Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Implementation Leadership Team Meeting
Committee/Meeting Name
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
8:30 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 10:00 am
Location Admin Board Room
Recorder Sherry Hendrix
Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Chris Crandon, Kenneth Gilliam, Donald Hall, Debbie Goode, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree
Members Present
Helvey, Ninette Carter
Tom Sutherlin
Members Absent
Celebration and PM
Approve Minutes from 121-09
Team Reports
Discussion, Information
Sherry informed the ILT and ITS that there would be
another PM from EduServe coming in to help with PM
responsibilities. This person has strong skills and
knowledge in the software side of Banner. The timeline for
this transition has not be determine, but will most likely start
in February or early March. Sherry will still be the lead PM
for CU, and will be working closely with the other PM
coming in.
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Action: Approved
 Advancement
o Update on training- Per Jennifer, all is going
o The AD team has started the development of
desk manuals.
 Data Standards and Reporting
o Tom was not able to attend the meeting and will
have an update next week.
 HR/Payroll
o Update on HR overview, Per Ken, we were able
to get in the four day training session in three
days due to the ice. Kudos’s for all those who
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
came in when the University was closed. Ken
says they now know how to add employees to the
system .
o Status on tracking testing time and manual
development progress. HR will start this process
when they begin training sessions.
 Financial Aid
o Update on FA training- all is well per Chris.
o Status on testing time and manual development
 Finance
o Debbie will ask Rick to send his concerns to
Sherry on Banner Finance Bridges and Banner
will address them via e-mail. Bridges need to be
in place by August 2009. Per Banner, this will
take about two to three weeks to install, train and
o Status on tracking testing time and manual
development progress. Per Ninette, until we get
access to our data, it’s very difficult to do testing.
o Update on Higher One: Higher One Kick-off is
February 10 and will implement this summer.
CU may be using this company for ID cards at a
later date.
o TouchNet: there is a meeting with TouchNet
representatives February 10. Per Ninette, CU
will be implementing this product or one like it
in the near future.
o Sherry asked Ninette and Debbie to talk to
Higher One and TouchNet representative about
their interface to Banner. We need to get the
interface in place for testing as soon as possible.
 Student
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
o Update on training. Per Linda, the Banner team
lead had problems with loading tapes and took
about an hour and a half out of valuable training
time to get these loaded.
o Status on tracking testing time and manual
development progress. Linda and her team have
designated training times and Brenda Dally is
working on manuals. All are required to track
and send Linda time spent in testing.
o Banner PM is in the process of scheduling a
SEVIS demo.
o AR: Linda asked if we could move AR training
up in the schedule. AR issues are being
discussed in training sessions in a variety of
functional areas and without knowledge of the
AR functions, training is not as effective as it
needs to be.
o Linda asked if there was specific training for
Self-Service Banner. Sherry will address this
with Banner PM and get back.
 Technical
o Status on revised Banner Data Handling
spreadsheet listed on W:drive
o Status of conversion-Conversion 1 complete as
of the end of January 2009.
o OU Nursing students in Banner
 A scenario of what currently transpires has
been sent to Sandra. Waiting on a
o Discussion Security setup
 Security is scheduled to be in place for
training by February 23.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Action: Sherry will ask Banner PM if we can move
AR training up on the scheduled. Currently
scheduled to begin in June
Action: Sherry will check with Banner PM on
specific training for SSB
Action: ILT needs to complete this spreadsheet with
information from their area by Wednesday, February
Action: Debbie has sent the team a spreadsheet to be
completed for security setup with a due date of no
later than Friday, February 6.
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
General Training for All
Discussion, Information
o Calling all available laptops for the week of
February 23. Training for the week of February
23 was discussed. Debbie is in the process of
setting up computers for Admin Bd Rm and
Howell Hall.
Workflow Overview rescheduled for March 4 from 10:00
to 12:00 after ILT meeting.
SysEd General - Pop Sels and Letters - Scheduled
February 11-13 from 1:00-5:00 each day. I’ve
scheduled ST and FA in Shp and all others in Burch.
o How many will be attending from your group?
o Participants to attend: IT representative for each
area and the "power user", or person who will be
executing processes. In addition, anyone who is
really concerned about generating letters is more
than welcome to attend.
Common Matching training will be at the end of spring
after everyone is familiar with the system.
CPR training and Problems:
a. AR-CRP August 12 and 13.
b. AD 9-22/25, 2009
c. FA 9-22/24, 2009
d. ST August 10, 2009
e. HR August 10
f. FIN August 10
a. There are too many CRP’s at one time.
b. ST needs to be with FA and FA needs to be with
AD because they have the same team lead.
c. Mike will review the schedule and get back with
us. I told him the only available time in August
for us is the first or last week in August.
ODS, Cognos and Lumins schedule is in the process of
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
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Textbook ISBN number
Higher Ed. Federal Law
Tracking Practice Time
General Person-Dual
Mouse Pads
Access to Banner
Business on Hold
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
being confirmed
 February sessions - Handout
 All training sessions located on Banner Calendar.
New federal law requires storing textbook ISBN number for
online course searches in SSB. Per Banner PM, Banner
version 8 accommodates this feature and the ST Banner lead
has information on how this can be entered in Banner.
 Discussion from last meeting on tracking practice time in
 Per the team, not a lot of testing is taking place due to no
access to actual CU data. Debbie stated that security
should be in place within the next two weeks.
Banner responded with a Scope of Work for an interface for
entering GP in old and new system with a cost of $25,000
Team leads were given mouse pads to be distributed to
individuals who have completed the CBT Banner training.
Debbie and Sherry are reviewing the process for requesting
access to Banner.
 FA Policy and Procedure Request
o The Office of Financial Assistance (FA) is
proposing a change to our Satisfactory
Academic Progress policy (SAP) to
accommodate the Banner software system’s
ability to perform SAP automatically rather
than manually.
 Status on ST modifications to Banner.
 Latest from TCC: TCC is going forward with paying
SunGard for an Assessment report to provide a scope
of what would be needed to address the retention
GPA and repeat problem. At least once we have this;
everyone in the State can assess what the exact
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Recommendation: The team recommended hiring
individuals to enter this information and not to
purchase Banner’s interface.
Recommendation: Chris is working with ITS staff
and Academic Affairs and will present more
information on this topic at a later date.
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Other Business
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
modifications are to be and what the cost would be.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations