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Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA
Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Fire characteristics charts for fire behavior and U.S. fire danger rating
Faith Ann HeinschA C, Patricia L. AndrewsB
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 5775 W Hwy 10, Missoula, MT 59808.
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, E-mail:
Corresponding author. E-mail:
The fire characteristics chart is a graphical method of presenting U.S. National Fire Danger
Rating indices or primary surface or crown fire behavior characteristics. A desktop computer
application has been developed to produce fire characteristics charts in a format suitable for
inclusion in reports and presentations. Many options include change of scales, colors, labels, and
legend. The fire danger fire characteristics chart displays the relationship among SC, ERC, and
BI by plotting the three values as a single point. A chart can be used to compare years, months,
weather stations, and fuel models. Indices calculated by FireFamilyPlus can be imported into the
fire characteristics chart program. Surface and crown fire behavior charts are separate because a
different flame length model is used for each. Plotted values can be observed rate of spread and
flame length or calculated values from a program such as the BehavePlus fire modeling system.
The charts can aid fire model understanding by comparing, for example, the effect of a change in
fuel model or wind speed on fire behavior. Other applications include fire documentation,
prescribed fire plans, and briefings.
Additional keywords: Energy Release Component, Spread Component, Burning Index, rate of
spread, fireline intensity, flame length, heat per unit area, computer program
The fire characteristics chart is a graphical method for presenting either U.S. National Fire
Danger Rating System (NFDRS) indices (Spread Component [SC], Energy Release Component
[ERC], and Burning Index [BI]) or primary surface and crown fire behavior characteristics rate
of spread (ROS), flame length (FL), and heat per unit area (HPUA).
Fire behavior fire characteristics charts are useful as a communication aid for displaying the
character of a fire based on spread and intensity values that are either calculated or observed. The
fire danger chart illustrates the relationship among indices that are often considered separately.
The surface fire behavior and the fire danger fire characteristics charts were presented by
Andrews and Rothermel (1982). Rothermel (1991) developed a fire characteristics chart for
crown fire. Those charts were designed primarily for plotting by hand. While some aspects of
fire characteristics charts are available in computerized systems such as BehavePlus, FARSITE,
and Nexus, a general purpose application has not been available.
A desktop computer program has been developed to produce fire characteristics charts in a
format suitable for inclusion in reports and presentations. The fire behavior application is
documented in (Andrews, Heinsch et al. in press). A similar publication for fire danger rating
will also be available. Those papers include operating instructions and example applications as
well as the mathematical modeling foundation. This paper provides an overview with examples.
Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA
Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
The fire characteristics chart program does not include calculation of fire danger indices or
fire behavior values, but rather displays values obtained elsewhere. Fire danger indices produced
by FireFamilyPlus can be imported directly into the fire characteristics chart program. Fire
behavior values can be calculated using a program such as the BehavePlus fire modeling system
(Andrews 2007), or observed fire behavior values can be plotted.
The program offers options that allow formatting to suit the application at hand. A user can,
for example, change axis scales, use multiple colors, and add point labels and legends. While we
use English units in these examples, metric units are available in the program.
The fire characteristics chart program and associated documentation can be found in the
BehavePlus section of
Fire danger fire characteristics chart
The U.S. National Fire Danger Rating System is used for pre-fire management applications such
as fire prevention and suppression readiness. NFDRS is comprised of components and indices
based on seasonal fire weather data. A fire danger rating fire characteristics chart can be used to
compare indices from multiple years, months, weather stations, or fuel models.
