Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 ` Committee/Meeting Name Implementation Leadership Team Meeting Date Time Convened Time Terminated Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:30 am 10:00 am Location Admin Board Room Recorder Sherry Hendrix Members Present Sherry Hendrix, Maurissa Buchwald, Linda Phillips, Tom Sutherlin, Jamie Glover, Ninette Carter, Ken Gilliam, Donald Hall, Debbie Goode, Chris Crandon Members Absent Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey Visitor Brenda Dally and Julie Duncan Topics Approve Minutes from 8-2609 General Person Sync Discussion, Information After lengthy discussion on how to address general person during implementation, the ILT proposed four options: 1. No Nolij a. Dual entry for all general person data after General Person roll b. ITS would write a program to check if a person had a Banner ID and was not in legacy c. MyCU/SSB capabilities to update address/phone/email data disabled 2. Nolij only copies basic demographic data such as ID, SSN, name, etc. a. Address/phone/email changes would be manually done in both systems b. MyCU capability to update address/phone/email data disabled 3. Nolij copies all general person data from legacy to Banner – all changes a. All updates to general person data (address, phone, name, SSN, sex, etc) are only done in legacy by all offices but Advancement/Alumni. b. SSB capability to updates any general person data – including race as well as address, phone, and email – would be disabled until we are fully on Banner and Nolij is no longer used. 4. Nolij does everything-possibly overwrite better data in Banner a. SSB update capabilities disabled Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Action: Approved Action: All members present voted on number 3. Julie and Sherry meet with Advancement to explain the situation and we added the terminology at the end of option 3 to read… “but Advancement/Alumni. All agreed. Page 2 Topics Team Reports Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information All ID’s must be created in legacy before being entered into Banner. Minimal data will be needed: name, SSN, date of birth, and address to ensure that matching can still take place both in legacy and for Nolij transfer. A. Advancement in CRP this week a. Update on training b. Status on team testing and manual development. B. Data Standards and Reporting a. The DS team update i. Tom asked the ILT team to be thinking about who needs to be on the post go-live DS team. We will have more discussion on this next week. b. Status: Tom will be meeting with individuals on campus responsible for maintaining buildings, rooms and departments in Banner and other types of software, e.g., IT, Registration, TMA and RESS to make sure all software used on campus has the same information. This is on hold for now. c. Completed report meetings with FA, VA, International, HR, AD Registrar offices. Need to schedule FI/AR and Enrollment Management. Aubree and Tom are taking care of Academic Affairs. i. Need to take this one step further. Now we need to decide from the people who don’t have Cognos or INB, what reports from this list will they need in e-Print. d. Discussion on address types and what the default is drawing from. HR needs to mail W2’s to the mailing address. If the preferred address is not the mailing address then it wouldn’t go to the right place. Cognos should be able to address a cascade for choosing an address. Need to look at Banner process and see if it allows multiple addresses. Cognos cascade and Banner cascade should be the same. e. Tenure and rank f. Teaching load g. IPED’s May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations B.a. Recommendation: ILT will discuss members for the DS team at the next week meeting. B.d. Recommendation: ILT needs to define a procedure on address types and what the default is drawing from. B.e. and B.f. Tom, Maurissa, Linda and Aubree will be meeting on these topics Monday, September 28. Decision also needs to be made on who will be doing the setup and maintenance in Banner. Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information C. HR/Payroll a. Update on HR/PY CRP i. HR/PY ran payroll very successfully during CRP. ii. Built a new payroll for 10 month staff. iii. HR/PY team is working on files going to the state. b. Update on LMS c. Status on team testing and manual development. d. Update on end user training D. Financial Aid a. FA is in CRP this week and all is going well so far. b. Status on team testing and manual development. E. Finance a. Update on FI CRP i. FI CRP went well. ii. Ninette is waiting on Evision training to prepare sending information to the state. Debbie said there is a meeting with Evision rep at 2:00 on Monday. Ninette was asked to attend. iii. Ninette reported she has been testing requisitions in INB and SSB with other individuals. To date all have indicated INB is easy to use. No final decision has been made. b. Status on team testing and manual development c. Update on end user training i. End-user training is supposed to start on October 5; however, things are not ready to begin training, so we will start October 19. ii. Donald and Ninette will reevaluate the dates we have scheduled and get back with Sherry. F. Account Receivable a. Update on AR CRP i. Donald reported the AR CRP went as well as could be expected due to just completing training in July. ii. One large gap that has to be worked through is not being about to process based on a term. b. Status on team testing and manual development May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations B.g. IPED’s in Banner need to be reviewed. Page 4 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information G. Student a. Update on ST CRP i. Linda reported the ST CRP went better than expected. There are still several gaps to be worked out. ii. We will have a mini-CRP in December. b. Status on team testing and manual development. c. Update on end user training H. Technical a. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators i. Stu04 which is where framework manager is housed has been down, so no progress. Sherry is working on changing the dates for end user training. b. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general person) i. We won’t be transferring admission history. It looks like the general person will work to some degree but we’re going to meet with ILT to ensure as it will mean they are waiting a day between the sync. c. