Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 ` Implementation Leadership Team Meeting Committee/Meeting Name Wednesday, June 3, 2009 8:30 am Date Time Convened Time Terminated Location Admin Board Room Recorder Sherry Hendrix Sherry Hendrix, Jennifer Bowen, Chris Crandon, Debbie Goode, Donald Hall, Jamie Glover Members Present Linda Phillips, Ken Gilliam, Ninette Carter, Tom Sutherlin, Aubree Helvey Members Absent Visitor Topics Approve Minutes from 527-09 Team Reports Discussion, Information A. Advancement a. Update on training i. AD team continues to work on data clean up and rewriting scripts in preparation for Conv2. b. Banner General Person - Trumping Issue i. Jennifer explained a problem Angie is having on how address and phone are being pulled for general person records per e-mail at the end of the minutes. ii. Debbie will also take this information back to the I.T. Team c. Status on team testing and manual development i. Jennifer has sent her desk manual to her team for review. B. Data Standards and Reporting a. Data Standard manual status i. Tom was not present; therefore the status of the DS manual was not 10:00 am Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Action: Approved A. Decision: All agreed Advancement could drop box update if greater then Alumni last update. Page 2 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information available. C. HR/Payroll a. Update on training i. Ken and his team are in Payroll testing today. b. Status on team testing and manual development c. Update on end user training D. Financial Aid a. Update on FA training. i. Chris reported she brought in all the counselors to test on process. ii. They are completing their time logs. iii. FA team is working on SAP policy which will go to Dr. McArthur for approval. Sherry suggested she also send that by Glen. b. Status on team testing and manual development i. FA team is practicing every Thursday. E. Finance a. Update on FI training. b. Status on team testing and manual development i. The Finance team has started structured training. c. Update on end user training F. Account Receivable a. Donald has been working on AR detail codes in preparation for training which begins in June. G. Student May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information a. Update on training i. Linda’s team is in training the rest of the week, but she sent a written report below: ii. We had a very productive student team meeting last Friday and will continue to have those once a month. Renee is almost finished with notes from the meeting and will have those posted soon. iii. I have some time scheduled to meet with Jennifer Holland's area to see what issues they have and find out where they are on testing. iv. Admission continues to go to the S. Shepler once a week for testing. v. Registrar's Office staff continues to test and is working on desk manuals. Everyone is also making sure their time logs are up-to-date. vi. I continue to spend a considerable amount of time on data cleanup and working on validation tables. vii. A dependable student worker in my area is going to begin checking the course catalog in Banner, one class at a time. viii. I would like to discuss the common matching information Julie has composed with Brenda Dally. She is the most experienced functional user in dealing with common matching. She has also had the most May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 4 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information experience in cleaning up duplicate records. b. CU will be using Banner’s Online Application. c. Status on team testing and manual development d. Update on end user training H. Technical a. Team update i. Update critical programs for go live – any programs you need developed by I.T. for go live must be identified and sent to Sherry to be included in the Project Timeline with required dates. 1. The team questioned what spreadsheet they need to refer to for this. They indicated the spreadsheet Tom sent was a little confusing. Sherry said she would send the most current spreadsheet she has that lists programs that need to be interfaced with Banner to Debbie for her review and then she will send it to the team. ii. A person needs to be designated to enter shared data in Banner. To date it has been Julie. Duncan and Kelly Simon. 1. The team determined this needed to be an I.T. person and Debbie will put this on her I.T. team agenda for May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations G. Decision: Per e-mail from Jamie Glover: We will be using the Banner app. We will continue to use the Xap application however it will not be necessary at this point to make it integrate with the Banner system. Any applications that come through the portal will be entered manually once we go live in Banner. If at a later date we determine that the volume of applications coming through the portal are sufficient to merit a program being written to justify the programming we will consider it at that time. Page 5 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Topics iii. iv. v. vi. Discussion, Information Monday. Data Handling document: Please update the Banner Data Handling document on w:workgrps\its_share\Banner\Banner Data Handling Doc 1. There was some discussion on the difference between this document and the spreadsheet that identifies programs. Debbie explained this is the document that identifies when the program or report needs to come from legacy or Banner. The other document just identifies programs and reports. Information on Nolij Transfer 1. Debbie is working with a representative from Nolij Transfer to make sure this product will provide what we need. We would like this implemented by CRP. Main focus is round 2 data conversion. Please post any data issues to w:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\ and convey to tech lead – please don’t take anything for granted. Chase has finished updating the +4 zip code in address_dtl and pe_addr_dtl in ifas on the test system. Once Kelly and Rick are satisfied with the changes to these 2 tables, he will move it over to May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 6 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information production. This is to accommodate OSF’s 5/1/09 requirement for all claim submissions. vii. FICE to IPEDS Conversion 1. A lot of schools are moving to CEEB exclusively. This is a shared table and we’ll need to meet with everyone with a stake in the matter and make a decision after conversion 2. It’s a massive undertaking either way. It’s either a lot of data cleanup if we try to do it before Banner and it’s a massive change if done after banner. i. Common Matching: Functional leads need to discuss whether the current global setup is working okay. 1. Julie has been researching more into common matching with the tables she has access to. There are more tables that she needs access to that will allow us to make a lot more changes and do some other setup (like check for transposed names and transposed month/day in the birth date). ii. The topic of Common Matching was brought up per e-mail from Julie Duncan listed at the end of the May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations H. Decision: Common Matching - The ILT agreed to allow Julie Duncan, Kelli Simon and Dawne Massy access to the forms below: GTVCMSC – Common Matching Source Code Validation Form GORCMSC – Common Matching Source Code Rules Form GORCMDD – Common Matching Data Dictionary Form GOTCMME – Common Matching Entry Table GORNAME – Name Translation Rules Form GORNPNM – Non-Person Name Translation Rules Form GOICMSS – Common Matching Source Search Page 7 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information minutes. There are issues with several names that do not fall within the DS manual. Ex: Selman, Mohamed S. E. K. and Rivas, J. C. It was suggested we take the last name and the next name or initial as the first name and anything after that would be put as the middle initials or name. iii. Chris said there was a Common Matching spreadsheet that SGHE provided on our Banner website under FA. Sherry will send that to Julie for review. iv. Per Debbie, we need to make sure the FA Common Matching that Chris mentioned matched the global Common Matching. v. Common Matching will be put back on the agenda for next week. vi. Faculty/Staff Dir – can this be online? 1. Online directory – HR will need to research this and get with McArthur to make a decision. a. The team discussed whether we needed an online version or hard copy or both. b. Also discussed when directory information is pulled from Banner can we choose what extension number we May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Form Page 8 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information want it read or will it list the actual extension number of the person? We want to be able to choose what number we want listed in the directory c. Jamie agreed to take this to Executive Council for discussion. 2. Fac/Staff Labels? 3. OU Nursing – Dawne will collect the information on the difficulties of doing this in Banner and have Linda to send to Ninette. Ninette will discuss with her OU contact about having OU do this. 4. Ninette is checking with her contact at OU to see if they can help us with the billing for this. 5. Workflows – 1) Purchasing 2) Entry of new employee or modification of existing employee from HR to User Mgmt 3) Early Alert 4) Financial Aid wishes 6. Dawne has completed mapping ST metadata SGHE said was not in scope. 