Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 ` Committee/Meeting Name Implementation Leadership Team Meeting Date Time Convened Time Terminated Wednesday, September 30, 2009 8:30 am 10:00 am Location Admin Board Room Recorder Sherry Hendrix Members Present Sherry Hendrix, Maurissa Buchwald, Linda Phillips, Tom Sutherlin, Jamie Glover, Ninette Carter, Ken Gilliam, Donald Hall, Debbie Goode, Chris Crandon, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey Members Absent Visitor Topics Approve Minutes from 9-2309 Team Reports Discussion, Information A. Advancement a. Update on team training i. The problem with the feed to Finance during CRP has been resolved. ii. Jennifer is having each of her areas review and edit portions of the AD manual. They will also be responsible for training on that portion to others. b. Status on team testing and manual development. B. Data Standards and Reporting a. The DS team update i. Discussion on who will be on the DS team post go-live. b. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and departments in Banner and other types of software, e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all software used on campus has the same information. This is on hold for now. c. Discussion on meetings with departments to identify reports for go live. Completed department meetings with FA, VA, International, HR, AD, Enrollment Management and Registrar. Need to schedule FI/AR. Aubree and Tom are taking care of Academic Affairs. i. Need to take this one step further. Now we need to decide from the people who don’t have Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Action: Approved B.a. Recommendation: The existing DS team for Banner implementation will be discontinued and a new team for post-go live will be established. The ILT will provide to Tom and Sherry one representative from each area with the exception of ST and they will provide three representatives to be on the new DS team. Beginning January this team will start meeting on a monthly basis. Page 2 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information Cognos or INB, what reports from this list will they need in e-Print. d. Discussion on address types and what the default is drawing from. HR needs to mail W2’s to the mailing address. If the preferred address is not the mailing address then it wouldn’t go to the right place. Cognos should be able to address a cascade for choosing an address. Need to look at Banner process and see if it allows multiple addresses. Cognos cascade and Banner cascade should be the same. e. Tenure and rank and teaching load update C. HR/Payroll a. Update on team training b. Update on LMS c. Status on team testing and manual development. d. Update on end user training i. HR will have online and instructor lead training sessions which encompass: SSB overview, time card entry, time card approvals and leave reporting. Maurissa will send Sherry the instructor lead sessions to find rooms. ii. Training will occur in November and December. D. Financial Aid a. Update on FA CRP. i. Chris reported that one day for FA CRP is not enough. b. Status on team testing and manual development. E. Finance a. Update on FI training b. Status on team testing and manual development c. Update on end user training i. Employees will be using INB to produce and approve requisitions. ii. Finance has identified 77 people who will be producing requisitions and 51 approvers. iii. There are 18 sessions scheduled for training. iv. Training will be in the classroom in half day increments in groups of ten. v. At go live, reports will be developed and May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations B.h. Recommendation: HR is recommending the following hierarchy for addresses from Banner: 1. Mailing 2. Current 3.Permanet. The ILT will review the address part in the DS manual for discussion next week. We need to also find out how this is currently mapped. B.e. Recommendation: Tom, Aubree and Linda met to discuss how teaching load will be entered in Banner. They will continue this discuss in November. Faculty load will not be entered in Banner until January. . Page 3 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information distributed in Banner as they currently are in the legacy system. Finance will continue to work on report in Banner. F. Account Receivable a. Update on AR training b. Status on team testing and manual development G. Student a. Update on ST training i. A mini CRP will be on December 8 when Sandra is schedule for pre-go live support. b. Status on team testing and manual development. i. All areas are practicing and reviewing gaps. c. Update on end user training i. End-user training will be primarily for faculty and will be done through AggieAccess in February. More details will be provided later. H. Technical a. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators i. Kurt was able to bring up stu04 on Friday. Dawne and Kurt were both able to do some work in Framework Manager that day. Kurt was successful with creating two different branches in Framework manager, allowing Kurt and Dawne to work simultaneously and then merge their work back into the main project. This week, Kurt will continue working on HR data and Dawne will continue working on general person. b. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general person) i. Progress on transferring general person from legacy to Banner c. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators i. ILT is working on a list of reports that will fit under the framework of e-Print E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators d. Status on intellecheck and FormFusion i. Conference call today w/ Sherie Delaney, Helpdesk Team lead/Project Coordinator, Rick, Cheryl, Ninette, Donald and Debbie May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 4 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information e. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators i. Angie will be the technical lead. f. Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators i. ILT is refining a workflow list. g. Luminis: Julie is the administrator i. Team meeting last week to act on some policies h. Update on interfaces/extracts i. Early Alert: 9/10/10 ii. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10 iii. ID Card: 8/1/10 iv. Library interface: 11/30/09 v. Clean Address for HR, FI, AD & FA: 2/1/10 vi. Clean Address for ST: 8/10/10 vii. Diplomas: 7/31/10 viii. Directory Labels: 11-23-09 i. Installations: i. Nolij Week of August 25 ii. Workflow week of September 13, 2009 iii. AppWorx week of September 1 j. Patches/Upgrades i. Week of September 7: Integration components 8.0.1 (Carlos recommended) upgrade ii. Luminis and FA k. Browsers? i. Turnitin requires IE7 or above ii. Bb does not work well with IE6 iii. Bb does not work well with Firefox iv. Banner requires IE6 v. Firefox 3.5.2 will not work with IE8 vi. INB will not work with IE8 l. Appreciation Lunch i. Dr. McArthur has approved an appreciation luncheon for all those involved in the Banner implementation. Team leads are to send names to Aubree. I. AggieAccess a. Team update i. The AggieAccess team continues preparing for Operational Processing consulting in October. AggieAccess sub groups continue to work on May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information policies and channels. They have decided not to use course studio at go live, but will continue to review this for possible implementation at a later time. End User Training Plan Cognos Discussion on coordinating everything related to pushing out Banner to end-users from how/when to request access, completing CBT, who will be trained, when on what. We want to make sure all communication is coordinated (basically we all need to know what the other person is doing). All areas regardless of INB or SSB will need to work with Chase to determine security access. Those in INB will need to take SGHE’s CBT Banner navigation session before training. The Cognos participants for Business Authors (15 licenses) and Consumer Licenses (55) were reviewed and edited. Sherry will send a revised list to team leads. General Person Sync Question, if any on general person sync 1. Nolij copies all general person data from legacy to banner – all changes a. All updates to general person data (address, phone, name, ssn, sex, etc) are only done in legacy by all offices but advancement/alumni. b. SSB capability to updates any general person data – including race as well as address, phone, and email – would be disabled until we are fully on Banner and Nolij is no longer used. All ID’s must be created in legacy before being entered into Banner. Minimal data will be needed: name, ssn, date of birth, and address to ensure that matching can still take place both in legacy and for Nolij transfer. Production Transition Document Debbie asked Team leads to meet with their technical lead to review this document. Seen any edits to Sherry ASAP so she can request this to SGHE. Gap Document Business on Hold Discussion on updating Gap document SETA, Summit: The Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas Banner Users Group Conference May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Recommendation: ILT agreed to have a general e-mail out faculty and staff preparing them for upcoming training. Sherry will develop this and send it to the team for review. Recommendation: If anyone from ILT areas are interested in attending one of the SGHE conference, Page 6 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information is November 19 -20, 2009 in Springfield, MO Summit April 11-14 in San Francisco Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued, edited, reprinted, etc. Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7 people currently budgeted to attend) End-User Training: A plan for end-user training is due for review by the end of August which needs to include who will be training on what, dates for training and what documents will be used. Burch Open Lab Dec: Burch has been booked for several times in the month of December for open lab time in preparation of go live systems in January. Call Sherry for available times Gaps: review progress of gaps. Time Log: remind staff to track time in Banner Ongoing Business A. B. C. D. E. F. Other Business May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations information must be sent to Sherry ASAP.