Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016


Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020


Committee/Meeting Name

Date Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Location Admin Board Room

Implementation Leadership Team Meeting

Time Convened 8:30 am


Members Present

Members Absent


Time Terminated

Sherry Hendrix

10:00 am

Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Debbie Goode, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey, Tom Sutherlin, Chris Crandon, Jamie Glover, Ken

Gilliam, Maurissa Buchwald

Ninette Carter, Donald Hall


Approve Minutes from 1-20-


IT Report/Questions

Discussion, Information


Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations


1. Refreshing Databases a. FI needs PROD copied to TEST for testing claims. b. Linda Phillips’ concern: ‘If PROD is copied to TEST again, I'm going to lose changes I recently made to forms, AGAIN. Linda and Renee are going to identify the tables that will need saved prior to cloning from

PROD to TEST. She asked me when this information is needed and I told her I did not know when the clone was planned or if a date had even been set. If we have a general idea, please let me know. c. Angie’s input: ‘Not for DEVL or TRNG - DEVL has the

FA 8.6 upgrade which FA is working on in prep for golive.

i. FA 8.6.2 upgrade (includes patch) is scheduled for delivery on February 15. This will need to be installed on DEVL asap as Anna will be on site for go-live this week. Chase will install the FA 8.6.2 upgrade on DEVL the afternoon of Feb 16 (FA will be in Cognos training in the afternoon) The PROD system will have to be down to install the FA 8.6.2 upgrade. Could the FA 8.6.2 upgrade be installed on PROD the weekend of February

20 th or February 27?

ii. The FA Spring Regulatory release 8.7 is scheduled for delivery Mar 31, 2010.’

Action Refreshing Databases: PROD will not be copied to TEST. DEVL will be down the afternoon of

February 16 to load FA updates. ILT recommended upgrading PROD the weekend of February 20.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information d. Summary i. FI needs PROD copied to TEST for claim form testing. Linda will identify tables that need to be saved before cloning. ii. Nolij would like PROD copied DEVL iii. DEVL down afternoon of Feb 16 for FA patch iv. Upgrade PROD weekend of Feb 20 or 27 e. FYI: Those using TRNG need to only use this system for “real-life” testing, not to do “play” testing to see what happens. We will still be testing payroll and need accurate employees in there. No name changes, etc…..

2. Common Matching a. A request has been made to reexamine common matching. We might need to put some criteria other than name, social and date of birth in place. b. Hillary just ran into a situation where she was getting ready to add a female constituent and could not find them. She had their name, address, phone number, and e-mail in GOAMTCH. When she ran the duplicate check, there were no records found. She was getting ready to go back into box to create a new record and realized there was a different last name in the person’s e-mail. When she went to search under that last name, she found them. However, their address, phone and email was identical to what she had entered on

GOAMTCH. c. I am afraid we have the possibility of creating multiple records on people who have changes in last name. We probably should reexamine common matching or at least figure out how to search by these criteria before we add constituents. d. IT’s recommendation is to add e-mail to Common


3. Cognos a. We now have a PROD instance of Framework Manager on a separate box. TEST remains on STU04. b. Training is rescheduled for February 15-17 in the Burch

Lab c. Kurt, Greg, Julie and I met this week to visit about

Cognos Reporting, E-Print and how that ties into

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations results.

Decision Common Matching: 1) A question will be put on the listserv, 2) Sherry will send information on

Common Matching, i.e., documents, manuals, etc. to ILT and 3) Functional team leads will test GOAMTCH as soon as possible and send Sherry information on their

Recommendation Cognos Licenses: ILT recommended waiting until after ST Cognos training to

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information

Luminis. It was a very productive meeting. One of the things we discussed was the possibility of individual departments paying for their own Cognos license upgrades. Some of you already know this, but Hillary wrote a report a couple of weeks ago that included a prompt to select a person and then display their giving records. In Query Studio, the only prompt available is a drop-down box. There is a limit on the number of entries that can be included in the drop-down box prompts and therefore it only included those with a last name beginning with ‘A’ through ‘C’. We brought that report into Report Studio, which has many options as far as prompts are concerned. After changing the prompt type where a name can be entered and some possible names displayed, it worked well for them.