7. New computer order is in process. CU technical support is building imaging. I. Luminis a. Luminis Team update May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 9 Topics Identify Gaps Project Timeline Business on Hold Ongoing Business Other Business Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information i. Jamie’s team has consulting in July and one of their homework assignments is to determine what CU wants to do with student e-mail. This topic has been discussed for over a year. Jamie suggested we develop discussion items to help determine what we really want. We will put this on the agenda for next week. All areas should be tracking gaps as they are identified and send them to Sherry. Sessions scheduled in Burch for this Fall will have to end at 2:00 on Tuesdays due to a class in there. A. FA Policy and Procedure Request a. The Office of Financial Assistance (FA) is proposing a change to our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy (SAP) to accommodate the Banner software system’s ability to perform SAP automatically rather than manually. B. GPA ST modifications to Banner A. Cognos working owner: This is on hold until administration determines who needs to be the ODS/Cognos working owner. B. Team leads need to completed Milestone Certificate and Acceptance form to date for sessions that have been completed C. Review paper or electronic forms you are currently using, i.e., do they need to be discarded, edited, reprinted, etc. D. Banner time logs for FY 09 need to be sent to Sherry for all participants who have been working in Banner by Wednesday, July 1. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations I. Recommendation: Put student e-mail discussion on the agenda for next week. A. Recommendation: Chris is working with ITS staff and Academic Affairs and will present more information on this topic at a later date. Page 10 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 Advancement Team Report Due to the large numbers involved, I would recommend dropping box update if greater than alumni last update. Jennifer Bowen Director of Alumni Relations Cameron University From: Sherry Hendrix Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 3:54 PM To: Jennifer Bowen Subject: RE: Banner General Person- Trumping Issue Jennifer, what would be your recommendation to remedy this? From: Jennifer Bowen Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 3:41 PM To: Angela Melton; Debbie Goode; Julie Duncan Cc: Sherry Hendrix Subject: Banner General Person- Trumping Issue Hello everyone! As Angie has been pulling clean-up scripts for us, we have run into an issue with how address and phone are being pulled for the general person records. As it stands, this information is being pulled using the following trumping order: Active Employee Active Student Alumni Box last update if greater than alumni last update In doing our clean up I am running across a major situation with utilizing the Box last update if greater than alumni last update. We need to discuss whether or not utilizing the last update is a good option. With the way it stands, alumni/foundation/athletics/KCCU will be loosing a large number of good records in exchange for bad information. I have completely analyzed the address differences where the alumni system address will be trumped by box and have found (this excludes situations with employees and active students); 5353 total instances 4427 instances, Box date is greater than alumni due to conversion in 2002 Page 11 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 148 instances where box is greater due to returned mail, removal of any address, deceased and mentor 77 instances where box is greater than alumni and person is active member of CUAA 64 instances of alumni status unknown and alumni is checking to see if box is correct 5 deceased individuals 350 instances where I cannot break down any futher accuracy without more research (I removed instances where difference was due to standardization issues and we have started research). I am also seeing the same results on phone number differences. A preliminary assesment shows: 9970 Instances 7511 instances with last update who CONVERT and date of 13-SEP-02 I think we all need to discuss how to proceed. The difference in addresses with convert alone represents loosing almost 15% of the addresses in alumni. Phone will represent an even larger percentage. If you would like to look at this data, please let me know and I can drop it into a shared location, but since this contains personal information, I would prefer not to. Sherry, Here’s what I’ve gleaned from the tables that we do have access to. There are some other tables that allow us to make a lot more changes and do some other setup (like check for transposed names and transposed month/day in the birthdate). I sent email requesting access to those forms. Here are the rules that are currently set up. Yesterday we mentioned that this should be discussed at the ILT: Rule 1 – checked first Rule 2 – checked second. I’m not exactly sure how this works. It’s adding a check for city name and saying SSN must exist on both the new record and compared records. Page 12 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 From the help: Using multiple rules allows you to compare different sets of data. The rules are processed according to priority order (priority 1 is executed first). Each rule is processed completely before the next rule is executed. You should arrange your priority order so that the strictest rule is the last one executed. In the student team meeting, they expressed a desire to have it match on the last name completely but only check the first three characters