Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Committee/Meeting Name
Implementation Leadership Team Meeting
Time Convened
Time Terminated
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
8:30 am
10:00 am
Admin Board Room
Sherry Hendrix
Members Present
Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Ninette Carter, Donald Hall, Chris Crandon, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey, Maurissa Buchwald,
Jamie Glover
Members Absent
Tom Sutherlin, Debbie Goode, Ken Gilliam,
Approve Minutes from 1028-09
Team Reports
Discussion, Information
A. Advancement Team Update
a. During our events training, we discovered a significant
amount of values and changes that will need to be
added to some of the General tables. Most of the
events management utilizes General tables or Student
tables and I did not want to touch the general tables for
seeing if anyone else was using them.
B. Data Standards and Reporting
a. Status of members for post go live DS team in
b. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus
responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and
departments in Banner and other types of software,
e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all
software used on campus has the same information.
i. This is on hold for now.
c. Updates on department reports for go live.
i. Still need to meet with the Business Office.
d. Discussion on address types and what the default is
drawing from. HR recommendation is: 1. Mailing 2.
Current 3. Permanent.
i. There may be some misunderstanding on this
topic. Ken will visit with Maurissa and will
report on this next week.
e. Tenure and rank and teaching load update
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Action: Approved
Decision: All approved contingent upon Jennifer
sending Linda the name of the table for her to review.
Linda will contact Jennifer with her response.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
i. Tom is still working on this.
HR/Payroll Team and LMS Updates
a. Maurissa reported they are neck deep in go live and
b. Long term disability was approved yesterday for
classified employees, so that’s one more thing that has
to be set up
c. 27 days to go live!!
d. LMS: working diligently to get training ready for
e. Maurissa said she is using the Business Office for
practice time. Contact for that is Maggie Whitehorse.
Financial Aid Team Updates
a. We have to decide as a university how we are going to
handle the following:
i. student's dropping during the 100% refund
period (first two weeks of classes)
ii. students withdrawing after the 100% refund
iii. students who wish to completely withdraw
b. Chris will put these questions on the listserv and we will
review at a later date.
Finance Team Updates
a. Ninette reported they are almost finished with training
requisition requestor. They still have approvers to
complete. There are still issues and gaps to be
resolved, but they are working on them.
Account Receivable Team Updates
a. Donald reported they have been working with Mark, FI
consultant, on AR and GL detail codes.
Student Team Updates
a. Planning for mini CRP, coping validation tables, grade
tables, etc. in preparation for Friday deadline for PPRD.
a. ODS: Recently updated to version. 8.1 and the original
idea of renaming Banner field names to user-friendly
names experienced issues. It is our belief this may very
well be the problem with future upgrades as well and be
too manpower intensive to maintain over time. We are
reverting back to Banner supplied field names. IT
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
recommends the following training schedule:
i. December 7 Business Author Training: HR,
Finance, Advancement, Financial Assistance
ii. December. 8 Lab time for Business Authors
iii. December. 9 Consumer Training - FA and AD
Morning/HR and FI Afternoon
iv. January 25 Business Author Training: Student
v. January 26 Morning-Lab time for Business
Authors/Afternoon- Consumer Training Session
vi. January 27 Consumer Training – Student
(Morning and Afternoon sessions)
b. Nolij: Web demo 11/10/09 with Nolij for Admissions to
see Nolij interacting with Banner’s online application.
They are interested in seeing Nolij transferring the data
to Banner. Nolij is looking for a university that might be
interested in performing a demo. They are also
interested in the possibility of using legacy for all
applications until July 2010 timeframe and using Nolij to
move the data from legacy to Banner. More discussion
will need to be held on this.
c. ePrint: We are going to wait until go live to see what
reports will be required for this functionality.
d. E-Vision: The POs are complete. Claims are still
outstanding. Conference call w/ UCO to discuss some
e. UC4 Appworx: It appears after training that IT should
be setup as users. It will be critical that all jobs setup
are thoroughly tested in TEST before moving to PROD
f. WF: Judson did a great job and all attending are excited
about the capabilities WF offers. The deceased person
workflow is almost complete. A diagram for an HR
workflow was started. Rick will send purchasing
diagram to Judson. It is desirable to have purchasing
ready for go live. Financial Aid and the Business Office
must decide what needs to be done regarding the
financial aid drop for refunding federal money. Julie will
work with Greg to see how the luminis channels are
going to work.
