Section 1: The name of this organization shall be... Section 2: The purpose of the Oklahoma Political Science... Charter

of the
Oklahoma Political Science Association
Article I: Name, Purpose, and Assets
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the “Oklahoma Political Science Association.”
Section 2: The purpose of the Oklahoma Political Science Association is to promote rigorous research,
insightful teaching and collegiality in political science.
Section 3: Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt
purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding
section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or
local government, for a public purpose.
Article II: Membership and Dues
Section 1: Membership shall consist of all those who hold academic positions in political science in any
of the institutions of higher education within the State of Oklahoma, all students enrolled in an
accredited political science course at an Oklahoma institutional of higher education and those who pay
the dues of the Association.
Section 2: Only lifetime members and members who have paid the current annual dues of the
Association shall be qualified to vote or to hold office.
Section 3: While attendance at meetings is anticipated, inability to attend the meetings of the
Association shall not divest a person of membership.
Section 4: The Executive Council is authorized to set the annual dues at a reasonable rate and to make
other reasonable assessments necessary to the financial health and the execution of the programs of
the Association. Such dues and assessments may be revised by a majority of the voting membership of
the Association.
Article III: Officers
Section 1: The officers of the Association shall include a President, an Associate Vice President, an
Assistant Vice President, the two most recent past Presidents, the editor of the Newsletter, the Editor of
Oklahoma Politics, one graduate student liaison, one undergraduate student liaison, and several Council
Members. These officers shall comprise the Executive Council.
Section 2: The terms of office of the President, Associate Vice President, Assistant Vice President, the
editor of the Newsletter, graduate student liaison, undergraduate student liaison, and Council Member
shall be for one year, beginning at the end of the program of the regular annual meeting and expiring at
the end of the program of the next regular annual meeting. Once selected by a regular annual
membership meeting, the term of office of the Editor of Oklahoma Politics shall be for four years
beginning at the end of the program of the meeting of the election and ending at the end of the
program of the annual meeting held after four years or until removed by a two-thirds affirmative vote of
the Executive Council or a simple majority affirmative vote of the members present at a regular annual
membership meeting.
Section 3: The office of the President shall be held by the immediate past Associate Vice President of
the Association. The President shall preside over any meetings of the Association or its Executive
Council and shall be the official representative of the Association. The President shall appoint such
committees as may be authorized by the Charter, the bylaws, the Association, or its Executive Council.
The President may call the Executive Council into session, and otherwise direct the affairs of the
Section 4: An Associate Vice President shall be elected by a simple majority of the voting members at
each regular annual meeting. His or her primary responsibility shall be the planning, coordination, and
direction of the next regular annual meeting following his election. Normally, the Vice President shall be
a member of the political science faculty of the host institution.
Section 5: The President shall appoint a graduate student liaison and an undergraduate student liaison
to the Executive Council.
Section 6: The President of the Association shall appoint members to the Executive Council as needed
so long he or she appoints no more than one member from any institution of higher learning. The Vice
President may appoint an equal number of members to the Executive Council so long he or she appoints
no more than one member from any institution of higher learning. These appointed members will serve
until the next annual meeting.
Section 7: The editor in consultation with the President shall appoint the members of the editorial
board for Oklahoma Politics.
Section 8: All other officers shall be elected by simple majority of the voting members at each regular
annual meeting.
Section 9: Any officer of the Association, including the President, may be removed by a two-thirds
affirmative vote of the Executive Council.
Article IV: Executive Council
Section 1: The Executive Council may be called into session by the President or any two of its members
to consider the affairs of the Association, to formulate recommendation to the membership, or to act
for the Association between annual meetings, such actions being subject to revision by the membership.
Section 2: In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall perform the
duties of the President in addition to his or her duties as Vice President. In the case of vacancy in any of
the other offices, the Executive Council shall within one month appoint a person to serve until the
election of new officers at the next annual meeting.
Article V: Bylaws
Section 1: Bylaws and Bylaw amendments consistent with the Charter with its amendments may be
proposed by the President, a majority vote of the Executive Council or any member of the association
present at a regular business meeting. Proposed Bylaws and Bylaw amendments shall be ratified by a
majority of the members present and qualified to vote at a regular or special business meeting, or by a
majority of the total voting membership responding to a special mail or email ballot.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by the President or a majority vote of the
Executive Council. Proposed amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the members
present and qualified to vote at any regular annual business meeting.
Article VII: Ratification
Section 1: The original Charter was established in 1991. In keeping with the provisions of that
document, this Charter shall become effective upon its ratification by a majority of the membership
present and qualified to vote at any regular annual business meeting.
(revised 11/13)