of the first name. However, in your discussion, consider the following names which are currently in box: Ames, Toni Ann Millan, Maria Josefa Snider, Mary Jane Fenderson, M. Frances Mako, F. Joseph The student side said they would prefer to be looking through more possibilities than to have to fix a duplicate because the person didn’t show up. My concern is that if someone put in Fenderson, Mary F. that it would not pick up Fenderson, M. Frances because it would be matching on the first three characters of the first name. But, if you only say check the first character, you’re going to be scrolling through a lot of people. Also, we can check the last four characters of the ssn by doing -4 instead of 9 in the length field. I’m also not positive that ANYTHING has been set up for non-person matching. Everything I’ve seen so far has only said person. Maybe the other tables that I can’t get to will have something more about non-person. Has finance or advancement mentioned that they could enter businesses/vendors and it’s not picking up any duplicates? Julie Page 13 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 From: Sherry Hendrix Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 4:20 PM To: Dawne Massey; Julie Duncan; Kelly Simon Cc: Chase Bailey; Debbie Goode Subject: FW: user setup default for common matching Dawne, Julie and Kelly, RE: Common Matching I’ve asked Chase to set you all up with GORCMRL, GORCUMS and GOAMTCH for your review and recommendation if this needs to be opened up to the team leads. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Sherry Hendrix, CU Banner Project Manager Office: (580) 581-2256 Cell: (405) 830-8379 Cameron University 2800 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, Oklahoma 73505-6377 From: Chase Bailey Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 4:06 PM To: Sherry Hendrix Cc: Debbie Goode; Greg Duncan Subject: RE: user setup default for common matching Sounds good to me. Created class usr_g_common_matching and added 2 objects below to it. Assigned the class to Kelly, Julie, and dawne. Chase From: Sherry Hendrix Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:59 PM To: Chase Bailey Cc: Debbie Goode Subject: RE: user setup default for common matching Page 14 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 I don’t know if we want all of them to have it or not right now. I think we might want to give access to Kelly, Julie and Dawne to “investigate” and then see what they think. How does that sound? Sherry Hendrix, CU Banner Project Manager Office: (580) 581-2256 Cell: (405) 830-8379 Cameron University 2800 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, Oklahoma 73505-6377 From: Chase Bailey Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:56 PM To: Sherry Hendrix Cc: Debbie Goode Subject: RE: user setup default for common matching No I don’t, but I’m not familiar with those forms. I guess it depends on how we are setting up common matching rules. If we gave the team leads access to the 2 forms below I assume they would be able to setup Common Matching rules? Do we want them all to be able to do this??? Chase From: Sherry Hendrix Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 3:18 PM To: Chase Bailey Cc: Debbie Goode Subject: FW: user setup default for common matching Chase, I was going to send an e-mail to the team leads to see if they wanted access to GORCMRL and GORCUMS, but I wanted to double check with you first to see if you have a problem with opening up this access? Sherry Hendrix, CU Banner Project Manager Office: (580) 581-2256 Cell: (405) 830-8379 Cameron University 2800 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, Oklahoma 73505-6377 Page 15 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 From: Julie Duncan Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 11:13 AM To: Sherry Hendrix; Debbie Goode Subject: user setup default for common matching In the student consulting session, one of the first questions asked was if there was a way to have common matching choices list person instead of non-person first because people were accidentally selecting non-person and not finding any matches. There actually is a form to set the default of this by user. You can set it so that a person has a default of ‘person’ when they come into the common matching form and then allow them to change it to non-person if they need to. I don’t know who makes the decision on if that’s something that should be included in user set up or not. It’s possible that this step might help in preventing at least a few duplicates because the person accidentally did the wrong search. Advancement and/or Finance might be an exception of not setting up a default so that they have to think of whether they’re entering a person or non-person (business/vendor). Note that is by user not module. Here’s the info from the common matching handbook if it’s something we’re interested in doing: Page 16 Julie A. Duncan Information Designer Information Technology Services Cameron University Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016