Hillary indicated that type of prompt will need to be used on many of their reports. So that leaves two options: d. Hillary completes her report and tests it with the prompt that is available to her. At that point she lets Angie know it is complete and Angie changes the prompt type. e. Advancement purchases their own Report Studio license. Report Studio is a Professional Author license. f. Another thing we discussed was the student master report. Right now in legacy the student master report can be ran by term and major code. In Banner, if we run the student master report daily (this could be scheduled through Cognos) and include the major,

E-Print can be used to look at that major code column and only pull the entries with that particular major code. Since there is an E-Print channel on

Luminis and no license constraints, this seems to be the optimal solution. As an added bonus, we would have an archive available of student master lists.

If they want, departments could compare the list day to day or compare to a year ago. We will all be working together to get this tested in the near future. If this concept works, it could be utilized for quite a few reports.

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations determine additional license needs and structure.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information g. Cognos licensing costs just had a decrease: i. BI Administrator 10,480 ii. BI Business Author 1,096 iii. BI Consumer 672 iv. BI Advanced Business Author 1,264 v. BI Professional Author (Report Studio) 2,104 vi. Annual maintenance is approx 13.5% of license h. Discussion on address types in Cognos i. ILT could not agree on having one universal address type hierarchy, so we will have one or more for each area. i. Speed of Cognos running slow: i. Dawne reported Cognos was running slow and after research found that we needed to purchase Oracle Partitioning Option to our

Campus Wide Licenses which would be around

$130,520. Another alternative is to have Greg optimize each report which will make it run faster. NOTE to ILT , once reports are created they need to be sent to Greg as soon as possible so he can work on this process. j. Report Change Form i. Tom suggested we use a Report Change Form when requesting reports of IT. Debbie said we have that in place in legacy and will continue to use this form.

4. Nolij Update a. GP Sync – this will need to eventually be assigned to someone in Admissions. b. SASR Sync update: Admissions will dual enter the legacy tracking codes in Banner checklist. We are not able to use the checklist rules because we have such a diverse population and too many variables. Kelly is working with Nolij on finishing up with the final changes that need to be made. c. Banner Online and Go Army Ed online app to be implemented by May 31

5. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators k. Update:

6. E-Vision: Rick is the administrators

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Decision address types: ILT decided we would not have a global hierarchy for address when running reports in Cognos. Therefore, each functional area is to

1) verify what address types we have now and 2) send a hierarchy of order in which you want addresses pulled for your reporting.

Discussion GP Sync: Jamie was not aware Admission would be running GY Sync. Therefore, more discussion on this is necessary.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information l. Update: Email package for FormFusion to allow purchase orders to be emailed to the requesting department is desirable.

7. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators; Angie is the technical lead m. Update:

8. Workflow: HR is scheduled for training February 23-25

9. Luminis: Julie is the administrator n. Update: Julie discussed some people were having with login problems. People were told to use their window’s login, but if their name is over 7 characters the system will not accept it. IT is taking care of these calls as they come in. o. Another problem is the issue with IE7. This is causing problems with Click to Learn and MyCU. Email below is from Jurt which describes the fix for this: i. I have created a registry file with keys which will merge with the registry of local computers to add different variants of to the trusted sites of campus computers. The registry file that I created will executed through the facstaff logon script. I tested the process and it works. The trusted sites should be applied to users’ computers tomorrow upon logon. I thought of performing this task through group policy, but I found out that group policy was not the best option because it would have grayed out the trusted sites option on local computers. This would avoid users from being able to add trusted sites on their own, and also it would create a lot of overheads on the Windows Server administration side.

