Implementation Minutes Student Team Date: November 11, 2008

Implementation Minutes
Student Team
Date: November 11, 2008
Meeting Information
Sandra Beaulac
Note Taker
Renee Roach, Assistant Registrar Cameron University
Renee Roach, Linda Phillips, Sherry Hendrix, Julie Duncan, Stacie Bain, Kelli
Peterson, Julie Kendall, Angie Melton, Dawne Massey, Kelly Simon, Julie
Duncan, Vicki Henson, Debbie Crossland, Mandy Husak, Frank Myers, Carol
Claiborne, Susan Camp, Jennifer Bowen, Marcella Gustafson, Aubree Helvey,
Chris Crandon, Jamie Glover
Recruitment Continued from 11-10-08
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
RECRUITP – prospect information.
SRAQUIK – the quick admit; want to make sure the
curriculum data is correct because it flows through to the
student part of the system. We will store the recruit
information here. Store interests, source and contact.
Quick recruit will auto fill. Curriculum information will auto
fill to the student side.
SPARECR – recruit, curricula, sources and interests,
EDBACK – Educational Background. Overall forms will not
be covered in Admissions, only in recruit. Includes
percentiles, test scores,
SOATEST - When we create the various tests, it shows the
various characters. S01 must be a numeric score with 3
CHAR and indicates the range. If we enter a test score on
this tape it will satisfy a checklist item.
SOATEQU – can use this form to equate our SAT scores to
ACT equivalencies. We will want to enter the information
on this screen.
SOAHSCH – high school form. Includes high school
details, high school subjects, high school address. On high
school details includes what high school, graduation date,
transcript received date, class rank and size (percentile,
GPA, diploma, college preparation, admissions request,
We might receive high school information that will never be
transferred into the Student module. We can create the
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SOAHSCH without a recruiting record or admissions
record. Under high school subjects, we can include the
subject, description, subject grade, years taken and the
subject GPA. Can also include rigor. Sandra is asking f we
will begin storing this information and Frank & Kelly Simon
answer “yes”.
SOAPCOL – prior college form. Includes prior college,
transcript received date, reviewed date, admissions
request, SOISBGI – background institution table; lists all
colleges and what city they are located in. Transfer hours
are included on this form for Financial Aid purposes. (Chris
needs this information). Help, dynamic help query will
We will store degree information and transfer hours, GPA
on SOAPCOL. The address of the school is also stored on
this screen. Kelly Simon says we are indeed purchasing
the high school addresses from College Board.
SOAPCOQ – prior college summary; a summary form that
includes all prior colleges’ combines in one form.
SOAGPAT – applicant GPT type. Do we store GPA’s from
a recruiting standpoint? Frank says only if the recruit turns
in a transcript with GPA information. We currently do not
store this information in legacy.
SRARINF – recruiter’s prospect.
SRARECR – recruit prospect information form; includes,
recruit, curricula, sources and interests, contacts, sources
and attributes.
SRARAPT – recruiters appointments and visits; information
taken from the appointment form and is being stored by the
recruiter type. A complete list of name/title. It will show
each person the recruiter has visited with and what source
the contact occurred. Frank needs to have hands on
information from the system in order to enter information we
are familiar with.
SOABGIY – source/background institution (this is not being
delivered, but it is available.
COMMPLAN – communication plan based on a set of
criteria. SOACOMM – the rules for the communication
plan. If an admission form is created for an UG level recruit
it will put one of 3 types of communication plans on the
form. GR will have a separate communication plan than
UG. What is the composition of the plan? SOACPLN –
Various pieces of information that could be sent out to the
SOAMATL – material form will show what type of material
is available. We can also send a letter to an email address.
SUAMAIL – student mail; we have to execute the query in
order to see what has been sent to a particular student.
Whether it was a generated letter or a published piece of
information (scholarship packet, admissions application,
etc.) This is completed at the recruit, admissions and
general student levels. Sandra recommends not making
the communication plan too robust. We need to prepare
our letter lists for training on February 11-13.
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SOACURR – curriculum rules. We want to create our
curriculum rules based upon the type of degree we are
receiving. We can select from a list of majors and indicate
whether the major is primary or secondary. This will auto
RIDM – if student came through a tape & AIDMS – financial
aid students through tapes we need to look in these in the
technical. We decide whether these are assigned a PIDM.
WEBPROS – web for prospects. There are workbooks that
could help set up this. It is a methodology that we can
include on our website allowing people to submit
information. We can look at a demonstration on the
SunGard Website.
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
SAAQUIK – Quick entry is not the same as the quick entry
on the recruit side. This might not be good for numbers.
This is a one page of information that is very simplistic and
it will create a general student record enabling the student
to enroll.
SAADMS – include application information, curricula, fee
information, checklist items, if checklist items are
mandatory, it will never show as complete unless a
received date has been provided. There isn’t much that will
be used to keep a student from enrolling. What checklist
items do we automatically want to place on a student’s
SAACHKB – checklist rules that can be based on the type
of admit the student is.
SOASUPL – supplemental information form. User defined
fields and flags. 10 yes or no’s and 20 additional fields that
can be used.
SAAQUAN – where we can store question /answer
information such as the felony, parent’s degree, etc. We
can create any number of questions.
SAAMAPP - mass entry.
Selective admissions module is outside the scope but there
are workbooks on how to create this if we want to.
EDICONTROL – electronic transcripts (we do not currently
have this in legacy).
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General Student
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
Action Items / Assignments
Banner will not allow a person to register until a general
student form has been created. There are not term
SGASTDN – stores veteran certification information is
stored. This is a GAP where we need to track vets by part
of term as opposed to simply whole term. (Sandra already
has this as a gap).
If I have an active general student record, I can register
until the end of time. We do not have to create general
student records each term.
SGASTDQ – general student summary. This shows admit
date, academic standing, progress evaluation, combined
academic standing.
SGAADVR – where we can assign multiple advisors based
on from and to term or from now on.
Care requests – there is no capability to go into self service
better that will feed to another form. Sandra entered this as
a gap. We currently have this as a stand-alone program.
SOADISA - student disability services – that might need to
be placed behind a form so that access will be limited to
only a few users.
SOAMAUD – mass entry audit form; updates may be made
even if there are holds on the students account.
GSTUDENT – graduate student tracking; we have to
develop this ourselves, in a workbook. Track SHACOMI –
committee service can show thesis, dissertation, and
committee members.
SHAQPMQ – qualifying paper comment as to whether
something has been passed. Comps would be stored here.
SFAREGS – will show a student’s registration both by
advisor and by web based enrollment too. We can drop a
class for the student. We can set up date ranges for how
drops/withdrawals can be set up. Control set up by the
SFASLST – class roster – available on self service as well.
Include whether the grade is complete or not. Grade can
be rolled to academic history whether all grades have been
completed or not.
SFAALST – class attendance roster; this is where we can
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put the last attendance date for Vicki in VA. We might be
able to make this a required field in the future. Faculty
members may enter grades on self service banner. We will
have to manually roll all grades that have been entered.
We decide when they will be viewable on self service. If
we have some classes that have not been graded, can we
still roll? Sandra says yes we can.
SFASTCA – student course registration audit. This form
shows to the second any changes on the registration form
via web registration or internet native. If there are olds it
will indicate why (fatal error)? This tracks everything that
goes on in registration regardless of where it was
completed. On the user, it will show the persons ID or the
web user for if the students completed it. Will faculty or
advisor show the actual name or just web user? In legacy,
we are able to indicate the persons name regardless of
whether they are enrolling on the web.
SFASPRO – Student registration permit override. We can
allow override of any kind of error. Departments can put on
SFATMST – time status rules. This is where we will need
to keep time code information for clearinghouse. Create
rules by courses that they are taking and by level. When
we go into the registration form, we can set up rules that
say, “Calculate my time status”. They typically don’t turn on
until the first day of class. There is a batch process in
banner that runs this information. We can use this field for
enrollment verifications.
INFOACCESS/SFARGTC – time ticketing to decide who
can register on the web. The third party registration field. It
uses the field to calculate a priority for enrollment (this is for
freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate) enrollment
dates. They can register for a certain period of time. This
is a robust methodology that we create without It
intervention. This will only prevent enrollment on the web.
SFARGRP – registration group assignment.
REGWAITLIST – registration waitlist. We do not currently
use this. There is an automatic notification on luminis to
the student to enroll for 24 hours or some specified time.
Title IV is within the registration piece for FA. We will learn
how to answer questions about each others modules.
Academic History
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and
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Action Items / Assignments
Transfer is stored in a separate place than it institutional
history. Institutional information is stored in a separate
SHATRRNS – transfer course information – by institution.
There are fields that must be completed. There has to be
an effective term that it is applied to. Student can attend an
institution more than one time, TRIT & TRAN. We will show
what they took at the transfer institution and what they took
at the institution.
There does not have to be a recruit or admit record to enter
the transfer equivalency data. This is our decision to make
whether we want to allow entry before the student is fully
admitted or not.
Final grades can be changed in SHATCKN – can change
Stored GPA by term calculation (like our SAR12 in legacy).
AHISTORYA- Academic History Process Control.
Do we calculate GPA’s by subject code? We do not
currently do this in legacy. This is a deliverable; we do not
set up anything.
SHATPRT – transcript type rules. We decide how we print
the transcript (the Banner version). We can personalize
print information.
SHARQTC – transcript request; batch process to request
transcripts and one on one basis as well. We can list
where the transcript was sent.
SHARQTS – status of transcript request. Everyone who
has requested transcripts and whether it has been sent or
not. We can search by request date, print date, sent date.
Does not show where the transcript was sent to. We can
use options to get back to the request form and see the
address to where the transcript was sent.
SOABGTA – transfer articulation institution. (We are going
to try to borrow school information from UCO). We identify
the transfer institution, calendar type, levels. We create the
school first. SHATGRD – transfer grade code
maintenance. Create one transfer institution and insert the
information. SHATATC – transfer institution catalog entry.
Enter the courses that we know typically come from a
SHATATR – transfer course articulation form; provide an
equivalent course with the transfer course. This is where
we want to steal from UC O.
SHATAEQ – transfer articulation evaluation. Options –
articulate, everything we have already set up will auto fill on
the right side (equivalent). It will stay there until we roll it to
history. We will need a transfer equivalency worksheet for
the student and provide the information to the student. This
will populate SHATRANS. We can put these in on a one to
one basis. Equivalencies will not have to be built for
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Look in the training database for the SHATATR and create
worksheet. We need to ask for transfer equivalency detail
from UCO.
SHADEGR – degree and other formal awards. This form is
created on the fly when we roll grades at the end of the
term. This sought record is created at the end of the term
when we roll grades.
There is methodology in links to store in persona link
(worksheets in a day).
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