Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016


Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020


Committee/Meeting Name Implementation Leadership Team Meeting

Date Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Location Admin Board Room

Time Convened 8:30 am Time Terminated 10:00 am

Recorder Sherry Hendrix

Members Present Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Tom Sutherlin, Debbie Goode, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey, Ninette Carter

Members Absent Ken Gilliam, Chris Crandon, Donald Hall



Approve Minutes from 2-



Team Reports

Discussion, Information

Meeting scheduled Friday, March 13 at 9:00 in the Admin

Board Room.

Advancement o NCOA processing & USPS Move Update -

Cameron University o KCCU Discovery session

KCCU Discovery went well. The only issue not resolved is how to set up security for KCCU to accommodate their needs.

KCCU mapping is scheduled for the first of April. o Update on training

To date all is going well. AD is still working on data clean up. o Status on team testing and manual development

Screen shots are being captured and progress is being made.

Data Standards and Reporting o Meeting recap

Tom and his team will be discussing how

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations





Jennifer will send the Chairs information on the NCOA process.

Sherry will set up a meeting with the

ODS/Cognos Banner representatives and Tom to discuss what the DS team needs to be working on as

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information to distribute the DS manual, i.e., hard copy or electronically (via website) and the maintenance of the document once it’s finalized.

DS Team is gathering different reports, shadow spreadsheets, etc. for review.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 2. o When will the DS manual be ready for review by the ILT?

The DS manual is in the final stages of completion and will be sent to the ILT

Chairs for review in the very near future. o Update on action item from 1-21-09: Tom needs to know from team leads date in which we need to take a snapshot to freeze data for reporting purposes.

This agenda item will be reviewed at a later date and Tom will let Sherry know when to put it back on the agenda.

HR/Payroll – Ken was not present due to Banner training. o Update on training o Status on team testing and manual development

Financial Aid – Chris was not present due to Banner training. o Update on FA training. o Status on team testing and manual development

Finance o Need a timeline for pre- and post-implementation activities on Higher one as it relates to people resources for technical and functional leads working on Banner.

Ninette reported activities should be complete by April for implementation at

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations it relates to reporting.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information the end of May. o Update on training.

In a recent training session it was discovered that security set up for requisitions and approvers is going to be very time consuming.

Ninette is concerned about the exact day of FIN go live date and how that will work with December roll date (Third and final conversion) of data. o Status on team testing and manual development o Update on TouchNet

Ninette and other staff from CU went to

UCO to view their TouchNet system.

The main function of TouchNet that CU needs is the billing function. The cashiering function will be used out of

Banner. No decision has been made on the purchase of this software.

Student o Update on training

Linda, Aubree, Sandra (Banner Lead) and

Dr. McArthur are working on the prerequisite issue in Banner and will reported on this when more information is available.

The ST team has developed a list of issue

(gaps) they will be working on with the help of the Banner lead. o Recap of team meeting

Linda met with the entire ST team and discussed:

 An error tracking log to track issues that

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Action: Debbie and Sherry will visit with the IT staff and possibly Laurene or Kelli to discuss the exact go live date for Finance and the ConV3 data roll and report back to Ninette.

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information need to be addressed before the next conversion.

Using Banner documentation as a resources and where they can be found.

Issues that need to be resolved with


The upcoming training schedule

The importance of pre-preparation and post practice time in Banner. The Team was also reminded to log all activities related to Banner on the log sheet Linda sent out. o SEVIS decision

Per Linda: Cameron University does not use batch mode to process international students in SEVIS. There are no plans to change processing methods. As a result, it has been decided that Cameron is not interested in pursing fsaATLAS or

SEVIS Connection at this time. o Status on team testing and manual development

Accounts Receivable: o Meeting with Doreen, Banner AR lead:

Discussion on problems with conversation data, issues with AR training and ConV2 timeline and how to handle OU nursing students in Banner.

Technical o Tracking data errors from round 1 data migration. Please record them at:


Tracking\ST_Banner Error tracking log R1.xls o Clean Address is loaded. The tech team wants to

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations

Action: each area needs to track errors to help prepare for ConV2.

Action: Debbie will contact Donald, Chris and Ken

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Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information run this as soon as the functional areas give the

‘go ahead’. It will standardize addresses in the system and will allow CU to find people with the same addresses that may be in the system with different names. This will be beneficial for data cleanup. o Clarification on how to request access to Banner. o We have two outages planned for Spring Break

2009: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. –

5:00 p.m., OneNet will move equipment to their new location in CETES II. They are hoping downtime will be less than 8 hours. During this time, you will be able to access servers on campus, but all off-campus e-mail, off-campus email access, and web browsing will be unavailable. Incoming e-mail from off-campus should be queued on the sender’s server and delivered when connectivity is restored. There may be some instances where the e-mail will be returned to the sender as undeliverable. Any outgoing e-mail to off-campus will be queued and sent when service is restored. o Thursday, March 19, 2009 from 8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., the server running our current administrative software, SBI, will be refreshed.

During this period, MyCU, purchase requisitions, and any type of student or financial information will be unavailable. o Continue to update Banner Data Handling doc

@: w:\workgrps\its_share\banner\banner data handling.docx o At your team meetings, please review and identify timelines in project calendar for 3 rd


Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations for their approval before Clean Address is run.

Action: Third party software that will be interfaced with Banner must be identified. This will be on the

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Training Information

General Person-Dual

Entry Interface

Business on Hold

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

April 12, 2020

Discussion, Information software applications you will be using. o All 3 rd party software app updates must be in sync with Banner patches and upgrades before requesting I.T. to load. o Tech team suggests a training session for common matching be held in late spring after users have spent considerable time in testing. It appears there are several options available for common matching. o Blackboard update

Aubree Helvey, Megan Carter and

Woogie Burgess are working with Dr.

McArthur on this.

Workflow Overview scheduled Monday, March 30 from

8:30-10:00 in Admin Board Room o CPR training:

AR-ST- September 22-25 (not confirmed).

If confirmed, will have to move 9-24 session.

 AD-FA 9-22/25, 2009 (confirmed)

HR- FIN August 31 (HR not confirmed)

Each area has a test plan document on the Banner website that prepares you for your CRP. This is a good practice document to begin your CRP testing.

Review tentative dates for Luminis, ODS and Cognos.

Review Blackout dates.

All training sessions located on Banner Calendar.

Discussion and action on the purchase of SunGard’s General

Person – Dual Entry Interface for $25,000.

FA Policy and Procedure Request o The Office of Financial Assistance (FA) is proposing a change to our Satisfactory

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations agenda for the next meeting.

Action: Debbie needs to know the name and version of all third party software currently being used to prepare for Banner integration.

Action: All members present voted to take the recommendation of purchasing this interface to the

Steer Committee.

Recommendation: Chris is working with ITS staff and Academic Affairs and will present more information on this topic at a later date.

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Other Business

Cameron University Banner Project

Meeting Agenda and Notes

Discussion, Information

Academic Progress policy (SAP) to accommodate the Banner software system’s ability to perform SAP automatically rather than manually.

Status on ST modifications to Banner.

Latest from TCC: TCC is going forward with paying

SunGard for an Assessment report to provide a scope of what would be needed to address the retention

GPA and repeat problem. At least once we have this; everyone in the State can assess what the exact modifications are to be and what the cost would be.

Next meeting: April 1

April 12, 2020

Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