10. Update on interfaces/extracts p. Early Alert: 9/10/10 q. Blackboard Connect-Ed: Greg said this was 50 percent complete the rest will be complete by August r. ID Card: 8/1/10 - Rick

April 12, 2020

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information s. Library interface: 11/30/09 – Kurt said this is 50 percent complete t. Diplomas: 12/1/10 - ?? u. Directory Labels: Kelly said this is 80 percent complete

11. How soon will MyCU come down after ST go live in August?

Linda Phillips says they will need access to historical rosters, enrollment transactions, class schedules, etc. v. Dawne and Debbie’s comments:

Dawne: I visited with Linda and she indicated they would need the MyCU data for a ‘long time’. She says it’s not just her office, but also Vicki Henson and Lani

Malcolm who have to go back and look at enrollment transactions for special requests. Sometimes those requests are even prior to 2002 (our first conversion).

Debbie: Do you know if we will be able to function with one server like FI does? Scott also needs to provide input on this as well. I know I am preaching to the choir, but we cannot continue to pay maintenance on all of our legacy systems. The ST and FI servers are running

Win 2003.

Dawne: She also asked me when the 3000 would be shut down. There were some degrees that were not converted quite right in 2002 and that is her only way of comparing and getting the cleanup done. She did not tell me when she thought they would have that cleanup completed.

Debbie: It was my hope to shut it down 7/1/10 so we can stop paying maintenance on it. I wonder if there is any possibility of this happening. At some point, we will not be able to get maintenance.

Debbie: As far as I know, it will be discussed in ILT. We need to determine if it is easier to copy Linda’s forms and tables or to redirect Evisions, but it may not be this simple. The brain trust will need to offer their opinions

Per Angie: I talked with Chris and FA will need MyCU up until Nov 30, 2010 to complete reporting for the

2009-2010 aid year.

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Discussion MyCU and HP3000 : ILT discussed the importance of keeping the legacy and HP3000 up and running for an indefinite time due to needing historical information that was not converted to Banner. IT’s concern was the cost of maintenance and support for keeping them running. It was suggest we might be able to download information into an Excel Read Only file. It was also suggested we should be putting HP3000 in

ASKII code. IT asked functional leads that have data on the HP 3000 to send Debbie what data they will possibly need to reference. No final decisions were made.

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Time Logs

Team Reports

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information

MyCU: Chris also mentioned needing access to MyCU for student info related to appeals. These can go back terms and years. However the Business Office could print a report of the student’s past AR details.

Depending on the action FA has to do a recalc and return federal funds. If I understood correctly they could get information from other departments to figure the recalc. She mainly needs to have the students enrollment history related to the appeal. For more info get with Chris.

The current ifas system would need to stay up for at least 3 years until November 2013 for FA history.

There may be other regulations that could require this to be longer, more checking would need to come from


12. HR: Discussion on procedures to complete Banner CBT

If you are live, please finalize your time logs.

A. Advancement Team Update a. Go live report b. Received of Milestone Certificate and Acceptance form.

B. Data Standards and Reporting a. Review DS Issue Log i. Tom will review the Issue Log and discuss next week. b. Status of members for post go live DS team. Debbie

Goode assigned IT representatives still need representatives from other areas. Tom will send an email out to finalize this. c. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Decision: ILT discussed the process for completing

Banner CBT. It was decided Banner CBT would be required for all new employees or employees new to

Banner. In addition, it will be up to the discretion of the team lead to wave a person from having to take the CBT if needed. The CBT will be put on Click to Learn.

Decision Time Log: per Glen Pinkston, all areas need to continue to keep time logs until the student system goes live in March.

Decision DS committee : ILT discussed the member structure of the Data Standard committee. It was suggested there would be 12 members on the committee with some of the member on a rotation basis with the period of time to be determined. The following areas will be represented :

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information departments in Banner and other types of software, e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all software used on campus has the same information. i. Initial meeting complete and working on coordinating information ii. Two more meetings are scheduled d. Updates on department reports for go live. i. Dawne is organizing a report implementation plan. Tom needs to visit the bookstore about their needs. ii. Aubree requested the name and date of current faculty report. Julie has a log of all that and

Aubree will get the information she needs from her. e. Tenure and rank is updated and data disc were give to

VP McArthur and HR. f. Faculty load: faculty load and compensation was discussion and Tom will be working on this with other for an August 2010 go live timeframe. Staff data under review today.

