Dean of Students. Other Issues and Concerns: Action Items / Assignments SGBSTDN – mapping continued from yesterday. Program is part of the curriculum fields. If we start to build programs, we need to map this portion. For catalog year, he (Duane) recommends using whatever we have on the matrix record. SHRTTRM – updated with academic standing and we will populate when we get to that point. The significance is that if we don’t create a student record for every semester they are here, we might not have accurate information. For conversion purposes, he things that SGBSTDN term code prev. be blank. This raps up the student record mapping. SOPLCCV – We need to run the process to build the concurrent curriculum in order to migrate them. Duane will run this for record terms that are closest to the go live term. Limited to the go-live term for recruit in admissions, but for student record, he will include the majority of the students who are closest to the go-live term. Will cover 5 semesters; start with go live term and work his ways 5 semesters back from that point. We can run it on a population selection or otherwise. Just need to run on as needed basis on the prior terms. SOPLCCV - Parameters are recruit, admissions, student and student outcome. Cannot have anything in learner ID for population selection. Rerun conversion indicator should be set to a “Y”. Record type will either be summary or detail. Run mode should include a “U” for update mode. Owner Deadline These will be parameters. When Duane runs it, he runs for the learner id so he will pick up everybody. We would put the students ID in there. SGRACT – is the Student activity table. Julie provided mapping tables for Duane to compare. SD tables in BANNER are old CAPP tables that are no longer available. SGBUSER -10 fields that could be used for a different code that are all validated against a particular value. Each teacher education attribute can be entered into this table. STVGSTA – status code SGRSATT – thing to be entered in attributes?? 3 military relate issues (go army ed, SOC, CONAP) could these be included in attributes for each student? Duane said we could build a cohort, but if we need reporting, attributes would be the best way to utilize that option. He is going over the mapping fields with Dawne right now. SGRDISA – disability tables. WE currently do not have information in these fields but we will enter this in the future. We need to communicate to Sandra what the handicapped values will be for the SGRDISA table. We do need to convert the comments so Admissions will have them on the student side as well. GORVISA – entering the mapping data for international students. Dawne and Kelly decided that we do need to map the Cohorts table: SGRCHRT for admissions purposes. We will bypass departmental honors but utilize institutional honors. LGPA – we will map. Dawne highlighted the yellow areas so she knew they were required and ones that she needed to complete. GPA’s calculated in BANNER need to match the GPA’s in legacy. There are 2 GPA types (institutional “I” and type “T” for transfer and “O” for overall). We need to make sure that Banners calculation of GPA is working the same as Legacy GPA calculators. SHRTRCD- table used to apply to attach a degree to. We do currently use these to apply toward a degree. On the institutional side SHRTCKD – applies courses to a degree; Duane runs a script. Cohorts: SGRCHRT – will roll from history if there is anything currently in there. CRN Attributes are by CRN – we may have historical data to enter in there. Coursework for first-time freshmen. SHRATTC – Historical course section attributes. We decided to red tab this. SHRDGIH – Institutional Honors by degree repeating table. Only one institutional honor per degree. Typically we only have one degree per term. Honor code will come from table degree_dtl/rim_grad_honor. SHRDGMR – degree table. Duane only wants degrees that have been awarded. We do not include any sought after degree records. Only want to map over degrees that have been awarded. Degree sequence number is a one-up number per ID per degree. Once the number is generated, we have to correlate the number back to the degree sequence number generated on SHRDGMR. Degree code comes from degree_dtl table rim_degree_code. SHRDGMR – dual curriculum can be manually entered on SHADEGR.