The fire danger chart displays the relationship among SC, ERC, and BI by plotting the three
values as a single point. The chart is possible because BI is derived from SC and ERC according
to the following relationship:
SC, based on the spread rate model, is strongly impacted by wind speed, and can vary
greatly from day-to-day. ERC, on the other hand, is based on the model for heat per unit area
with weighting on the heavy fuels and does not include the influence of wind. ERC is driven by
fuel moisture, particularly 1000-h fuel moisture (if heavy dead fuels are present in the selected
fuel model), providing a seasonal look at fire danger. BI, which is derived from the flame length
model, is a combination of the two components, combining the underlying seasonal trend of
ERC with the daily fluctuations in SC. The fire characteristics chart can be used for comparing
Among the applications of the NFDRS fire characteristics chart is communication and
comparison of the level of fire danger. Andrews and Rothermel (1982), presented the example of
a hypothetical briefing to describe the general fire season to an audience that included those not
familiar with NFDRS. We have updated their chart as shown in Fig. 1. They wrote:
The fire danger of most of the west side of the region is low as indicated by point A, although
there are a couple of districts that may cause problems (point B). Point C refers to the fire
danger on the east side of the region. If we have another week of dry weather, the situation on
the east side could become critical (point D).
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
Fig. 1. An
A NFDRS fiire characterristics chart that
t might acccompany thhe hypothetical briefing
outlined in the text (b
based on An
ndrews and Rothermel
original firee characteristtics concept was developped for a few
w points to bbe plotted onn
paper by hand. The program
we describe
herre allows forr hundreds off points to be plotted, ussing
FamilyPlus. In the follow
wing examples, weatherr data for Rem
files imported directlly from FireF
AWS) were obtained
froom the Fire aand Aviationn Managemeent
Automated Weather Stations (RA
plications weebsite (http:///fam.nwcg.g
gov/fam-webb/). FireFam
milyPlus verssion 4.1 was used
Web App
to calculaate indices. The
T Weatheer > Season Reports > D
Daily Listin
ng function w
was used to
export SC
C and ERC. BI is calculaated by the fire
f characterristics chart application using equatiion
1. Relevaant fire data from the U.S
S. Forest Serrvice and Naational Park Service werre also obtainned
from the Fire and Av
viation Manaagement Web
b Applicatioons website. These data w
were importted
into FireF
FamilyPlus, associated with
w the apprropriate RAW
WS, and sum
characteristics charts caan be used to
o explore thee relationshipp between fire activity annd
Thee indices on the
t discovery
y date of thee largest ninee fires (>1,000 acres) onn the
NFDRS indices.
Nine Mille Ranger Diistrict (MT) from 1980-2
2009 were coompared witth NFDRS vvalues from tthe
Ninemilee RAWS stattion for all days
during that
t time perriod. The ressulting graphh (Fig. 2)
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
indicates a relationsh
hip between large fires an
nd high ERC
C values. Eigght of the ninne fires weree
reported on a day witth ERC > 60
ndices from the
t Ninemilee RAWS (19
980-2009) annd discoveryy day indicess for the nine
Fig. 2. In
largest fires on the Nine
N Mile Disstrict.
plots of NFDRS in
ndices can bee supported bby an associated fire chaaracteristics
chart. Fig
g. 3 demonsttrates the firee season for the Missoulla RAWS (M
MT) in 2000. Data from
FireFamiilyPlus weree separated in
nto two-mon
nth periods aand importedd into the chart program..
Each filee can be iden
ntified using a specific iccon/color com
mbination inn the Fire Chharacteristicss
Chart pro
ogram. Seaso
onal traces of
o SC, ERC, and BI weree generated uusing other ssoftware to uuse
nding colorss. During 200
00 the higheest ERC valuues were fouund during Juuly and Auguust,
months th
hat are often
n the height of
o the fire seeason for thee area. High values of SC
C in March aand
April aree associated with
w the high
her winds th
hat typically occur duringg that time.
l model selecction has a great
impact on fire dangger indices. A
As describedd by Heinschh and
others (2009) fuel mo
odels G and H are quite similar in thhe way that tthey reflect tthe fire seasoon,
although the magnitu
ude of index values is qu
uite differentt. Fuel modeel L, on the oother hand, iss
Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA
Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
comprised solely of fine fuel, resulting in indices that behave quite differently. In Fig. 4 NFDRS
indices for Conroe, TX, were calculated for Fuel models G, H, and L, all using the same weather
data. Fuel model G provides much more information about fire danger at Conroe as
demonstrated in the wider range of values. Overlap between models G and H demonstrates their
similarity. Fuel model L shows the high SC and low ERC values typical of grass fuel models.
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
a correspo
onding seasoonal traces foor Missoula,, MT, 2000.
Fig. 3. Fiire characterristics chart and
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
Fig. 4. Comparison of
o indices forr fuel modells G, H, and L calculatedd for the Connroe, TX,
of interannual variability
is an importannt applicationn of fire dannger rating. A
the Mam
mmoth, WY, RAWS in Yellowstone
Parrk (Fig. 5), ddata for July through Auugust,
1988 (a very
dry yearr; red) and 1991 (a relatiively wet yeear; blue) aree compared. Similar dataa
from 196
65-2009 (greey) are also plotted.
The difference inn fire dangerr for the twoo years becom
apparent through the difference in
i ERC. The large fires oof 1988 weree associated with higherr
values off ERC on thee day they were
w reported
d (ERC > 80)).
p use of firre danger rating indices is
i based on a climatologiical analysiss. The fire
characterristics chart can
c supplem
ment the seasonal plots, ppercentile annalysis, and rrelationship to
fire activ
vity availablee in FireFam
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
Fig. 5. In
nterannual vaariability is demonstrate
d at Mammooth, WY, forr a very dry year (1988) and
a fairly wet
w year (199
91) compareed to 1965-20
009 indices.
Fire beh
havior fire ch
haracteristiics charts
Fire behaavior fire chaaracteristics charts illusttrate the relattionship amoong primaryy fire behavioor
—rate of spreaad (ROS), flaame length (FL),
and he at per unit aarea (HPUA)). Two valuees,
one of wh
hich must bee ROS, are entered.
The user can theen input eithher FL or HP
program will calculatte the third value.
Thesee values can bbe either observed valuees or calculaated
using oth
her software.. For observeed fire behav
vior a user w
will often inpput ROS andd FL; HPUA
A will
be calcullated. Calcullated fire beh
havior values were generrated for thee following eexamples usiing
BehavePlus version 5.0.
5 The folllowing exam
mples (and otthers) are givven in more detail in
Andrewss and others (in
( press).
firre characteriistics chart can aid fire model
undersstanding by ccomparing, for example, the
effect of a change in fuel model or
o wind speeed on fire beehavior. Otheer applicatioons include ffire
ntation, presccribed fire pllans, and briiefings.
(1959) fireline inten
nsity model forms the baasis of the fiire behavior charts. Sepaarate
charts aree used for su
urface and crrown fire beh
havior charts because a different flam
me length m
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
is used fo
or each. Byraam’s (1959) flame lengtth equation, bbased on fireeline intensiity, is used fo
the surfacce fire chart.
= 0..45
where FB is Byram’s flame lengtth (ft) and IB is Byram’s fireline intennsity (Btu/ftt/s).
crown fire chart
uses Th
homas’ (1963) flame lenngth model.
= 0..2
where FT is Thomas’ flame lengtth (ft) and IB is Byram’s fireline inteensity (Btu/ft
The diffeerence betweeen the two flame
h models is ssignificant ass shown in F
Fig. 6. Firelinne
intensity of 4000 Btu
u/ft/s is assocciated with surface
fire fflame lengthh of 20 ft andd crown fire
flame len
ngth of 50 ft.. For simpliification, thee curves on thhe fire behavvior charts aare labeled w
flame len
ngth, not fireeline intensitty.
m length and
d fireline inttensity are reelated to the heat felt by a person staanding next tto the
flames. Table
1 is an interpretatio
on in terms of
o suppressioon capabilitiies (Nationall Wildfire
Coordinaating Group 2006; Rotheermel 1983). Icons are avvailable for tthe surface ffire behaviorr
chart and
d can be rem
moved from th
he chart wheen the flame length curvves no longerr reflect the
specific values
for which they ap
pply. Because crown firee exceeds alll suppressionn activities, tthere
are no ico
ons on the crrown fire beehavior chartt.
Fig. 6. Differences
between Byraam’s and Th
homas’ flamee length moddels are appaarent as firelline
intensity increases.
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
1--Relationship off surface firre flame len
ngth and fireeline intensiity to
uppression interpretatiions (Rothermel 1983)..
me Length
ne Intensity
< 1.2
1.2 – 2.4
100 – 500
0 350
8 – 11
2.4 – 3.4
500 – 1000
1700 - 35
 Fires may present serioous control
problems --- torching ouut, crowning,
and spottinng.
 Control effforts at the firre head will
probably bbe ineffectivee
> 1000
> 3500
 Crowning, spotting, andd major fire
runs are prrobable.
 Control effforts at head of fire are
> 11 >
< 100
- 170
 Fires can ggenerally be aattacked at thee
head or flaanks by persoons using handd
 Hand line should hold tthe fire.
 Fires are tooo intense forr direct attackk
on the heaad by persons using hand
 Hand line cannot be rellied on to holdd
the fire.
 Equipmennt such as dozzers, pumpers,
and retarddant aircraft caan be effectivve.
a example of
o the value of
o the surfacce fire characcteristics chaart in displayying
hips, consideer the effect of fuel mod
del on calculaated fire behhavior. Fig. 7 demonstrattes
the differrences for fo
our fuel mod
dels (1, 4, 8, 10; Andersoon 1982) withh other condditions held
constant: dead fuel moisture
5%,, live fuel mo
oisture 100%
%, midflame wind speedd 7 mi/h, andd
slope 10%
le the flame length is rou
ughly the sam
me for fuel m
models 1 annd 10, the chaaracter of the
odel 1 (shortt grass) is faast spreadingg with a low heat
two fires is very diffeerent. The fire in fuel mo
while th
he fire in fueel model 10 (timber litteer and undersstory) is slow
w spreading with
per unit area,
a high heeat per unit area.
A fire in
n fuel modell 8 (short needle litter) hhas both a low
w spread ratte
and low heat
h per unitt area. At thee other extreeme, fire in fu
fuel model 4 (chaparral) is very fast
g with high intensity.
t points arre circled forr emphasis (aadded to ourr chart usingg other softw
ware) and migght
also serve as a remin
nder of the in
nherent variaability of willdland fire annd the limitaations of firee
g, including the fire mod
dels, fuel desscription, andd/or model iinputs.
(1972) surface fire spread model
is baseed on the asssumption thaat the fire is
steady-sttate and burn
ning under un
niform cond
ditions. Whille this mightt be appropriiate for moddeling
the behav
vior of poten
ntial spot firees outside th
he unit, fire bbehavior on pprescribed bburns is oftenn
Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA
Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
controlled by ignition pattern (Wade and Lunsford 1989). Such behavior can be illustrated on
fire characteristics charts as described by Rothermel (1984). The chart can be included in
prescribed fire burn plans to show the relationship between model results based on ambient
weather and planned fire behavior affected by ignition pattern.
Fig. 8 shows calculated steady-state behavior based on the forecast zero wind speed as well
as behavior that would result from 8 to 10 mi/h winds. The planned range of fire behavior, with
induced winds of 8 to 10 mi/h is indicated on the chart by the large red oval. Flame length curves
were changed from the default values on Table 1 and icons were removed from the chart.
In the final example application, observed crown fire behavior from the Sundance Fire
(northern Idaho, 1967) is plotted on a crown fire behavior characteristics chart (Fig.9). Observed
rates of spread and calculated fireline intensity were taken from Anderson (1968). Flame length
values were calculated using Thomas’ (1963) flame length model. This fire burned through
mixed conifers, driven by winds of up to 45 mi/h, reaching spread rates of 6 mi/h. A prolonged
dry spell, persistent high temperatures, sustained winds, and an uncontrolled 4-mi fire front led
to a sustained major crown fire run on September 1, 1967 from 1400 to 2300 hours. During that
9 hour period, the fire traveled 16 miles, burning more than 50,000 acres. The sharp increase in
ROS between 1900 and 2000 hours and the rapid decline by 2100 show the diurnal variability in
fire behavior, even during a sustained major run.
