Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016


Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 18, 2020


Committee/Meeting Name

Date Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Location Admin Board Room

Implementation Leadership Team Meeting

Time Convened 8:30 am


Members Present

Members Absent


Time Terminated

Sherry Hendrix

10:00 am

Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Tom Sutherlin, Ninette Carter, Ken Gilliam, Donald Hall, Debbie Goode, Chris Crandon, Jennifer


Maurissa Buchwald, Jamie Glover, Aubree Helvey


Approve Minutes from 9-30-


Team Reports

Discussion, Information

A. Advancement Team Updates a. KCCU conversion is complete and AD team continues to test.

B. Data Standards and Reporting a. Status of members for post go live DS team. i. Tom will send a reminder email out to move the process to completion. b. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and departments in Banner and other types of software, e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all software used on campus has the same information. i. This is on hold for now. c. Updates on department reports for go live. i. Met with Dean and Academic Chairs and will need to follow up with them and Business

Office. d. Discussion on address types and what the default is drawing from. HR recommendation is: 1. Mailing 2.

Current 3. Permanent. i. There may be some misunderstanding on this topic. Ken will visit with Maurissa and will report on this next week. e. Tenure and rank and teaching load update i. Tom is still working on this. f. Tom handed out a DS quick reference guide to be


Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations


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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information incorporated in manuals and an online session will be developed in spring. The team was asked to review this and send any comments to Tom.

C. HR/Payroll Team and LMS Updates a. Can HR run a report to list all new employees since the end of June (last GP conversion)? They will need to be set up in AA and Finance .

b. Kurt agreed to work with HR to identify any new employees that were not in the conversion 2 and then determine if they need entered in banner for upcoming training purposes. i. Per Finance this report is not needed. c. End user training will start in February for time entry.

D. Financial Aid Team Updates a. FA team continues to test and work on manuals.

E. Finance Team Updates a. Official training starts this Friday AM and PM b. Donald used the software Snag It for the end-users manuals. c. Rick is still working on files for the stat and forms in


F. Account Receivable Team Updates a. AR team continues to work on data clean up.

G. Student Team Updates a. Status of SSB Registration. i. Aubree, Katia and Julie are working on this and believe all is going well. b. Mini CRP on Tuesday, December 8 c. Linda had a conference call with Sandra to trouble shoot some problems. d. Linda reported she and others from CU will have a conference call next week with UCO to discuss transfer issues. e. ST team continues data clean up.

H. Technical

1. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators a. There are concerns about our network being too slow for Cognos, so I.T. is looking into this. Working on publishing and some of them are working and some of them are not. Working through the errors.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information

2. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general person) a. Progress on transferring general person from legacy to

Banner b. Nolij is going to do the online app. Julie will be working more on the general person sync next week. c. P.O. created for the Banner online app

3. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators a. We need the list of what reports are required by users and determine who does not have Cognos licensing to setup users for e-Print to determine participants b. This will be built as needed and as reports are defined in it. The intranet reports could be put into e-print. Tom has completed all but one or two of the departmental report lists so we should have a good start to begin defining what should be done on ODS or e-print or population selection and letter generation or what.

Sherry will get the list from Tom and give it to ITS.

4. E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators a. Status on intellecheck and FormFusion b. Rick isn’t able to login to Evision. He is going to work on this with Scott and/or Kurt. Rick sent some things to

Ninette. He will send her an email asking about the status.

5. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators; Angela will be the technical lead a. Update – Angie: b. AppWorx training agenda and notification to participants for Oct. 27-29 th c. Go through checklist prior to training d. Angie is waiting on training information from Sherry. e. Greg is in the process of setting up users.

6. Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators a. Update – Rick: SQL for Workflow notification and materials to participants for Oct. 20-22 nd b. Go through checklist prior to training

7. Luminis: Julie is the administrator a. Content training Tuesday-Thursday, October 20-22

8. Update on interfaces/extracts a. Early Alert: 9/10/10

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information b. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10 c. ID Card: 8/1/10 d. Library interface: 11/30/09 i. Kurt is making progress on the library interface.

Cheryl is working on recreating the script for the directory interface. e. Clean Address for HR, FI, AD & FA: 2/1/10 f. Clean Address for ST: 8/10/10 g. Diplomas: 7/31/10 h. Directory Labels: 11/23/09 i. The display of what we have in the directory can be seen in Luminis. Some of the departments have numbers after the name indicating what budget the person is paid out of. Ninette has indicated this has to stay the same.

9. Installations: a. AppWorx being installed in PROD this week.

10. Patches/Upgrades a. October 30 and November 6, everything related to

Banner will be down in order to do updates in all databases.

11. Integrating Banner access into existing user management system. What are the plans and the go live date to have user management updated? a. Chase is working Banner into the existing user management system. Maurissa is talking about doing the INB training with new employees and initiating the

C3 form from her office

12. A list of expertise needs to be defined for the help desk when the question is beyond their knowledge. a. ILT will determine helpdesk representatives from their areas and will look at what should go on the online form. b. Helpdesk for IT: c. Margot: Bb Online Learning; Turn-it-in; Student

Accounts; Student Issues d. Greg Davies: Browser issues; login issues e. Dawne: ST; ODS/Cognos f. Kurt: HR/Payroll; ODS/Cognos; E-Print; Library Patron


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Banner Luncheon

Production Transition



Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information g. Rick: Finance; Workflow; Higher One; Bb Card Access;

E-Vision h. Chase: Database errors; User Access; Browser Issues;

System Errors; Clean Address i. Kelly: ST; Online App; Nolij; Diplomas; Directory Labels j. Greg: System Errors; Database Errors; Early Alert; Bb

Connect-Ed; e-Print; Workflow k. Cheryl: HR/Payroll; User Access; Directory Labels; E-

Visio l. Angela: FA; AD; AppWorx m. Julie: Luminis; Browser Issues; SSB

13. Transition document: SunGard wants their functional leads to look at the db on Jan 22. That’s the same thing CU wants to do.

If possible we’d like SGHE & CU functional leads to be able to look at it at the same time. We would not be letting regular users on until the following week. We won’t define a date until functional leads have signed off we will need to run the general person sync before allowing users access. a. Sherry will put all the information on this document into the existing Banner Calendar.

14. No one in ITS felt like they would be able to go to Summit this year because of the timing.

I. AggieAccess a. AA Team is in training this week

The team was requested to get Aubree the number of people who need to be included in this luncheon as soon as possible.

Remaining issues

CU would like the DB delivered on January 22 to just CU IT.

Our IT and SGHE functional can review over the weekend and CU will determine when to release the DB to other CU users.

Would like to load AH on August 9 o All issues have been resolved and Sherry will send the revised document to the team. Information on this document has been added to the Production

Transition document.

Discussion, if any on the Cognos participants for Business

Authors (15 licenses) and Consumer Licenses (55) were reviewed and edited. o The team was asked to review the document and let

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Gap Document

Ongoing Business

Other Business

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information

Sherry know if there are any changes that need to be made.

Discussion on status of gaps

A. Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued, edited, reprinted, etc.

B. Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7 people currently budgeted to attend)

C. End-User Training: A plan for end-user training is due for review by the end of August which needs to include who will be training on what, dates for training and what documents will be used.

D. Burch Open Lab Dec : Burch has been booked for several times in the month of December for open lab time in preparation of go live systems in January. Call Sherry for available times

E. Gaps: review progress of gaps.

F. Time Log: remind staff to track time in Banner

Sherry reminded the team that testing is vital for a successful implementation and to please encourage team members to test.

We will be discussing helpdesk people and forms next week.

April 18, 2020

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