C. HR/Payroll Team and LMS Updates a. Go live update: i. Web time entry training will be Feb 22-24 and

March 8 for time entry approvers. b. Status of Milestone Certificate and Acceptance form. c. Training for EPAF scheduled for May 19-21, 2010.

Faculty Load and Compensation has not been scheduled. i. It was suggested we have SGHE consultant train on faculty load and compensation before

June but no later than August.

D. Financial Aid Team Updates a. Banner update: Patches have been loaded in DEVL and FA is testing them. FA continues to prepare for their go live scheduled for the week of Feb 15.

E. Finance Team Updates a. Go live update b. Status of Milestone Certificate and Acceptance form.

F. Account Receivable Team Updates a. Banner update.

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Enrollment Mgmt 2

Student Services 2

University Advancement: 1

Business and Finance: 2

Academic Affairs: 2 specifically one from IR and IT

Athletic: 1

Broadcasting/KCCU: 1

Faculty: 1

Once this committee is establish it will be added as one of the standing committees.

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On-going Gaps/Issues

Project Close-Out

Post Go Live Activities

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information

G. Student Team Updates a. Banner update: Linda sent the fall schedule for editing this week and it appears all is going well. There will be no more printed schedules. b. ST teams are testing every day.

H. AggieAccess Updates a. Go live update: Jamie reported there are still some small fixed yet to be made, but other than that go live is going well. b. Julie is looking into a counter for AA pages. c. Working on training for Group Studio. d. Status of other AggieAccess policies going to EC.

Gap: When a student completely withdraws there is no “alert” or

“pop-up” in Banner to tell the person doing the dropping that the student has financial aid (Finance, ST and FA)

Chris is going to contact several schools in OK to see what they are handling this and will report back to ILT.

Workflow for International students. Who are the parties involved? What is the timeline for completion?

I’m working on a Close-out document that lists what has been completed which list categories like the following:

Functions listed in the scope of services have been successfully implemented. If not, what was not implemented and why.

Desk manuals have or have not been developed

Training manuals have been developed or not needed


State reporting


Post go live plan



Sherry will be sending a draft of this document later in the spring term for review.


May2010: EPAFs – setup for internal audit controls and also two specific audiences (Adjunct and speech camp), will require 40 hours of onsite the goal week of March 29 th

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Recommendation: ILT recommended asking Donald to send an e-mail to requisition approvers to remind them of the approval notice listed on AA, Admin Services tab in a box titled Approval Alert.

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Ongoing Business

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information

TBD 2010: Faculty Load and Compensation – setup/configuration requires 80 hours, with one week onsite and the additional week via WebEx with the goal week of 2 nd week in May

February 2010: Additionally probably 1-2 conference calls as we bring up web time entry and configuration.


February 2010: FI Budget Development

Summer 2010: TouchNet or Third-party software for cashiering


Possibly Direct Lending: Decision on this is scheduled for

December by Feds. May have to be done by July 1, 2010

ST – All ST will be next year

SSB Prospects

Additional hours for advanced features

Schedule 25 and possibly Resource 25

AD No additional services needed at this time


Summer 2010: Luminis technical training

February 2010: More Cognos licenses


Summer 2011 or after: Degree Works

Document Imaging, SGHE, Nolij, Hershey

Event Management

February 2010: Workflow for all areas

Possibly more Cognos training

Ongoing for the next year: Workflow

A. PRACTICE: Continue to practice, practice, practice

B. Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued, edited, reprinted, etc.

C. Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7 people currently budgeted to attend)

D. Time Log: remind staff to track time in Banner

E. Workflow: WF Committee: We need to develop a WF committee and the following people have been involved with training: Brenda Dally; Cheryl Davis; Christine Crandon; Dawne

April 12, 2020

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

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ILT Meetings

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information

Massey; Frank Myers; Hillary Ashton; Kelly Simon; Kurt Jn

Marie; Linda Phillips; Renee Roach; Rick Clyburn; Terry

Anderson; Wendy Locke; Angela Melton. Who from these needs to be on the committee and who will chair it?

Suggest meeting every other week until March then determine how often. Next meeting February 24.

April 12, 2020

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