The Fire Characteristics Chart program is useful for interpretation of fire behavior values or fire
danger rating indices. Charts can effectively be used for communication in briefings,
presentations, and reports. While features of the program may eventually be integrated into
comprehensive systems, it is now a supplement to BehavePlus and FireFamilyPlus.
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
Fig. 7. Outputs
from BehavePluss are plotted on the fire ccharacteristiccs chart to illlustrate the
effect of fuel model.
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
uced wind on
n sagebrush fire characteeristics (baseed on Rotherrmel 1984).
Fig. 8. Effect of indu
Proceedings off 3rd Fire Behav
vior and Fuels Conference, O
October 25-29, 2010, Spokanne, Washingtonn, USA
Published by
y the Internatio
onal Associatioon of Wildland Fire, Birminghham, Alabamaa, USA
nvelope of observed
havior for the Sundance Fire by timee of day for S
September 11,
Fig. 9. En
n HE (1968)) 'Sundance fire:
an analy
ysis of fire pphenomena.' USDA Foreest Service,
Interrmountain Research
Stattion Research Paper INT
T-56. (Ogdenn, UT)
n HE (1982)) 'Aids to dettermining fu
uel models foor estimatingg fire behaviior.' USDA
Foreest Service, Intermountai
in Research Station Genneral Techniccal Report IN
den, UT)
fire modelin
Andrewss PL (2007) BehavePlus
ng system: ppast, present,, and future. In 'Proceediings
of 7tth symposium
m on fire an
nd forest metteorology,' 23-25 Octobeer 2007, Barr Harbor, Maaine.
merican Meteeorological Society:
Andrewss PL, Heinsch FA, Schelv
van L (in press) 'How too generate annd interpret ffire
characteristics ch
harts for surface and cro
own fire behaavior.' USDA
A Forest Serrvice, Rockyy
untain Reseaarch Station General
Technical Repoort RMRS-G
GTR-xxx. (Foort Collins, C
Andrewss PL, Rotherm
mel RC (198
82) 'Charts for
f interpretiing wildlandd fire behavioor
characteristics.' USDA
Foresst Service, In
ntermountainn Research S
Station Reseearch Paper IINTRP-1
131. (Ogden
n, UT)
Proceedings of 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, October 25-29, 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA
Published by the International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Byram GM (1959) Combustion of forest fuels. In 'Forest fire control and use'. (Ed. KP Davis).
(McGraw-Hill Book Co.: New York)
Heinsch FA, Andrews PL, Kurth LL (2009) Implications of using percentiles to define fire
danger levels. In 'Proceedings of 8th symposium on fire and forest meteorology,'13-15
October, Kalispell, Montana. (American Meteorological Society: Boston)
National Wildfire Coordinating Group (2006) 'NWCG Fireline handbook appendix B: Fire
behavior.' National Interagency Fire Center, PMS 410-2 and NFES 2165, (Boise, ID)
Rothermel RC (1972) 'A mathematical model for predicting fire spread in wildland fuels.' USDA
Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Research Paper INT-115. (Ogden, UT)
Rothermel RC (1983) 'How to predict the spread and intensity of forest and range fires.' USDA
Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station General Technical Report INT-143. (Ogden,
Rothermel RC (1984) Fire behavior consideration of aerial ignition. In 'Workshop: prescribed
fire by aerial ignition'. pp. 143-158. (Intermountain Fire Council: Missoula, Montana)
Rothermel RC (1991) 'Predicting behavior and size of crown fires in the northern Rocky
Mountains.' USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Research Paper INT438. (Ogden, UT)
Thomas PH (1963) The size of flames from natural fires. In 'Proceedings, 9th international
symposium on combustion'. Ithaca, NY pp. 844-859. (Academic Press)
Wade DD, Lunsford JD (1989) 'A guide for prescribed fire in southern forests.' USDA Forest
Service, Region 8 Technical Paper R8-TP 11. (Atlanta, GA)