Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Implementation Leadership Team Meeting
Committee/Meeting Name
Wednesday, September 24
8:30 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 10:00 am
Location Admin Board Room
Recorder Sherry Hendrix
Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Ninette Carter, Chris Crandon, Kenneth Gilliam, Corlis McPhaul, Donald Hall, Jennifer
Members Present
Bowen, Ninette Carter, Debbie Goode
Debbie Goode and Linda Phillips
Members Absent
Julie Duncan
Approve Minutes from 93-08 Kick-off
Team Reports
FA Policy and Procedure
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Advancement- Need Discovery Notes
Data Standards and Reporting
HR/Payroll – Need Discovery Notes
Financial Aid - Notes Received
Finance - Notes Received
Technical – Notes Received
o Software pre-installation complete and
installation begins 9-22-08 with completion
on 10-13-08
Teams that have completed Discovery sessions all
remarked about the knowledge gained and success of the
1. It is the recommendation of the Banner financial aid
consultant and the Office of Financial Assistance that
A/R should post all exemptions, which includes all
awards of tuition waivers.
2. It is the recommendation of the Banner financial aid
consultant and the Office of Financial Assistance that
all Cameron Gold Scholarships be changed to a flat
Discussion on these topics took place with suggestions
and questions for FA. Chris will investigate suggestions
from the team and make any adjustment needed for
continued discussion next week.
Finance continues to work on the Chart of Accounts and
had a TouchNet demonstration which will be discussed
with administration for possible implementation.
Chris asked if the Library computers have Flash player
V8.0. Sherry will ask the Librarian and report back to the
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Training Information and
Clean Data in Box
Shared Data
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
3. The Office of Financial Assistance (FA) is proposing
a change to our Satisfactory Academic Progress
policy (SAP) to accommodate the Banner software
system’s ability to perform SAP automatically rather
than manually.
4. It is the recommendation of the Banner financial aid
consultant and the Office of Financial Assistance
(FA) that FA hire someone as a power user.
 Shared Calendar from Sherry’s PC
 Training dates listed on Banner website
 Next training for all ILT members, September 30 in
Admin Board Room. You are welcome to bring
representatives from your area. Please let me know
how many from each area for room
 Computer rooms to be used: Library Computer Lab,
Burch 104 Lab and S. Shepler 407. Non-computer
rooms to be used: Admin Board Room, Hall Howell
107, CETES 207 (possibly CETES 110). These
rooms meet the required equipment for training.
Clean data for migration needs to be in BOX by 9-30-08
 Review and determine data decision (system codes)
as noted on the Metadata Worksheet
 Finalize decision on general person data, e.g.,
identification, biographic and demographic, address
and telephone.
 Determine who will own shared data in banner, e.g.,
make shared data standards, enter changes, resolve
differences, maintain validation codes, etc.?
 Once all this is determined it will come back to the
ILT for review.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Data Standard and Reporting Team will be meeting next
week to discuss these items and Donald will report back
to the team.
Julie asked if the functional teams reviewed their
validation tables during Discovery. Team members
reported they had not reviewed them. Sherry commented
these will probably be reviewed during the Technical
Migration Planning. This needs to be confirmed with
Lauene, Banner Technical Team Lead.
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Banner Project Website
and SGHE Website
Banner Basic Navigation
Overtime Pay for
Classified and Backfill
Documenting Time spent
implementing Banner
Printing Banner Manuals
Shadow Systems/Reports
and Third Party Software
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
 CU Banner Website:
 SGHE website:
 Check out documents being added by Banner Team
Leads on CU website.
 Questions, comments or concerns
 Basic Banner Navigation needs to be completed
 Basic Banner Navigation has been posted on the
website and employees must have a password to get
into the training. All certificates will be sent to the
Team Chair and then to Sherry to be put in a
database for tracking.
Possible needs for HR/Payroll?
This agenda item will be discussed at our meeting next
 Process and account number for requesting Banner
 10119-AA, Sherry Hendrix, Linda Philips, Aubree
 10159-SS, Sherry Hendrix, Linda Philips, Chris
Crandon, Ninette Carter
 10169 Admin, Sherry Hendrix, Debbie Goode,
Donald Hall, Kenneth Gilliam, Corlis McPhaul
Jennifer Bowen
 We need to continue collecting third party software,
shadow systems, reports and/or important data
needed for reporting.
 Functional teams have a User Guide with canned
reports listed in the back. Please review these
reports as we begin to establish what we will need
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
HR/Payroll does not need overtime or backfill at this
Ninette reported we might want to hold on this due to a
clarification in the works.
It was suggested we put a spreadsheet together to capture
all third-party spreadsheet and shadow systems to be
listed on the Banner Project website. Sherry will begin
working on this.
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Higher One-Refund
Other Business
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
for reporting.
Administration would like this implemented in Spring
for pilot testing in June.
 Comments from Banner Leads
 Still in progress: An “Issues in Progress” spreadsheet
will be developed to be used for issues that need to
be escalated to the ILT, CU administration or
Banner. This spreadsheet will be on the Banner
Project website and will start putting issues there
after the Discovery sessions are complete.
 Mike and I are meeting Friday morning to put
together a more current Project Plan.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations
Sherry reported that all the Banner Team Leads
commented about the dedication and willingness of the
CU Team Leads to make this project a success.
At this point, the only Banner Team Lead that felt there
might be a slight risk to the project was in the Finance
Lead. Mark was concerned that the Chart of Accounts
might be delayed due to the auditors and other high
priority tasks involving the Finance Team. He suggested
administration take some of the responsibility off the
shoulders of the Finance Team Lead and Sherry informed
him that’s not an option.
A question was asked about Summit and Ninette reported
CU has 10 people budgeted for this conference. Sherry
asked the team to be thinking about key individuals from
all areas to attend this.
Debbie asked Sherry to ask Glen for approval to purchase
the mouse pad which will be $2.00 a pad purchasing
approximately 200 pads.