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators i. Sherry has a full list of the reports needed. Now we need to decide from the people who don’t have Cognos or INB, what reports from this list will they need in e-Print. d. E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators i. E-Vision server has been down. Need to give the reports that will use FormFusion to Chase/Greg to put in GJAJOBS. We have not used any of our hours for training yet. At least at the beginning, there won’t be any user training needed. Only the IT staff will need training. We have a couple of templates set up and Ninette needs to choose one of the check formats to use. We need some training on how to attach the templates and how FormFusion may be used for letters. e. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators i. Users will give the information for the job to their May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations H.a.i. Kurt is rebuilding STU04 and should be ready this week. H.c. Recommendation: to define who needs to be set up on e-Print, Debbie suggested thinking about reports in the intranet. H.d. Action: There is a conference call Monday at 2:00 with E-vision to discuss set up and training. Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics Discussion, Information IT rep and then IT will be the ones trained in October. Angie will be the go-to for AppWorx. f. Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators i. Kickoff and Modeling – Oct 6-8. SQL – Oct 20. Workflow Process Analysis Nov 3-6. Dec 1-3, 15 dates for one or two day training in each module. ILT will need to rank which the workflows they need in order. Also need to decide who is responsible for workflows that cross modules (e.g. SSN change) g. Luminis: Julie is the administrator i. PROD was installed last week. Different subcommittees have been working on the policies and we’ll look at those in a team meeting Monday. h. Update on interfaces/extracts i. Early Alert: 9/10/10 (Greg) ii. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10 (Kurt, Greg HR-Dawne, Greg ST) iii. ID Card: 8/1/10 (Rick) iv. Library interface: 11/30/09 (Kurt, Dawne) v. Clean Address for HR, FI, AD & FA: 2/1/10 (IT w/each group) vi. Clean Address for ST: 8/10/10 (IT w/ST) vii. Diplomas: 11/23/09 (Kelly) viii. Directory Labels: 11/23/09 (Cheryl) 1. Kelly and Cheryl have been working on directory labels. Cheryl is working on the view. The view will need to be done from ODS data. HR and general person data could be refreshed at noon and at 5:00 i. Installations: i. Luminis was installed in PROD j. Patches/Upgrades i. No patches or upgrades this week. ii. Need to install all of the patches before we go live. IT has a meeting with Laurene on October 5 and this is one of the discussion items. k. Thursday, November 19 at 5:00 pm is the last day May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 6 Topics Production Transition Document Workflow Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information for data clean up as we begin data extracts on 11/20. I. AggieAccess Team update a. The AggieAccess team has been preparing for Operational Processing consulting in October. Jamie has established some sub groups to work on policies, channels and to recommend is we need to use course studio or not. Discussion 1. Discussion on Workflows and participants. 2. Need to decide who is responsible for workflows that cross modules (e.g. SSN change) 3. Proposed workflow training schedule Kick off and Workflow Process 10/6/09 10/8/09 Modeling Functional SQL for Workflow for tech staff Workflow Process Analysis Functional Next Week Tasks May 29, 2016 10/20/09 10/22/09 11/3/09 11/6/09 HR 12/1/09 12/1/09 FI 12/2/09 12/2/09 AD 12/3/09 12/3/09 FA 12/15/09 12/15/09 ST 2 two days 12/16/09 12/17/09 The ILT discussed the importance of having day to day business up and running and if workflow is not absolutely necessary for go live, we might want to wait. All agreed to go ahead and go with workflow. Rick will need to attend the training session to help build Finance’s workflow because Ninette and Donald will be too busy during this period. All dates are OK with everyone except ST and those dates will be reevaluated later. Please bring your end-user plan to the ILT meeting next week. We need to coordinate everything related to pushing out Banner to end-users from how/when to request access, completing CBT, who will be trained, when on what. We want to make sure all communication is coordinated (basically we all need to know what the other person is doing). Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations 1. Decision: ILT will look at the list of Workflows and prioritize the critical listings then send them to Sherry via e-mail. 2. Decision: people to be trained: Registrar Admissions /Recruiting Finance AR HR Alumni AD KCCU Athletics FA Dawne Linda and Renee Kelly Rick Rick Kurt, Cheryl Angie Angie Angie Angie Angie Brenda and Frank Ninette Donald Ken and Wendy Hillary Hillary Hillary Hillary Chris Page 7 Topics Practice dates, times and locations Gap Document Banner Time Log Banner Forms Opened at One Time Business on Hold Ongoing Business Other Business Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information Need to review Cognos participants for Business Authors (15 licenses) and Consumer Licenses (55). Practice sessions for FA, Admissions and Registrar have been entered on the Banner calendar. Please look at the calendar each week to see if your location has been changed. Discussion on updating Gap document Please remind staff to log time spend with Banner on the W:Drive One of the ST users had 10 forms opened at one time during the CRP. Sandra said after 3 forms have been opened, Banner may not save changes on forms 4, 5, 6, etc. Please relay this information to your teams. SETA, Summit: The Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas Banner Users Group Conference is November 19 -20, 2009 in Springfield, MO Summit April 11-14 in San Francisco A. Electronic Forms: Review paper or electronic forms are currently being used, i.e., do they need to be discontinued, edited, reprinted, etc. B. Summit: Per Glen, if the ILT feels like we need to send more staff from CU to Summit, we can so that with justification (6-7 people currently budgeted to attend) C. End-User Training: A plan for end-user training is due for review by the end of August which needs to include who will be training on what, dates for training and what documents will be used. D. Burch Open Lab Dec: Burch has been booked for several times in the month of December for open lab time in preparation of go live systems in January. Call Sherry for available times E. Gaps: review progress of gaps. Sherry out of the office Friday, September 25 and MondayTuesday, September 28-29. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Recommendation: Proposed dates for Cognos training are: Business Authors November 16-18, HR, FI and AD will be December 1-3 and FA, ST and AR on January 25-27. These dates have not been confirmed.