g. LP: Julie is starting to move design and channels into
PROD in preparation for the load testing next week.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
H.b. Decision: Jamie and her staff met and have
decided to move forward with using Nolij for the
Admissions Conversion Process. The GP Sync will be
run by Julie each morning until she is confident the
process is running smoothly.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Carlos finished the mid-tier implementation to PROD.
h. Patches and Upgrades went extremely well. Here are
the versions in TEST:
Accounts Receivable 8.1.0
Advancement 8.2.0
Advancement Self-Service 8.3.0
Channels 8.1.0
Employee Self-Service 8.2.0
Faculty Self-Service 8.2.0
Finaid 8.5.0
Finaid Self-Service 8.5.0
Finance 8.3.0
Finance Self-Service 8.2.0
GenWeb 8.2.0
General 8.2.1
HR/Payroll 8.2.3
Integration Components 8.0.1
Position Control 8.2.1
Student 8.2.1
Student Self-Service 8.2.1
Translation Manager 1.0.0
Web Tailor 8.2.0
i. PROD requires a COBOL compiler and we are in the
process of that purchase now so upgrades may be
applied to PROD.
j. Last updates to PPRD: 11/13/09 by 5:30 p.m.
Transition Production
I. AggieAccess
a. AA team update:
i. Jamie reported that Zeak and Julie are making
great progress
ii. Demonstrations on AA have been presented to
Council of Deans and Chairs and Student
Services area. More demos will be scheduled.
iii. Jamie is will be putting an announcement in
Cameron Collegiate about AA.
 Waiting on confirmation from SGHE on the exact date for
academic history conversion in August 2010 it’s looking like we
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
will have to keep the August 16 date, but is not confirmed yet.
 Clarification on deadlines for data clean up was discussed. The
following was discussed:
o Last day for General Person information, HR and FI is
November 19 at 11:59
o Last day for ST and AD is January 8 at 11:59
 Julie Duncan will present some information on this. Information
sent to ILT in advance for review (I’ve not confirmed this with
Julie, so we may have to reschedule for next week).
 HR and Student seem concerned about people getting to
information they don’t want them to get to or that it’s
inconsistent between AggieAccess and SSB.
 Julie proposed to just totally disable the main menus in SSB.
The only way anyone can get to anything is through
AggieAccess. This provides security for the student team
concerned that a faculty member might maliciously login to SSB
with a student’s password thinking he can get to information. It
provides complete “consistency” for the HR team because there
would be only one set of links: AggieAccess. Julie can add any
SSB link to the AggieAccess channels. Julie can totally disable
the tabs down to the title of the page by adding one line to the
CSS file to not display that entire section. This would disable
the search, sitemap, return to menu, and help links which are
only SSB. All agreed.
 Aubrey and Maurissa will be meeting to decide what links and
information should be on the personal information menu in
This Friday, November 13 from 11:00-1:00 in the Wichita room.
Personal Data on SSB
Banner Luncheon
Approver on User
Management System
If Maurissa is the Banner approver in our User Management system
she will receive all Approval e-mails for banner requests. She will
need to click on the link in the e-mail -> login to UserMgt system ->
then click the "Approve" button.
It might also be worth mentioning that no account setups will take
place until all approvals have been received
Ongoing Business
A. Banner Down: Banner will be down on the following dates:
a. All day on Friday, October 30, Friday, November 6
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
and Friday, November 16, 6:00 pm.
PRACTICE: Continue to practice, practice, practice
Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are
currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued,
edited, reprinted, etc.
Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more
staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7
people currently budgeted to attend)
End-User Training: A plan for end-user training is due for
review by the end of August which needs to include who will be
training on what, dates for training and what documents will be
Burch Open Lab Dec: Burch has been booked for several times
in the month of December for open lab time in preparation of go
live systems in January. Call Sherry for available times.
Gaps: review progress of gaps.
Time Log: remind staff to track time in Banner
Workflow: WF Committee: We need to develop a WF
committee and the following people have been involved with
training: Brenda Dally; Cheryl Davis; Christine Crandon; Dawne
Massey; Frank Myers; Hillary Ashton; Kelly Simon; Kenneth
Gilliam; Kurt Jn Marie; Linda Phillips; Renee Roach; Rick
Clyburn; Terry Anderson; Wendy Locke; Angela Melton. Who
from these needs to be on the committee and who will
chair it?
Other Business
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations