Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 ` Committee/Meeting Name Implementation Leadership Team Meeting Date Time Convened Time Terminated Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:30 am 10:00 am Location Admin Board Room Recorder Sherry Hendrix Members Present Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Ninette Carter, Donald Hall, Debbie Goode, , Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey, Maurissa Buchwald, Tom Sutherlin, Chris Crandon, Jamie Glover Members Absent Ken Gilliam Visitor Topics Approve Minutes from 12-209 Team Reports Discussion, Information A. Advancement Team Update a. Go live week of January 19 b. AD doesn’t need specific communication going out to all employees. B. Data Standards and Reporting a. Suggestions for distributing the DS manual to CU staff? i. Tom would like to group the DS manual with other policy and procedures on AggieAccess. b. Proposed changes to DS manual i. In Section 10 - Deceased Information Standard, we need to change 10.3 Guidelines on #2 to the following: ii. Addresses should be end dated and inactivated. iii. Phones and email addresses should be inactivated. iv. We need to add the information in the attached document (Banner Duplicates.doc) for processing duplicates. v. We need to add the information in the attached document (Returned Mail.doc) for processing returned mail. c. Status of members for post go live DS team in progress. d. Debbie Goode assigned IT representatives still need representatives from other areas. Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Action: Approved Recommendation: Changes were discussed and Tom will make the updates and send a new copy to ILT. He will also create a change form for people to use for requesting changes. Page 2 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information i. Tom will send an e-mail out to finalize this. e. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and departments in Banner and other types of software, e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all software used on campus has the same information. i. Initial meeting complete and working on coordinating information ii. Two more meetings are scheduled f. Updates on department reports for go live. i. Still need to meet with the Business Office. g. Tenure and rank and teaching load update i. Tom is working with Donald and Kurt on this. h. Faculty load: faculty load and compensation was discussion and Tom will be working on this with other for an August 2010 go live timeframe. i. Good time to review DS manual as areas start to go live and report are being run. C. HR/Payroll Team and LMS Updates a. Working in PROD i. Bi-weekly testing began yesterday and will continue until all the errors are worked out. ii. HR’s goal is to send the bi-weekly payroll to the state on December 22. b. Cognos training went very well. HR is making good progress with building the Master List report. c. HR asked about the status of the New Hire workflow. Sherry will check with Judson on this. They would like to have this in place by February. d. Lynn, Wendy and Maurissa had quick flow training this week and in a short time had seven quick flows up and running. e. Maurissa will sent an all employees e-mail with information on what to expect with Banner. D. Financial Aid Team Updates a. FA had pre-go live training last week. Chris stated she needs more time with SGHE consultant. b. Gaps/issues May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Decision: the Business Office stated they did not need to meet with Tom on reports. They will create the reports they need with Cognos. Page 3 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information i. Processing Awards in Banner update 1. This is still a gap. Chris is getting Sherry documentation on how other Banner schools in OK are handling this for more review ii. Chris posted the following to the FA listserv about processing awards in Banner 1. This gap has been resolved for now by continuing to use the manual way they are doing now. This will be looked at in the future by possibly using Workflow. Chris indicated she needs the detail codes in PROD as soon as possible. AR is not scheduled for consulting until the middle of January. Donald said he would contact SGHE to start this process as soon as we get back from holiday break. c. E. Finance Team Updates a. Working in PROD i. Ninette reported that E&G balanced in PROD. ii. An issue Ninette discovered this week was that FI will have to enter venders in Legacy to be brought over to Banner with Nolij. She doesn’t currently enter vendors in Box. However, this must be done. b. Status of requisition approvers training i. Ninette and Donald will be attending the Deans and Chair meeting to show them how to approve requisitions in Banner. They will also create a one page reference to send out to other approvers. c. Do you want an all employee e-mail sent about FI going live on January 4? i. Finance will be sending out an e-mail to just those involved in requisition development. They will send it first thing Monday, January 4 which will have the PROD link and other information. F. Account Receivable Team Updates May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 4 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information a. AR will have consulting in January. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations G. Student Team Updates a. Pre-go live session last week went very well. Continue to work on Placement and pre-requisite issues. H. Technical a. There is an increase in duplicates. I.T. will setup user training for targeted areas. This is detrimental to Banner implementation. i. After discussion, it was decided Kelly and Julie would visit with recruiting before the next tape load to try and figure out what’s happening. b. Kurt is looking into using FormFusion for the January and February paystubs until AA is in production. c. FYI: Andrea is updating the classroom in the Library w/ MS updates and Java. Chase verified the updates will work with Banner. d. Greg says programming he has performed for drop alerts in our current system for students will not be available for Banner. Functional areas will need to work with Banner functional experts or network with connections they made at Summit or postings on listserv. Athletes and international students have something in place once the student is enrolled full time. I. AggieAccess Updates a. Go live week of February 1 b. Review policies i. Reviewed policy for Group Studio, maintenance for tabs/fragments, announcement features, maintenance of Channels and e-mail as official communication. All were agreed upon with some minor changes except the e-mail policy. ILT discussed several issues with this policy. Aubree and Jamie will edit this policy for another review by ILT. ii. Student Communication: ILT discussed making sure communication from all departments will Decision: Debbie will find out the exact time from when a person is loaded in legacy and then moved to Banner and get back with ILT. Recommendation: all members of ILT were asked to send Jamie what needs to be sent to student and when Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information have the same thing about where to go for university information. c. Update on marketing AA to students and staff i. AggieAccess has planned on sending out messages about AggieAccess through several venue, i.e., student news paper, posters, adds, e-mails, etc. beginning Spring semester. HR go live support January 4 (on site) FI go live support January 7 and 14 LP Pre-go live support January 11-13 University closed January 18 AD go live support January 19-21 LP go live support January 21 and morning of January 28 AR Review January 26 and 28 ST and FA Cognos training January 25-27 AR pre-go live support February 23 and 25 ST go live support March 9-11 AR go live support July 1, 2010 Need to send at least one person from each area. IT reported no one from their area will be attending Summit. A. PRACTICE: Continue to practice, practice, practice B. Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued, edited, reprinted, etc. C. Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7 people currently budgeted to attend) D. Burch Open Lab Dec: Burch has been booked for several times in the month of December for open lab time in preparation of go live systems in January. Call Sherry for available times. E. Time Log: remind staff to track time in Banner F. Workflow: WF Committee: We need to develop a WF committee and the following people have been involved with training: Brenda Dally; Cheryl Davis; Christine Crandon; Dawne Massey; Frank Myers; Hillary Ashton; Kelly Simon; Kurt Jn Marie; Linda Phillips; Renee Roach; Rick Clyburn; Terry Anderson; Wendy Locke; Angela Melton. Who from these needs to be on the committee and who will chair it? Schedule Summit 2010 Ongoing Business Other Business May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations before we leave on holiday break. 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